My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1575: Assassination

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi and others walked in layer by layer in Huo Tianshuang's body along the void.

"What a terrible lair, every cave is extremely beautiful, and because the army has not arrived, many are empty."

Chu Yi said, "If the King of the Void Realm is coming, he must wait until the nest is completely stabilized, so this vanguard will come quickly."

"If we destroy the nest, we will naturally be able to delay the time for the King of the Netherworld to enter the universe."

This lair is so huge, it is still expanding, it is comparable to half the size of the fairyland.

"It's so big, then wait for battle, and the altar of life and death, then the chance of being found will be lower."

Huo Tianshuang fell on an empty plain and released Chu Yi and others.

The ground is dark red, potholes, and a faint light illuminates this world.

"There is water, there are mountains, there are basins, and in the cave, there are inhabitants of the virtual world."

"Millions of imaginary creatures are terrifying. At least they all single out the existence of fairy kings. Generally, fairy kings are in their hands.

Chu Yi looked around and determined the lower position first.

"We can't cause too much movement, and once they are discovered and not silenced, it will be very troublesome."

Faced with millions of imaginary creatures, maybe they can still escape, but the horror is that this is the enemy's nest, who knows what weird means.

"Twenty senior generals, this is our goal, and each one is comparable to the peak fairy."

"We can only sneak attack, or trap them on the altar of life and death, let me kill."

A trace of coldness flashed in Chu Yi's eyes.


Several people moved forward quickly.

The layout of the nest is regular, and how powerful the imaginary creatures are. On their own ground, no one would think that anyone would dare to come in so boldly.

In a huge cave, huge phantom creatures, with a belly on it, seemed to be sleeping soundly.

His back was covered with hair, and his head was a little thin compared to his huge body.

On him, an earthworm-like parasite was wriggling.

In this cave, there is even more smoldering gas. Obviously this is a virtual creature who doesn't like cleanliness.

"It's finally over. Report every few days. It's really annoying. It's better to fight."

Warren sat up, with no eyes on his face, only a huge mouth.

A fat tongue was spit out of his mouth, covered with strips of tongue worms, which seemed to be his senses, capable of receiving information from the outside world.

"Having been on the road for so long, I almost died in the void. I have to restore my strength as soon as possible, otherwise I will be challenged by the little cubs below, without the position of general, it is too shameful."

He began to devour the energy in this universe.

"Comfortable, it's really comfortable, or the energy in the universe is delicious. If you can eat the souls of this universe, it will be even more delicious."

Valen drooled.

"But I heard that the origin of the universe is even more delicious. Unfortunately, that's the king's food, hey..."

Valen licked his tongue, and suddenly he jumped up instinctively, only to see that he was no longer in the cave, but was in a huge altar.

The altar was lit with black and white candles, and 108 huge pillars were guarded, emitting a weird breath.


"The breath of food!"

His eyes, locked firmly in one direction, saw Chu Yi and others on the pillar.


An extremely terrible energy erupted from Valen's body. The energy was like a vortex, making the whole altar filled with black waves and crumbling.


"It's a terrible breath. I feel that my energy is being swallowed up by him, and I can't stop it at all." Si Yan's face changed drastically, and just with a roar, he almost lost his mind.

He is one of the top ten players in the Star Wars. Now that he has become an immortal master, his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, and he has an invincible method.

"Such terrifying power is more powerful than those of the peak immortals who buried the bone immortals. I am afraid that the individual strength is only worse than that of the old wine."

"No wonder, the intelligence is low, the strength is so strong, and his life span does not seem to be more than ten thousand years old. This is the power obtained by sacrificing intelligence."

Chu Yi exclaimed, and there are many existences like Valen in the entire virtual world.

"Brother Chu, let's go first. This time, you are mainly to deal with Harris, so you don't have to waste energy in these places. If we can't really deal with it, then you will get it."

Lei Huang took the lead and Thunder Hammer shot out.

His attack was not chaotic, but had his own rhythm. The thunder hammer wrapped around the thunder suddenly rose into the eyes that thunder condensed.

Those thunder eyes opened, the attack power doubled.


"Food... Haha, I'm really lucky in Warren. I don't have to go out and I can eat the food. In this way, I won't violate the order of Lord Harris."

"The food at the celestial master level must be delicious."

Facing Lei Huang's attack, Valen just dashed past.

The huge arm slammed into the thunder hammer, and Lei Huang's face immediately changed, and his body flew out.

He stepped heavily in the air, and then kept increasing his speed.

Thunder stimulated his flesh, making him faster and faster.

"Lei Huang's physical body is already strong, and even with the method, he was easily repelled by the opponent."

"The level of life of the imaginary creatures is too high. Our coercion is difficult to have an effect on him. Lei Huang can't deal with it alone, and I go to help."

Feng Jingxian turned into a flaming phoenix, and shot down towards the bottom.

"I assist you with the mysterious mythology. The imaginary creatures have no spiritual thoughts, but there are also virtual stones, but the truth should be the same." Huo Tianshuang said.

Three people, besieging a virtual creature.

"Although the strength is weak, the fighting instinct is too terrible. This imaginary creature has no magical powers, but the flesh alone is enough to block many powers. His own strength is already invincible." Chu Yi lamented.

The opponent is fighting out of the war. The fighting skills make up for the deficiencies in IQ.


Varen yelled, grabbed Feng Nixian's Nirvana fire with one hand, and swallowed it into his mouth.

The fat tongue rolled up.

"It's hot... delicious..."

He is like eating a piece of hot tofu.

"The weakness has been found. There is a wound on his back, which is deeper and has not healed."

"He had been extremely seriously injured not long ago!"

"You drag me first!"

Feng Jingxian was not surprised, she stood in the air, and the flames behind her were burning.

A moment later, behind her, an endless flame condensed a Sycamore tree.

Feng Jingxian stood under the plane tree, bathed in fire.

Chu Yi was a little surprised, feeling the terrible breath, feeling in his heart.

"It is worthy of being the proud daughter of heaven. This is probably the invincible method directly bred by the origin of the universe."

On the sycamore tree, there are a lot of leaves, which are extremely wonderful. Each leaf is condensed with the understanding of Feng Jingxian.

On those leaves, various inscriptions continue to emerge, and finally they are combined into different phoenixes.

Countless little phoenixes continue to collide together in the air and gradually merge to form a huge flame phoenix.

A terrible throbbing spread from the Phoenix, a loud cry, dancing with the Phoenix's slender neck for nine days.

"Dangerous food!"

Warren felt the crisis, he wanted to stop the phoenix, but at the same time, Lei Huang and Huo Tianshuang all used the invincible method.

To deal with powerful imaginary creatures, general methods are simply useless.


Phoenix, Thunder, and Shennian fluctuate, all erupting together, mainly with the flame Phoenix, directly tearing the wound on Warren.

The huge imaginary creatures were pierced and dying.

Chu Yi didn't move.

The crowd did not move.

They are waiting...

One minute, one hour, two hours...

There was still no movement outside.

"It seems that the structural model of the imaginary creatures is indeed different from the Zerg."

Chu Yi said, "The insect king can quickly know whether his subordinates are dead, but now it seems that the virtual world can't do this step, I am afraid they have another way, but this way, it is just like our universe. Again, it’s hard to find out if the other party is dead without checking."

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