My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1576: Showdown Harris

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"No problem, in this way, we have time to kill these generals." Chu Yi sighed with relief.

"And, looking at this, this vanguard arrived in just one year, I am afraid that it suffered a lot of injuries." Feng Jingxian inspected the wound of the corpse of the virtual realm.

The wound hidden in the back was injured by the Netherstorm.

"No wonder the defense here is so oversight that they are reluctant to fight us. I am afraid most of the reasons are that they have been hit hard."

Lei Huang said in a deep voice: "Void is mysterious, I heard that there is a stronger existence than the creatures of the void, they are rushing so quickly, and the injury is also certain. This is our opportunity."


"We took the opportunity to kill more, as much as we could. They lost so many high-ranking generals and there will be some internal turmoil."

Several people were hiding in the dark while observing the terrain here.

Chu Yi watched silently, the deeper he saw the more secret patterns in his eyes.

These secret patterns are not static, but creeping, changing all the time, and to his surprise, they are able to create themselves according to their needs.

"The whole lair is not like dead things, it's like life."

The more you watch, the deeper Chu Yi feels.

He simulates these mysterious lines in the small world in his body, but only feels that if the small world is to come alive, the dense sword energy, upon impact, seems to be combined into a new mysterious pattern.

"It's terrible. I just felt a vigorous vitality just by simulating. The level of this nest is probably comparable to the origin of the universe."

For three years, Chu Yi and others walked away and continued to kill.

But the positions of the high-ranking generals are too tight. They are too difficult to find. Sometimes they find some powerful virtual creatures and they kill them.

"In three years, we have killed two high generals. In this way, the task has not been completed. I am afraid that the army of imaginary creatures has arrived."

Huo Tianshuang frowned.

In the past three years, their strength has grown rapidly, because everything here, although restrained, can kill powerful virtual world creatures, and many mysteries in their bodies have been exposed.

Several people continue to observe and learn and become more powerful.

"It's not a way to go on like this. You continue lurking and assassination. If you are not sure, you will immediately escape, and I will go to Harris." Chu Yi said.

"we can only do this."

"Ah, I'm dead!" In a cave, sword worms were filled with daggers.

They trapped a powerful virtual creature in the Xianfan Temple.

When it comes to fighting alone, or even fighting head-to-head, the imaginary creatures are very powerful, but when it comes to tricks, they lack a lot.

This is also the balance of the void, otherwise, all the creatures of the void in the void have the general human IQ, then other creatures do not have to live.

"Come and worship me!"

"Sword Lord, you died so miserably!" Fatty, Dark Flame Demon, Black Turtle, White Fox and Niu Niu bowed down for a while.

From the body of the virtual world, an altar trapped his virtual stone.

However, this only requires that the creatures in the world are too powerful, and the flesh attracts the virtual stone, pulling it back and forth.


Pig Bajie flew a foot, kicking fiercely on the other side's virtual stone.

Immediately afterwards, the fat man started the lunar sun star and dropped a terrible beam.

It's over.

"Huh, I finally got it. It's really troublesome. He almost let his virtual stone return to the body. Fortunately, these virtual world creatures are too stupid to fight hard with us." The swordworm crawled up and slowly pulled his body away. Dagger on the board.

"Sword Master, it is not a way to go on like this. They have so many numbers, we don't know how long to kill..." Dark Flame Demon Road.

"I wanted to destroy this lair, but this lair is too horrible, like a living organ, full of vitality and mystery. I suspect that this lair is very likely to be part of the body of the virtual world king."

"It's too difficult to destroy the nest, so I can only go to Chu Chu."

"Xiao Wang Ba, smell it quickly and see which way Chu Chu is in."

Xuangui wanted to cry without tears: "Sword Master, you should let me smell no problem, but you can't hold Teacher Chu's socks..."

"Xiao Wang Ba Lao, there are so many farts."


In the empty hall, Harris breathed heavily, his mount lying lazily on the ground.

"In the past three years, the nest has completely stabilized, and my injury has almost recovered."

"It's really troublesome. There are too many void storms in the void. In order to hurry, I can only sacrifice a part. That **** wasteland requires me to strengthen arrangements. Doesn't he know that most of my soldiers have been seriously injured? "

"A shameless one who can only rely on his mouth to fight."

Harris looked down on the wasteland very much. In his eyes, strength was the fundamental. But the strength of the wasteland was at most a bit stronger than his generals, but he was able to sit on par with him. Even Wang often listened to the words of the wasteland.

"Three years, it's time to contact me again..." Harris closed his eyes.

Although he was a little dull, he was not stupid.

He made mental contact with his subordinates, but suddenly, something was wrong.


"Twenty high-ranking generals have actually died, and it seems that the enemy has invaded as the famine said."

"Is it the swordman?"

Harris stood up: "I did not go to him because my men were injured and very tired. Once the war started, even if the victory was won, the loss would not be small, and it would even weaken my vanguard troops in the tribe. majesty."

"But instead of looking for him, he came by himself. It was really lucky that he killed a swordman, but he was able to win Supreme King's award."

"Moreover, the origin of the universe belongs to the king, but the swordsman also has the smell of the origin in the body. I just can taste it."

The breath on him slowly spread out, which was attracting Chu Yi and went to him in person.

"Harris this guy!" Huang appeared instantly in the palace.

"Has an intruder?"

"Yes!" Harris just glanced at the wasteland.

"Then assemble the army and kill them directly." Famine urged.

"Why is it so troublesome?" Harris said in a relaxed voice.

"I released my breath and directly attracted the swordman to come over and kill him."

"Famine, do you think that I am not his opponent?"

Furious in his heart, in his opinion, there is no need for one-on-one heads-up, the efficiency is too low, and Lord Yan Luo, this person is too cunning, the strength is extremely strange, and the fusion of the source, it is easy to have accidents.

"Harris, don't blame me for not reminding you that he is very powerful and you might die."

"Haha, wild, you are too timid, you can watch here." Harris laughed.

"Harris, the wilderness is actually right, you may really be killed by me."

Chu Yi's figure slowly appeared in the hall. Since the other party did not cover up, he didn't need to keep hiding.

However, what pleased him was that Harris wanted to challenge him.

"The swordman, it really surprised me. You dared to break into my territory, but in order to respect you, I will kill you personally."

Harris looked at Chu Yi, the swordman, without a doubt, otherwise, this piece of the universe may change at any time.

His eyes were cold and surly, a little pervasive, making the whole hall extremely depressed.

"It's really powerful." Chu Yi sighed in his heart. Harris, the most powerful opponent he has encountered so far, was in front of Harris. I'm afraid it was really vulnerable.

"You have to die. As soon as you die, the entire vanguard force will be in chaos, and our cosmic life has a ray of life."


Chu Yi snorted.


Behind him, a red flame rose, and the flame soared into a hell.

Sword Reincarnation-Hell Road.

Hell Road is a field, in this field, there is a lot of karma, and all ghosts are entangled and hissed.

A series of karma and grudges pounced on each other.

"Swordman, you deserve my real strength."

Harris stomped fiercely on the soles of the feet. In an instant, from his body, endless darkness also broke out, squeezing Chu Yi's hell.

In the darkness, it seems that there is a demon crying, and the two major areas are constantly engulfing each other, keeping pace.

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