My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1581: Terrible strength

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, hateful, where is this guy?"

A virtual creature of the general level, looking around, was killed by the enemy on his own territory, which is definitely a shame.

With two heads in his head, Hill looked away, "There are so many breaths of life in the universe, that one is the abominable swordsman in the end."

Many virtual creatures rushed past.

Cosmic life attracted them, not to mention the other party killed their leader.

Hill was a little behind. Suddenly he had two heads, and saw a figure in front of him. Then, the surrounding space was completely blocked.


"You didn't run away. How dare you show up." Hill showed an ecstatic look.

"Kill you, tell the king, and I will become the leader of the new generation."

"I can kill your leader, not to mention you." Chu Yi sneered.

"I am indeed not your opponent, but I can completely break through the restraints here and cause movement, and then let my hands come down to kill you."

Hill shouted, "Swordman, you can't escape, there is no hope!"

In Hill's two heads, tentacles are like sharp thorns, and they suddenly grow out of their heads to pierce this area.

But the next second, he suddenly changed color.


"My attack is best at piercing, even the hardest metal will be pierced, not to mention only the boundary of the sword you condensed."

"The truth is right, you, Hill, are good at thrusting, but you still have a fatal weakness. Once contaminated with water, your attack power will be greatly reduced, and the enchantment I use is water light. Condensed into." Chu Yi chuckled.


"It really is him, he traitor!" Hill was very angry, but unfortunately he had no chance to spread the news.


The dreaded sword light came, and when the sword-mans met Hill's resistance, he took a slight pause and then quickly fell.

Hill, die!

Upon seeing this, Chu Yi nodded slightly and was quite satisfied with his current strength.

"My strength is even stronger than that of my ancestors of the year. I have refined the source and the power is incredible. It is no wonder that the Immortal Emperor is another level."

Although Chu Yi is still in the realm of the Immortal Lord, it is too easy for him to kill the Immortal Lord. He has a source in his body and can see the other's reality at a glance.

For these imaginary creatures, he is equally powerful.

"However, in the face of the King of the Realm, I still have no confidence. Forget it, I don't want to go ahead and continue hunting!"

As soon as Hill died, the vigilant creatures who were vigilant discovered all of them.

"General Hill is dead, definitely killed by the swordman."


"Swordman, don't think you can hide!"

The terrible creatures of the virtual world rushed past, but Chu Yi has gone far.

Without the leader, they were broken up and even chased down blindly.

"Don't go over all!" Famine appeared and yelled loudly, "You gather together, the swordman will not appear, you must make the swordman feel a little safer."

"Master Huang, your words make sense. We have blocked the periphery. He can only stay inside and keep fleeing, trying to break through us, but it is not a way to stay in this way for a long time. Once the universe is called, we will have a hard time." Kumon Very tall, and still looks a little IQ.

"Only by grasping the swordman can we negotiate with each other and drag our king to the arrival."

"General ranks, in groups of two or two, and the rest, at least a group of 1,000 people, so as to be prepared," Huang said.

His eyes flickered, it seemed that this was the best arrangement, but in fact, he was letting Chu Yi assassinate.

It is difficult for Chu Yi to kill the imaginary creatures in a group of thousands of people. Of course, Huang also never thought of letting Chu Yi kill.

Their goals are those generals.

Shortage has calculated Chu Yi's strength, at the current level of the other party, at the same time against two senior generals, and without leaking wind, there should be no problem.


"Kill the swordman and send a signal as soon as he finds it!"

Only the imaginary creatures left.

They have no control over this lair, so it is not easy to use some secret patterns, otherwise, it is too easy to kill Chu Yi.

"Cummon, I'll go find the swordman with you." Huang said.

"Okay, Master Huang, it's just that you have a noble identity. It's better to stand behind me once you meet."

Huang smiled, but he knew that the other party was mocking his own strength.

Speaking of strength, the shortage is weaker than the virtual creature in front of him.

This is a world respected by the strong, especially in the virtual world, strength is the first.

Countless creatures in the virtual world are constantly fighting and evolving. They want to climb to the upper level, but they can easily reach the upper level. Even then, his strength was much weaker than now.

Naturally, there are a lot of dissatisfaction of the imaginary creatures.

"Stupid guy, no matter how powerful it is, it hasn't been used by me. Harris is going to die, and the King of the Realm is going to die. I need freedom."

"The map has been updated, and Huang is really talking about doing it, in groups of two, dispelling the other's concerns."


"We can only kill the ring, if we don't kill them, we will be destroyed."

"It's not easy, my strength has risen to this point, there is hope to kill the King of the Virtual Realm, and there is help from the shortage..."

Will win... they will win.

His descendants, his parents, his wife and friends are all waiting.

Chu Yi will never let them live in a foreign country and live in fear in other universes.


"Crazy killing, I need to know more about the mysterious lines of the imaginary creatures!"

Every time a virtual creature was killed, Chu Yi took away the virtual stone in their body. Their virtual stone seemed to be the annual ring of a tree, recording a lot of information.


"What a terrible swing."

"The swordman is with us..."

Two virtual creatures at the rank of general are directly trapped in the sword realm.

Countless swordmans formed a storm, strangling them alive.

"Death to death..."

Chu Yi became more and more crazy.

"Do not!"

"The two high-ranking generals are not opponents of the swordmen, we must gather more."

The imaginary creatures reacted, but it was too late, and Chu Yi once again killed several groups, but none of them were found.

"Do not!"

"How could this be……"

The imaginary creatures panicked, and they instinctively felt fear.

In their eyes, Chu Yi is no longer a prey, much less like cosmic life, just like the other powerful creatures they encounter in the void, which makes them extremely intimidated.

"Good strength!"

"His strength is still improving, terrible guy." Huang's eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Chu Yi's figure appeared in front of Huang and Kumeng.

"Famine, I finally found you! Die!"

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, you are the **** right!" Huang Fei pretended to be angry.

"Sister Huang, you are standing behind me first, trying to contact the outside world, we can't be trapped here," Kumon said.


"Hurry up!"

"Be sure to rescue Chu Chu!"

A series of figures, rushed to break through the void, are a group of old fairy lords.

The earth's breath exploded, terrifying. He had broken through the shackles and reached the peak fairy.

There are also Tianlin Immortal Lord and Mu Fuzhu, both of whom have become the pinnacle immortal master in the past few years.

As soon as they heard the news, they couldn't sit still.

The army was behind them, but they couldn't wait to come first.

"Lei Xiaozi, Chu Xiaozi is still inside?" Di Ye asked Lei Huang and others outside the nest and asked quickly.

"He killed Harris, and is now being chased by millions of imaginary creatures, and he is still in the other's lair. We alone cannot enter," Lei Huang said.

"No, he is the only swordsman, and he will be rescued if he is desperate." Di Ye said strongly.

"No, I came out myself." Suddenly, the void in front was twisted, and a sword-man hole penetrated the space. Chu Yi appeared slowly with a few fat people.

"Everyone, Harris is dead, the wasteland is still alive, and there is one senior general left. I left it deliberately. All other senior generals have been killed by me, and the army can come and attack."

"All dead?" Chu Yi's words made several people stunned and stunned.

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