My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1547: Roasted Worm

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Jiu Lao took a sip of hard liquor, and then stopped.

Many fairy lords wiped a cold sweat, and dared not quit, but this is a legendary figure who competed with the fairy emperor.

Suddenly, Jiu Lao looked to the distance, and everyone followed his gaze, only to see the vast void, instantly illuminated by his eyes.

In the depths, a nebula filled over, but if you look closely, it is hundreds of huge interstellar cruise ships like stars.

"Although the forging technology of the other party's universe is different from ours, it is definitely not simple. It even incorporates our technology. In terms of warships, we are afraid that we will lose money and can only make up for it."

The huge fleet was fan-shaped and slowly spread out.

The mass of those interstellar cruise ships is too large, causing time and space distortions, and even the material space cannot be fully carried, and can only fall into the void.


Jiu Lao waved his hand, and the wine gourd in his hand turned into a flying weapon.

"Let's go too!"

"The rest of the people are ready to fight at any time, the formation of the formation, the preparation of the implement..." Tianlin Immortal Lord did not go, he needed command.

In this war, they have an advantage.

Because their side, compared to the other side, is not in a hurry, so the other side will come directly, so that they occupy a geographical advantage.

Some powerful arrays that cannot be moved can be set in advance and are controlled by the strong level of the fairy king.

Chu Yi, the Lord of the Earth, and the three masters of the Mu Mansion stood on top of a huge star warship. The forging technique of this warship was the same as that of the Dayun Mansion.

Opposite, the Bone Immortal Lord, the Nine Demon Queen and the Thousand Robbers King came out of the darkness.

"The three, met again, but I didn't expect that you would be so impatient. It seems that the time of your universe's demise will be shortened a bit. If we try hard to defend for three or fifty years, you may be afraid of yourself. Cool it." Chu Yi smiled.

"Yan Luoxian King, why bother to attack your heart, you know, this is useless to us."

Buried Immortal Lord said coldly, "And, in a huge universe, the Immortal Lord does not come forward, even if you let a fairy king speak here, you should surrender as soon as possible."

Jiu Lao also looked at Chu Yi with surprise. He was just awakening and was not clear about Chu Yi's situation. He was even wondering why such an important place would let a fairy king speak.

"Several, before the war, let's give you some gifts first."

As soon as Chu Yi thought, he saw Mo Yutian, Mo Ditian, and Mo Invincible in front of him. Three voices appeared instantly.

The three of them knelt on the ground, extremely embarrassed, and had long since been abolished for cultivation. At this moment, in addition to being physically tough, the rest were more fragile than ordinary people and could not even speak.


Mo Yutian's expression moved, but he saw the sword flash, blood splattered, and three human heads rolled to the ground, floating in the universe.

"Three heads, please accept it." Chu Yi said casually.

"it is good!"

"Yen Luoxian King is domineering."

On the side of Chu Yi, the morale is great, while on the opposite side, it is gloomy.

Especially Mo Yutian, when he saw that some of his most beloved descendants now fell to such a level, he was frightened.

"I see it. I don't even care about my own people. I can imagine how indifferent and cruel the Mo family is. Once you have won, the Mo family will also try to do everything possible to kill all your other powerful people." Chu Yi provoked.

"In front of life and death, there is so much care." Queen Nine Demon smiled enchantingly.

She is also angry, and the other party's behavior is tantamount to beating her face badly, and it is a blow to her morale.

"Weak, ignorant, this time when we come, we have to breathe and wait for you to solve it!"

The sound of the Thousand Tribune King buzzed, it was a human face, and it looked extremely dissonant with the huge insect body.

However, in their view, it is not impossible to solve each other at once, but it has to pay some price.

Only now they are pressed for time, and only so.

The insect king suddenly opened his mouth and walked out of his mouth.

"It's you!"

"Master Qinglei, traitor!"

In the main hall, many celestial masters saw this, and each one was very angry.

Feng Leixian's face was tangled.

Qinglei Immortal Lord is the patriarch of their Lei family, but when the Lei family was attacked, the Qinglei Immortal Lord chose to surrender. This is definitely a huge shame for them.

Even if it is dead, you cannot surrender!

"Uh, a generation of pinnacle lord, reduced to slavery, which is really gratifying." The King of Tribulation Insect deliberately stimulated, "However, we did not imprison the blue thunder lord, on the contrary, we gave him the treatment of general lord."

"Give up, if you surrender and make a contract, we will let you go."

This is what they most want to see. In this way, there will be no loss on one's own side, and it can increase a lot of strength. In the future, it will be much easier to deal with the virtual world.

"Little bug, you have to fight if you want to, you are too much nonsense." Di Ye said angrily.

"Since this is the case, let's go to war." The King of Tribulation smiled, gloomy.

"Master Qinglei, it's really interesting for you to start the battle between the two sides."

Qinglei Immortal complexion is extremely complex, he is a bit greedy and afraid of death, but he does not want to face such a situation.

His eyebrows are all blue, and he has a thunder drum. This is a pinnacle fairy, with extraordinary strength. It is also a huge pressure for Chu Yi.

This time, it was Chu Yi's turn and they were suppressed.

"Everyone, I can't help it, you still surrender." Lord Qinglei slowly came out.

"Go!" Di Ye snarled.


In the main hall, huge warships began to take off. Above the warships, there were many powerful masters and immortal kings.

"A few dozen fairy lords, dare to fight against us.

Immortal Lord ordered, in an instant, on an interplanetary cruise ship, all the immortals came out, terrible coercion, overwhelmingly crushed, and there were several cousins ​​of the peak immortals.



"More than two hundred fairy lords!"

Even Chu Yi was frightened.

He speculated that the opponent should have one hundred and fifty celestial lords, but in fact, the number of celestial lords of the other party far exceeded his own prediction.



At this moment, each section of the Thousand Tribulation Insect King began to glow, and a rune was like a portal. From inside, it flowed into countless insect swarms.

The swarm swept across a star, and the star was gnawed away in a flash.

Those insect swarms, the weakest, have Yuanying Realm, the strongest, and the existence of the level of Immortal Lord.

More and more insect swarms are spreading, neatly moving, with a clear division of labor, like a huge interstellar corps, enough to exert the power to horrify the immortals.

"This little bug is really terrible. We have a small number of pinnacle lords on their side. They have seven pinnacle lords, three of them are blocked by the old wine, and there are four left. Then we will divide eight lords. Go to intercept." Earth Master bit his teeth.

The number of opposing celestial masters far exceeded their expectations, which made them too passive.

"Old wine, please trouble to intercept the wolf demon, and the worm with three heads."

Chu Yi suddenly said, these two, are the pinnacle lord.

"In addition to a Blue Thunder Lord, these three people, I will give it to you."

"It's just a trifle!"

The wine boss laughed loudly, his figure was illusory like a ghost, he took a sip of wine, and then screamed, suddenly burst into the red sea of ​​fire.

The sea of ​​fire swept in the direction of the Zerg, and in a flash, a large group of Zerg was burned.

Jiu Lao took a deep breath, and the countless Zerg corpses were swallowed into his mouth, chewed, and rattled.

"Yes, grilled bugs, the taste is still pretty good, just as my appetizer."

"Who is this?!"

"Their pinnacle lord?!"

Buried Immortal Lord and others were stunned. This man was still unimpressed, but his sudden shot was shocking. You know, the insect swarm of the insect king is not so good to deal with.

"There is only one pinnacle fairy left in their universe, so powerful?" The Thousand Tribulation King wondered.

"I don't know. I saw it for the first time. His strength is probably better than me." The Bone Bone Master was also shocked.

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