My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1582: Nest close up

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They naturally understand the strength of those imaginary creatures.

The most common one can be comparable to the fairy king, general level, all are pinnacle pinnacles, and pinnacle pinnacles and they alone will suffer losses.

The leader level, such as Harris, is able to destroy the existence of the pinnacle.

But Chu Yi, not only escaped from that terrible million army, but also killed a bunch.

"Mr. Chu, to what extent have you reached?" Lord Ye couldn't help asking.

Obviously, Chu Yi's state can no longer be measured by cultivation behavior.

Chu Yi said modestly: "I just realized some of the mysterious patterns of the creatures in the virtual world. With a new understanding, it may be stronger than the Lord Chenhuo."

"Is stronger than Chenhuo Xianzhu?" Tianlin Xianzhu is also ignorant.

"The Lord Chenhuo is the strongest person in the universe. He has reached the extreme in all aspects. If you integrate the source, you will be stronger than him, but I still don't believe that you can kill so many imaginary creatures. ..."

"Come on, Mr. Chu, have dealt with the old man, and the old man has become the pinnacle of the peak fairy, and his vitality has recovered a lot..."

"Senior, don't do it anymore... I'm afraid to kill you." Chu Yi touched his nose.

"Slay me?"

"If you are really powerful, it is a good thing for us, and I also need to assess your strength to arrange the next things."

There is some black hair on the head of Tianlin Immortal. After the breakthrough, his whole body is extremely spirited, his body breath has converged, and there is a sharp edge that the sword will be out of.

"This old man, full of confidence, even took a step earlier than me." Di Ye whispered, also eager to try, "When he tries to try me, I will try again."

Heavenly Immortal Lord breathed like a dragon breathing, and in a flash, he punched out suddenly.

His fist is just as strong as the sun, there is a righteousness, this fist appeared, even with the surrounding void, was dragged over.

"The combination of space and wind together, not right, and magic..."

Chu Yi smiled gently, his arm stretched out, and then gently held, everything around was still.

Celestial Master Lin felt that she was trapped in the void and could not move at all.

The breath in the void turned into a sharp sword, which was pressing against his skin like a man's back.

As long as he moved a little, he would definitely die.


"what happened?"

"I don't understand his attack at all."

Whether it was Feng Jingxian, or a few people, all of them were stunned.

"The level of life." Chu Yi unraveled the shackles and explained, "It is the difference in the level of life that leads to different secret methods."

"Emperor Lei, several of you should have seen the mysterious patterns in the bodies of the virtual world. You are also learning, but your learning is only on the surface, or it is wrong."


Chu Yi nodded and said: "The mysterious patterns of the creatures of the imaginary world were born in the void. They are higher than the life of the universe. You learn their mysterious patterns not directly, but use their secret methods , Acting on your own law."

"Indeed, this way, the power is increased, but in fact, you are converting the high-level secret lines to the low-level secret lines."

"You can't use it directly because the level of life is not enough, and I refined some of the origins. The level of life is the same as them and can be used naturally."

"So, even if it is the same level, you will not be my opponent."

A few people in Earth Lord are frustrated. The limitation of life level is one of the highest laws of the void. They are simply unable to change it.

"Void is fair, and there is a possibility of breakthrough in everything." Di Ye sighed. "Our cosmic life, if we want to break through, we must refine the origin of the universe, which is also a first-line vitality."

"Mr. Chu, you have done well enough. Over time, you will certainly be able to become an immortal emperor. In this war, our hope for victory is also growing."

"Although we cannot directly use the mysterious textures of the creatures of the virtual world, they can also be used to improve our methods..."

Di Ye looked at Chu Yi, full of hope.

It is even stronger than the Chenhuo Fire Lord. When the Supreme Realm began to refine its roots, there are many invincible methods in it. Even Harris is not Chu Yi’s opponent...

"Perhaps, the Netherworld King is not your opponent, you can kill the Immortal King in the Supreme Realm, and it is not impossible to kill the Netherworld King in the Realm of the Immortal Lord."

This is not an exaggeration. Indeed, in their eyes, Chu Yi has been extremely powerful. Even if the breath has converged, they still feel that the people in front of them have become gods compared to them.


Chu Yi let them see hope!


"When the army arrives, immediately bomb the nest and kill those imaginary creatures!"

Heavenly Immortal Lord suddenly looked away.

Chu Yi quickly said: "Senior, don't need to kill all, as long as there are 10,000 or 20,000 left, then it will be useful."

"I know you are talking about a deal with Huang, but what a cunning person is Huang, is his words really credible?"

Chu Yi understood each other's concerns.

"Whether it is credible or not, we must take this step. After this time, the famine will negotiate with me and give me the information about the virtual army of the virtual world and the king of the virtual world."

"If we kill him directly, I'm afraid there is nothing worth using."

"it is good!"

Celestial Master Tianlin also understood the pros and cons, and immediately made a decision.

The universe came.

"Cosmic life!"

"They are going to hunt us!"


"I would rather die than we would be prey!"

Groups of imaginary creatures were dazed, and then they fell into a state of utter insanity.

They lost their leader, and even Cumon, who was working with the wasteland, was seriously injured.

"A piece of sand."

Frustrated face expressionless, wait and see.

The imaginary creatures are powerful, but they just rushed over and fell into the trap of Chu Yi's side.

The warships were arranged in an orderly manner, forming an invisible formation. Although some warships were shot down, more virtual world creatures were directly strangled.

It's like a moth extinguishing fire.

"No one is commanding, not only Harris, but dozens of generals are dead. These stupid guys only know how to act on instinct."

Huang was calm in his heart, but his face was very panic.

"Cummon, what are you waiting for? Now is not a daze. Harris is dead, and many senior generals are also dead. Only you can close the lair."

"The lair is closed, and we stay in it. At the level of this universe, we can't overcome it at all."

Kumon was tall, but at this moment he shrank a little: "But this lair is for our king to come. Once closed, he can't draw energy."

Wild Fury said: "If you don't close, then everyone here, including us, will have to die, and the nest will be occupied by cosmic life."

"Even if it is closed, Wang Dingduo will postpone entering for a few years, and it will not have much impact, but if the nest is lost, we will all be finished."

"it is good……"

Cumon quickly said, "I'll close it now."

Silently, for the control of this lair, after Harris's death, it will naturally be passed to his generals, one after another.

"Wang, would you rather give control to these stupid guys than give me?"

In the sky, blood was flying, and there were countless deaths and injuries in the virtual world.

However, as the giant tentacles retracted, the entire lair was over, as if a thin energy shield was added, and this energy shield was enough to resist all attacks.

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, I have won some time for you." Huang murmured to himself.

"The wasteland has no words, the nest is closed, and it cannot absorb the energy of the entire universe. Then the King of the Nether Realm must spend decades more to enter." Chu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

For decades, if time control is added, Chu Yi can still practice for at least thousands of years.

"There is hope..."


Above the battleship, a fairy smiled cheerfully.

Chu Yi looked at the huge nest, and suddenly his heart shrank.

The nest is ring-shaped, and the middle is hollow, but at this time, countless caves spew out extremely terrible energy, constantly twisting, converging in the center.

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