My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1545: For survival

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Good, great, Chu Chu has already begun to refine the source, and when it is fully refined in the future, he will be able to dominate this universe. At that time, our strength is enough to deal with the virtual world."

"Yes, now, as long as the Mo family is destroyed."

They saw hope, enough hope to make them turn over, otherwise, even if they could survive the disaster of the Mo family, there would still be virtual creatures behind.

"Mo Yutian, you will die, the Mo family has given up on you, your life and death, but just before I waited."

Mo Yutian, three people, no blood on his face.

Chu Yi smiled and said, "You guys, this time the forces of the Mo family will probably not give us time. This war will definitely be set off in a short time, and we have to defend."

Tianlin Immortal calmed the atmosphere and emphasized: "The Mo family has occupied Dongtian, the area where the Lei family is located."

"It is useless for them to enter our universe. They need to transform our universe into their universe, and our origin, into their origin. This requires two conditions."

"The first condition is to reduce the number of powerful people in our universe as much as possible. They kill our powerful people and deprive us of a large amount of energy in our universe. As a result, our universe as a whole is declining."

"The second condition is to win the source."

"When the number of our strong men drops to a certain level, their origins can start to win."

"The fewer the strong of our side, the weaker the source. A fairy king and a fairy host carry too much energy, so everyone should be careful not to die easily."

Everyone nodded.

The other party will be considered successful only if both conditions are met, so the Mo family will carry out a crazy massacre.

And killing a fairy king, a fairy master, is much more energy than killing hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures.

"Our large forces gathered in the land of Northern Cang that year, waiting for their appearance."

"Yan Luoxianwang, please trouble you later to contact your friend and let him know Xianfan Temple."

"This is our killing trick... As for you, this battle will not end in this way, so King Yan Luoxian, your refining of the origin of the matter, must not be disclosed."

"Everyone, this is an extremely difficult battle. Those who participate in the battle must at least reach the level of the fairy king. All the supremes can only be used as logistics. Below the supreme, there is no need to participate."


"Go ahead and prepare..."

The main hall disappeared without a trace, and many fairy lords and kings also returned to their respective territories.

However, the whole universe has already begun to move, and more and more monks are gathered at the site of the Universiade.


The land of the East Heaven is full of thunder, but the thunder that year was now a blood thunder, as if mourning the demise of a huge force.

Three figures appeared in the **** sea of ​​thunder.

"The King of Thousand Tribes, Queen of Nine Demon..."

Buried Immortal Lord said slowly, his expression was rather dignified, Wan Jun thunder fell on his body, crackling.

The huge body of the Thousand Tribune Insects entrenched on a thunder column, the arthropod of that section exudes various runes, and in its body, there are endless zergs.

Insect King has bred everything. In its body, many Zerg groups are alive, accepting its unified leadership, and fighting extremely efficiently.

The Queen of Nine Demon chuckled, Thunder turned into a magnificent throne, and her enchanting figure sat on it.

In the void, there seem to be other powerful existences, and even three breaths, not weaker than them at all.

Hidden in the dark are all the lords.

"Two of you, you are leaders of your respective races. You should understand that this time, if we are unsuccessful, we will only be able to destroy ourselves, leaving us little time."

"According to intelligence, our universe has begun to enter the extinction phase. The King of the Nether Realm, whose injuries have improved, has left our universe and led some army to advance towards this side of the universe."

The void here is distorted, apparently because of the words of the Bone Immortal Lord, the emotions of everyone are affected.

The King of the Void Realm is comparable to the existence of the Immortal Emperor. At that time, the tribe of the barren was born a total of two Kings of the Void Realm, but because of the war, one fell and one was seriously injured.

Today, the seriously injured person has basically recovered, leading the army to occupy this side of the universe, leaving only a small part, and continue to nibble at the last source.

In this world, there was silence for a long time, and thunder thundered, but it was quiet and palpable.

"How long?"

"It takes about thirty years." Master Bianxian said, "Our universe has only thirty years left. After that, all creatures below the Supreme will be destroyed, even if we transform this into our own universe. "

A fairy lord is crying.

Not all celestial lords are unconcerned, and there is a huge family behind some celestial lords.

Those descendants, no matter how hard they try, will disappear if they can't reach the fairy lord.

Who can blame?

The void is vast, and one universe after another is born. The vast universe also consumes the power of the void.

So there are creatures in the virtual world to eat the universe.

Everything is a law in the dark, unfortunately, they are very unlucky, and their own universe was discovered by the imaginary creatures.

"It takes at least fifty years for the creatures of the virtual world to arrive. We have used ten years to destroy the creatures in this universe, and forty years to develop our own strength. Although it is urgent, it is not There is a way."

"At least, there is still a glimmer of hope. If someone becomes an emperor, the hope is even greater."

"After all, this group of imaginary creatures are not as powerful and unmatched as they were."

Their situation is actually worse than Chu Yi guessed.

"You guys, cheer up. For our hometown and survival, we can only fight hard."

Buried Immortal Lord shouted, the endless thunder, a bang, deafening.

"Thousand Tribulation Insect King, your family, besides you, there is a peak fairy lord, the rest, there are twelve fairy lord level combat power."

There are not many Zerg celestial masters, because of the structural problems of the Zerg, many Zergs are controlled by the Thousand Insect King, so in terms of overall combat power, they are extremely powerful.

"Your Zerg's strategy is more effective against the giants. In this universe, the giants are also a large race. Each giant group has a total of eight immortals, as well as countless peak fairy and ordinary fairy kings."

"They are infinitely powerful, and you need to rely on you to suppress them." Immortal Lord Bone Obviously knows Chu Yi's side very well.

"Queen of the Nine Demons, your family, there are also two peak fairy lords, ordinary fairy lords, a total of thirty."

"You are responsible for dealing with the beasts of this universe."

"Simple." The Queen of Nine Demon nodded.

"There are the rest of the Buddhism..." Lord Bianxian looked at the dark void.

There are amazing breaths everywhere, extremely terrible, not the level of Immortal Lord, it is difficult to come here.

"A total of 139 people, you, go to deal with the remaining immortals, or kill the immortal king on their side."

"My Mo family, there are twenty celestial lords, adapt at random."

At this moment, they finally showed their strength, more than two hundred fairy lords, six peak fairy lords, enough to suppress everything.

"However, don't be careless. Our advantage is the fairy master, but our disadvantage lies in the fairy king."

"Because of the fight against the creatures in the virtual world, it is very difficult for the fairy kings to survive, and it is extremely easy to die. Our fairy kings are few and few. one thousand."

Too few!

This is an intermediate fault.

Those who can survive can almost become fairy lords in the future.

"And here is their territory. They have a way to rely on a large number of fairy kings and magical instruments to drag the fairy master and make up a huge amount to make up for the quality gap."

Everyone focused their heads.

Buried Immortal Lord looked into the vast universe, and behind him, an interplanetary cruise ship took off.

"For survival, for hometown, for fellow citizens!"


Every celestial lord falls on an interplanetary cruise ship. This is a terrible weapon that can defend and attack.

"End battle once!"

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