My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1548: The flames

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The bone buried fairy has been exploring this rumored peak fairy for a long time, but there is no news.

However, after eradicating the rest of the pinnacle lords, he was relieved, where did he think that this most mysterious pinnacle lord had such fighting power.

"Little bug, come on, see if you are suitable for roasting!"

The old and the old Jiu Xiao, the messy beard surging in the air, and then grows insanely, and attacks the three headed worm.

The three-headed worm king is a pinnacle fairy lord, the most powerful creature bred by the king of robbers.

Its shape is not exaggerated. The three heads are also printed with strange faces, a body like black gold casting, densely covered with large and small pimples, and rolling venom inside.

The huge body shook it violently, and a large amount of venom vaporized at the same time, filling the void.


Jiu Lao's hair spins wildly like a vortex, and the hair is sharper and harder than the fairy artifact.

After passing through the other party's venom, it directly hit the body of the three-headed king.

"One is not enough, plus two."

Jiu Lao's wine gourd was thrown in the direction of the wolf tiger demon. This wine gourd grew bigger and bigger in flight. When approaching the other party, it was already comparable to a lunar sun star.

The wolf tiger demon was a beast in the upper body, and a man in the lower body.

"Old man, you are alone, are you going to stop the two of us, is it wrong?"

The same as the peak fairy, their strength will definitely not be much worse than that of the old wine, after all, this is already the limit before the fairy emperor.

"You are wrong, not two, but three, little traitor, come here."

The wine boss showed his magical power, and his eyes fell into the thunder, which turned into a thunder jiao and trapped the blue thunder lord.

"Look at your thunder, or the old man's thunder."

Sister Qinglei had to resist.

In an instant, the four pinnacle celestial lords have already opened the killing ring.

"One person, blocking three of us..." Lord Bone Bone whispered.

"The strength of this old man is too simple. Only half a step away, he will become an emperor. Fortunately, he has neither an emperor nor his luck."

The Nine Demon Queen narrowed her eyes.

"However, even if he trapped three people, we still have four pinnacle lords."

The four pinnacle lords, together with hundreds of lords, are all their strength, and they can fight against the imaginary creatures, enough to wipe out everything.


"Got it, every time my children are used as cannon fodder and buried bone celestial lord, you can get compensation in the future." The King of Tribulation is slightly dissatisfied.

It was so large that mortals couldn't see the marginal body shining again, and the wormy scalp-like insect tide suddenly fell like a black waterfall.

They spread, almost all over the front.

"One thousand kinds!" Chu Yi's eyes stunned, and immediately transmitted to the hall.

"There are a thousand kinds of insects in total, and it is worthy of being the king of thousands of insects. Each body of the robber is born with an ethnic group."

Chu Yi frowned, the other party was not large because of the year-round battle, but the insect king's hand made up for a lot of things.

"They are to inspire our formation!"

"You can only use the formation method, otherwise these Zerg forces will come in and it will be a huge trouble."

Celestial Master Immediately issued orders, and his thoughts communicated to all the monks present, and in a moment, he could communicate his orders.

"Induce the first set of formations!"

"It's an exaggeration, I'm all creepy." Xia Houcheng hugged himself.

"It is endless, each one is at least Yuanying level, and within a group, there is also a little insect king, responsible for receiving more advanced commands."

He Feng said, "And the King of Thousands of Insects, each of the groups that have been bred, has its own function. It can move and merge together. It is even more terrible. It treats these insects as our mysterious lines and can change the combination at any time. , Forming a terrible formation effect."

A wave of insects came to this side.

Those insects have mouths on their abdomen, no eyes, like headless flies, and venom dripping from their tails, which looks extremely disgusting.

The buzzing sound rang and everyone's scalp tingled.

"Open the battle!"

Japanese breeze command.

Dozens of people landed in different directions, and a huge formation lit up, with red flames flashing on the surface of the formation, turning into a fierce beast, engulfing the flying insects.

They are on the fringe and are not affected by insects.

"Don't waste the energy of the formation, just defend for a while, and find the most powerful one among them. After the killing, this group of bugs will also be chaotic." In the eyes of Hefeng, the pattern flashed.

Niuniu looked around and seemed to feel that there was no danger for the time being. She quietly slipped to the edge of the formation, stretched out her hooves, and poked out.


It hurts, and pulled back quickly, but saw a piece of meat missing from its ox's hoof, and the venom was spreading rapidly, and the blood veins burst out, showing purple.

"What a terrible poison!" Wang Ying quickly helped suppress the toxins. Although he was not a pharmacist, Feng Shui also involved in this aspect.

"The venom of a Yuanying-class bug makes the Supreme feel terrified."

"You guys, be careful."

They looked worriedly at the Central War, which is already here, and one can imagine how fierce there will be.


The tribe of the Thousand Tribune Insects loomed, and countless magical powers fell on the formation.

The stars roared and the formation was swaying. In many places, the second formation had to be opened.


Suddenly, hundreds of interstellar cruise ships on the other side fired in unison, and the artillery fire that could instantly annihilate a star field came like a tide.

At the same time, on Chu Yi's side, countless warships also opened fire.

A fiery red light collided with the white light, and in a flash, the world lost its sound.


A huge worm like a dragon suddenly flew out of the explosion, and the dark body rushed towards Chu Yi.


Chu Yi came out with a sword, and a huge sword fell on the opponent's body, cutting a wound.

"Do you specialize in cultivating the insects of the flesh, the fighting power of the fairy king level is so powerful!"

Obviously, not all the bugs bred by the King of Thousand Insects are all cannon fodder, and some of them are really strong and very spiritual.

Earth Lord was also attacked, and a huge group of bugs rushed towards him.

His shoulder pole was extremely flexible, and he slapped every worm.


Pig Bajie shouted and flew up. The small body grabbed a big worm and pulled his hands apart, breaking it directly.

In terms of strength, Zhu Bajie is absolutely extremely powerful.

"It's just a strong body, but this is an appetizer." Di Ye frowned.

Suddenly, there was an immortal master across from him, manipulating the magic weapon and approaching them.

At the same time, many fairy kings also manipulate arrays and weapons to carry out long-range attacks.

"More than two hundred fairy lords, big trouble is coming!"


Looking at the resistance of the enemy, the Queen of Nine Demon continued to frown: "It is stronger than we thought. It seems that this time, they forced them to take out the baby under the box and buried the bones. You seem to have something to them. Miscalculated."

Buried Immortal Master said: "It is underestimated and normal. These forces have passed on for a long time, especially the Universe Administration. No one except Heavenly Immortal Master knows how much they have accumulated."

"I haven't even seen these formations."

"The ones in front are just temptations. Don't forget that just two hundred celestial lords is enough to decide victory or defeat."

"However, in my opinion, it is better not to press them together. They are deadly resistant. Our fairy lord, at least dozens of them, but if they are made to feel a little desperate, their desire to fight slowly. Declined, maybe we can still conquer some fairy lords."

The King of Thousands of Insects suggested, "You guys, we must know that our ultimate enemy is the imaginary creatures, and the gang of guys are the most terrible."


"With our power, it is too difficult, too difficult to deal with the imaginary creatures. At most, it depends on this universe and delays time, but if there are more than fifty or sixty fairy lords, then we have a chance to win."

Buried Immortal Lord smiled and looked forward.

In his eyes, no matter how the opponent resisted, it was nothing but bluff, because he did not find any chance of winning.

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