My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1574: sneak into

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"It's near, you can't take the warship anymore, it's easy to be found!"

In the void, Chu Yi and his party stopped on a star somewhere.

Chu Yi, Feng Jingxian, Lei Huang, Huo Tianshuang, and Si Yan, all of whom are newcomers, have gained many benefits during this emperor's years, and their strength has grown rapidly.


Several people looked into the distance, and the huge nest exuded an intoxicating breath, which was perfect from any aspect.

"Although those imaginary creatures are extremely ugly, one must say that this lair is a work of art, and the mystery involved in it may be comparable to the origin of the universe."

A virtual individual, a single individual, can be comparable to the universe, and the life level of each virtual creature is higher than theirs.

So what they make is naturally different from Chu Yi and others.

Different levels of life, naturally different eyes, and the things they touch are even more different.

Like Feng Jingxian and others, although they are all arrogants of heaven, they are powerful enough to kill even high-level imaginary creatures, but they can only be confused by their appearance when they look at the huge nest.

But Chu Yi, but can see the inscriptions contained therein, those complex void profound meaning.

It stands to reason that Chu Yi can only be seen after he became an emperor, but who let him begin to refine his roots at this time.

"It's very beautiful." Chu Yi muttered. He looked at these secret patterns as if he were looking at an invincible method, and even the deeper mysteries in it were more complicated than the invincible method, but he couldn't see through it.

"If I stay here for a long time, I have a hunch that Chengdi is not a problem at all. Unfortunately, there is no time."

The huge nest slowly flows, and the tentacles below the roots are larger than the stars, rooted in the universe and draw energy.

It can be seen by the naked eye, but not by Shen Nian, which is also the weirdness of the nest.

"How to get in?" Feng Jingxian frowned. Although he couldn't see any guard patrol, obviously, this place was not simple.

"This depends on the invincible method of my Huo family."

Huo Tianshuang's physical body is very special. His physical body is hidden in the Taoist Mansion. What is exposed is the body formed by Divine Thought.

"Hundred ghosts!"

"My Huo family's invincible method can cover all the breath of life, as long as it is not as strong as the wilderness and Harris, it will not be able to spy on our tracks."

"I'll leave it to me after entering." Si Yan smiled somberly.

"My fighting power is not the strongest among you, but when it comes to various means, it is definitely the most."

"After entering, we are bound to fight, it is easy to expose, and this time, before the war, I will lower the altar of life and death."

"On the altar of life and death, no movement will affect the outside. You can fight with confidence."

Chu Yi has seen several invincible methods and naturally trusts in his heart.

Although the other party's life level is higher than them, the invincible method is a method that is infinitely approaching in the void, and it is almost the same as some powerful methods in the void.

This is also the reason why invincible methods are scarce.

"This time, try to kill the high-level imaginary creatures, and according to the information given by the Nine Demon Queen, under the staff of Harris, one million imaginary creatures are divided into ten teams. Each team has two leaders. This is our goal. Of course, the most important goal is Harris."

"Also, if there is nothing, try to keep him alive." Chu Yi's pupil flashed.

"I see." Feng Jingxian nodded.

Chu Yi exhaled, and it was still convenient to get along with smart people.

It's really awkward.


Huo Tianshuang closed his eyes. His condensed body became more transparent, and it continued to expand. After a while, he wrapped the body of Chu Yi and others.

"Xin Hai is mixed with Shen Nian, which is really magical..." Chu Yi sighed.

"You are gone, don't send out the wave of mindfulness, otherwise I will be difficult to control."

His body returned to normal size, and then slowly merged into the void.

Calmness was restored here, but after a long time, a few sneaky figures also fell on this star.

Mysterious turtle sniffed with his nose and said, "Yes, they disappeared from here, but I can't find their breath anymore, I guess I went in with the secret method."

"In other words, I am a black turtle, engulfed the blood of Xuanwu, and evolved into a black turtle, how can you treat me as a dog."

"Almost." The fat man waved his hand.

"How can it be similar, right, let you dead fat man come and sniff, you are the only human here, we are all fierce beasts, you are alien." Xuangui squeezed.



It suddenly looked into the distance, a huge nest, exuding a charming glory.

"Yeah, without any flaws, is this the lair of the ethereal creatures..."

The white fox and the sword worm both sighed.

The people calmed down. It seemed that this lair had extremely terrible magic power to calm them down.

"Bah, ah, we're here to destroy him." Niuniu shook her head. "It's beautiful, it's dangerous for us."

"Brother Chu's purpose is to kill those leaders, and our purpose is to completely destroy this den." The fat man was confident.

"Destroy!" Zhu Bajie said excitedly.

"Yes, this is our goal this time." Swordworm was confident.

"Ji Jie... In this way, my dark flame demon will leave a thick stroke in history."

The white fox rolled his eyes and asked, "If I don't say how to destroy it, I will ask you, how do I get in?"

"This nest is completely shielded from Shennian. It cannot be detected. It can only be seen with the naked eye. For us, if we want to sneak in, the risk factor is too high."

"Yes, I haven't figured out how to get in." The sword worm touched his head.


"I have no choice."

"Or, Er Niu, come up with a solution?"

White Fox sneered.

Oh man!


Among the nests, in a huge cave, the buildings inside are all silver, and the surroundings are extremely smooth.

Famine came in from outside and saw Harris, sitting on a huge silver throne, wearing armor and closing his eyes.

This is how he communicates with his men to understand the situation of the universe.

And the weird mount was lying at his feet. When he saw something moving, he opened his eyes and grinned at the barren teeth.

"Harris..." Famine said.

Harris didn't answer. After a long time, he opened his eyes. The **** eyes were full of surly, and there was some impatience.

"Famine, why are you here?"

"Harris, I just want to tell you that your defense is too loose and must be strengthened."

"Famine, what are you afraid of? In this universe, apart from a swordman, none of them is in my eyes."

Harris seemed very dissatisfied with the wasteland: "Don't you know that my men have traveled a long distance, and it only took a year to get here quickly. They also sacrificed a lot because of the space storm. They were already tired. ."

"But, Harris, you also have to understand that the other party is likely to assassinate you and me."

"Assassination, are you kidding me? We have attacked several universes, and no creature ever dared to do so."

Famine emphasized: "Harris, assassination is their last way, they have no way to go, and only assassination is the most likely. If you die, the entire vanguard will collapse, even the nest Will be destroyed, and it will take a lot of time for Wang to enter."

"Enough, barren!"

Harris raised his voice, and his mount stood up, violent.

"I don't need your command, and I don't need to listen to your actions. The king trusts me, so I will hand it over to me, and you, apart from whispering wow, have nothing at all."

"If they come, then come, and I will kill them. It's hard."

"I still have things to do." Harris scared the guest.

Famine was annoyed.

"It seems that Wang is really embarrassed to me. After this universe, the tribe will become more powerful. It seems that Wang doesn't trust me too much and thinks that I am optional."

"It's really sad." Huang Leng laughed and dragged her body away.

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