My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1580: The decision

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Desolately looking at the huge army, furious and angry, he will naturally not be afraid of this part of the virtual world, because they have a strict hierarchy.

Famine is high. In this tribe, it is a person who can be comparable to the four chiefs such as Harris. Under these Harriss, their IQ is quite low, and they are led by the rhythm. They are angry for a time.

But really want to kill the wasteland, these imaginary creatures naturally have no such guts.


Huang looked at Chu Yi, who had escaped away from the distance. He naturally knew that the few imaginary creatures were the creatures of this universe, put on their skins, and mixed into them.

Drinking in anger, a terrible mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows. This mark reflected on the sky, like the eyes of the emperor, overlooking the below.

All the phantom creatures immediately fell silent, crawling on the ground, shaking all over the body.

Speaking of strength, Huang may not be an opponent of only a few creatures, but his identity is really too special.

There is no coercion in the circulation of the brand, but the imaginary creatures know that this is their king, giving the mark of the desert.

With the exception of the king, no one can deal with the wasteland.

"This time, the trouble is big!" A bad hunch came to Famine's heart.

He was terrified. Harris was powerful. He knew it. After the breakthrough, Harris was even more incredible.

But he was still beheaded by Lord Yan Luo.

"Lord Lord Yan Luo is already stronger than Lord Chenhuo that year!"

"There are only two ways to kill him now."

"The first one, depending on the quantity, to kill him."

"Second, only Wang can come forward."

The newly arrived creatures like Harris did not pay much attention to Chu Yi, but Huang knew how terrible the other party was.

He watched Chu Yi grow up, thinking that he could control it with one hand, but the other party was completely out of his control.

"This growth rate is terrible. If you continue, you will really become an immortal emperor and a threat to our family."

"You must kill him!"

Famine uses unique methods to transmit sound to millions of imaginary creatures.


"Kill the swordman without letting him go, to avenge our leader."

The illusions of the imaginary realm are extremely unbearable. They followed the direction of Chu Yi's disappearance and quickly chased away.

"Although I can command them now, there are millions of imaginary creatures, and there are generals who are more powerful than me. If the king is not here, I am afraid they will just listen to it. ."

Shortage is a headache.

These virtual creatures, a little weaker, cannot communicate at all.

They are indeed strong, and there is no problem in rushing on the battlefield, but in terms of IQ, Huang feels blocked.

He didn't even dare to chase out, because Huang was not Chu Yi's opponent. Once he was attacked, there was no room to fight back.

"I knew that at the beginning, I would rather slowly break the seal, and should kill him in the first time in the fairy world, not give him time to grow up."

The lack of regret.


"Brother Yan Luo, we are now outside the lair. You just need to stick to it for a while, our army will soon come, as long as an hour!"

Emperor Lei is using a secret method, leaving a message.

It is difficult to communicate with the outside world here, the whole nest looks like another world.

"One hour..." Chu Yi looked back, and he frowned.

"I'm afraid I can't subdue these imaginary creatures with the power of waste, so they must rely on instinct to act."

"The number of pinnacle lords of our army is too small, and there are many here. Once fighting, the extremely crazy virtual world creatures will be desperate to destroy, then our casualties will be great."

"Mr. Chu, what are you doing?" The dark flame demon saw Chu Yi's eager expression and had a bad hunch.

"Go back and kill their generals as much as possible, this will also reduce the pressure on our side."

"If all their generals die, I'm afraid it will really become a mess." Chu Yi said excitedly.

"Kill back?" Xuan Gui shuddered. "That's a million army. Every single fight alone can kill me, not to mention, there are some, just breath can crush me..."

"Head down the tortoise, the son did not let you go."

"It's just..." Niu Niu's hooves stepped on the turtle shell.

"Among the millions of troops, taking the enemy's first rank, it is exciting to think about it, and they are not completely together."

The sword worm eagerly tried, "We just need to release a breath to separate the million troops, so that the pressure will be less."

"The Chu boy is responsible for killing, we are responsible for running away."

"With the ability of Chu Chuzi, as long as it is not the Emperor Emperor, or surrounded by large-scale masters, there will be no problems."

The sword worm decided, and immediately arranged everyone to go in all directions.

Chu Yi stood on a cliff.

"Famine, come out."

Mountain hunting, terrifying nests, exuding mysterious power, occasionally rising from the stone forest with a mysterious pattern, illuminating a world.

It was quiet all around and no one spoke.

Chu Yi just waited quietly...

It didn't take long for me to see the cliff in front of Chu Yi, and a stone suddenly appeared, and a shadow of barrenness appeared on the stone.

"Your strength has been restored, but you have become timid. You don't even dare to come out to meet me. Don't you really want to kill me." Chu Yi smiled, his tone was like chatting with an old friend .

"I really want to kill you, but I can't kill you, otherwise, I won't go to this step."

Desolate and gloomy, it seemed a little angry.

"Senior Yan Luo, how do you know that I will come to you?"

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "It's very simple, because your life is very difficult."

"Your intelligence is too high, it has caused your king's fear. Since you can design to kill a virtual king, why would you not kill another one."

"What's more, your king was also injured in the past, he was naturally afraid of you, but for some reason, he had to continue to use you."

"But this time, it's the real fire."

"Harris is dead, and it is under your eyelids, not to mention you understand that these millions of imaginary creatures can no longer be saved."

"Whether you are at fault or not, this matter will be your fault."

"And, we will not kill you, you will survive, then all the faults can only be borne by you. Maybe after the universe is destroyed, it is your turn to destroy it."

"You have no way back, you can only find me to cooperate."

The ghost image on the stone was silent for a long while, and finally nodded.

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, I counted you, and counted you from beginning to end. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't fall to this point."

"The death of the army of millions of imaginary creatures, and there is a leader. This is a huge loss for us. The king, indeed, will not spare me."

"So, I have to work with you."

Famine slowly said: "I can tell you the information of the entire tribe, and even tell you the weakness of the King of the Realm, inside and outside, to help you to kill the King of the universe."

"Of course, although I am interested in this universe, I will not stay."

"You can cooperate." Chu Yi smiled. "Now, let's clean up this million army first."

"it is good!"

"However, you must stay behind and fight me deliberately, severely wounding me, so that the King of the Void Realm will not be so skeptical of me." Huang immediately said.

"This is the data of some high-ranking generals in the million-strong army, and where they are now."

Famine took out a map, the map is changing at any time.

There are a few red dots, but they are senior generals.

"Famine, don't pretend to be wronged. In fact, we also use each other. You have long wanted to leave this tribe. Unfortunately, as long as the King of the Void Realm is alive, you will be subject to him."

"You are using our hands to eradicate him, of course, I am also happy to be successful." Chu Yi said.

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, don't be too happy. The King of the Nether Realm is a terrifying existence. This lair alone cannot be destroyed with your ability."

"It's very difficult to kill him, I can only help you weaken his strength as much as possible."

"However, if you don't become an emperor, you still have no hope."

Huang looks very painful, he is also fighting.

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