My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 256: Oriko Kimiko

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi simply opened the mocking mode of the whole map. These words changed the expression of everyone present.

No matter how bad they are, there are hundreds of millions of properties in the family, including children of the family, the Association of Heavenly Masters, and even the people of the Chinese wolf.

Zhou Yan looked lightly. He didn't shoot. After all, after training, his character was also more cautious, but Chu Yi's remarks just included him, which naturally made him unhappy.

"Major Chu family, such a great name." The master's elder brother stood up first.

He also has his own ideas.

The other party is just a Chu family, but here, there are the Heavenly Masters Association, the Li family and the Ouyang family, and it is really going to be a big trouble. The Chu family will definitely suffer.

"I would like to ask, you are a young Chu family, and you don't even have the name of Qin Huahua, what is your face standing here?"

"Few intentions, one finger is countless times better than you."

Although his eyes were somewhat shaken, the more he said, the more determined.

This time stand out, at least can get the friendship between Ouyang Yi and Li Feihong.

In front of Ouyang Yi, Chu Yi, besides having better skills, counts something.

Chu Yi scratched his head shyly and said, "Actually, I also have a name."

"What's the name?" asked the second generation of Gao Gaofu.

Chu Yi smiled: "There are flowers that can be folded straight and must be folded. Don't wait until the flowers are empty.

Chu Yi's cheeky smile, with a proud look, and exaggerated gestures, Lu Xun looked at wanting to hit someone.


Everyone looked strangely at each other, and this man really dared to take it!

"Not talented, Chu Zhongfei, who broke the Chu family before, if there is no accident today, then you Ouyang Yi, let me break it by the way."

Ouyang Yi's face was black, and he couldn't keep up with Chu Yi's logic.

What the **** foldman.

But at the next moment, Chu Yi's face changed: "Since you have finished speaking, please slap yourself, go away."

"You!" The thin and rich second-generation face with an incredible expression on his face, he really did not expect that the majestic Chu family, like a rogue, did not talk about unspoken rules at all.

Xiu Cai met the soldiers, and it was unclear.

"Chu Yi, don't overdo it!" Li Feihong said terribly, his speech leaked, and it sounded rather ridiculous.

These are his fox friends, all of them are rich second-generation rich third-generation. Although they are usually complimenting themselves, in turn, these people are all Li Feihong's contacts, which is also the basis for his foothold in the Li family. .

He can't let this group of people humiliated.

But Chu Yi didn't even think about it, and slapped it again, and this time, he used energy to shoot people directly at a distance of two meters.

This slap was absolutely cruel. The young man, like a moth, slammed into the trash bin, and all the trash inside was dumped on him, emitting a foul odor.

The wind and snow are small, but stand alone.

Everyone's face changed a lot, but I didn't expect that this guy was real and wanted to hit everyone here.

"Demon, this demon!" Gu Tianshan shuddered. The scene last year has been like a nightmare, haunting his mind, even if he stayed in the Heavenly Master Association, even if he knew he was absolutely safe, but he saw Chu Yi At that moment, my heart could not help shaking.

Everyone is afraid.

Even Chu Yunyun, a heart mentioned in his throat.

Although there are not many people here, they represent the forces that are extremely terrifying. In any case, Chu Yi is the major and minor of the Chu family. If these forces jointly exert pressure on the Chu family, the Chu family will definitely surrender Chu Yi. , She has a deep experience.

At that time, Chu Huaige did not even listen to the opinions of his favorite son, Chu Shanhe, and insisted that he marry the girl from the Ouyang family.

"You still have thirty seconds to consider." Chu Yi glanced at the time. "After thirty seconds, I will choose to shoot in person. At that time, if my arm and leg are missing, I will not ask for reimbursement."

He glanced, his eyes paused for a while on Zhou Yan. He could feel that this man was also a warrior, and his talent was quite good, much stronger than the wild warrior.

The atmosphere at the scene was stiff, Ouyang Yi sighed for a long time before Xiu met the soldiers, and it was unclear.

He has a beautiful appearance, a thin figure, and holds a plum blossom fan in his hand. Compared with Chu Yi, he looks like a handsome boy bullied by a bully.

As soon as the folding fan opened, Ouyang Yi still had a confident smile on his face.

"Brother Zhou, it seems that the matter here is difficult to solve, and there is still work for you." Ouyang Yi said abruptly.

Everyone was stunned, and saw a red-haired young man who had been standing not far from Ouyang Yi, pacing up.

"Who is this person?" Li Feihong wondered.

I originally thought it was just an ordinary warrior, but I didn't expect that the other party should be so valued by Ouyang Yi.

Gu Tianshan was also quite surprised.

Zhou Yan looked at Chu Yi casually. He knew that he was not Chu Yi's opponent, but as long as he was a member of the Langfang department, even if he was the most top-ranked family member of China, he would not dare to provoke himself.

That department is full of mysteries and legends.

Another point, although Zhou Yan was surprised that Chu Yi had reached the Grand Martial Artist at this age, he was not jealous at all. According to his instructors, after their entry into Langfang, the strength of their group of people would be a violent one. rise.

Soon after, he was able to enter the Grand Martial Artist Zhou Yan, and he was even more powerful than the Grand Martial Master outside.

Langya, a national special department, masters a variety of complete mental methods and exercises.

As a rookie, Zhou Yan also gained a mentality and a practice, and naturally had a proud heart.

He smiled in the corner of his mouth and said calmly: "Young Master Chu, please see me on Zhou Yan's face, you apologize for this matter, we will not pursue it."

In his view, this is a normal thing, after all, he comes from Langfang.

These families are too late for him.

As long as it does not involve the top military commander, half-step guru and guru, he is really not afraid of anyone.

"Are you asking me to apologize?" Chu Yi's eyes widened, which creature emerged from which one.

If you let the people in the fairy world know that someone wants to make Chu Yan apologize, I am afraid that the soul will be scattered.

Even the supreme, can not open this mouth, Chu Yan Wang's small storm temper, that is famous throughout the fairy world.

"This brother, what do you think it is?" Chu Yi pointed to a white wall.

"It's just a wall." Zhou Yan didn't know so, but he replied.

"So, no way." Chu Yi smiled.

"You!" Zhou Yan's chest was blocked, and he was so angry that this person was really clenched and could lively anger people.

"You are also one of them, slap yourself, don't force me to shoot."

Zhou Yan's face changed greatly: "Do you know where I come from..."

"Don't want to know, give you three seconds."



Chu Yi shot quickly, leaving a phantom in place, followed by a slap.

Zhou Yan was horrified, because he couldn't see how the opponent shot.

I only felt a sudden pain in my face, and then the whole person stepped back three steps, and stumbled on the ground.

He was dumbfounded. Before he even said where he came from, the opponent shot directly.

"Church, you will regret it, but I..."


Another slap.

This time, Zhou Yan was directly stunned.

"No matter where you come from, there is no one in this world I can't afford." Chu Yi said proudly.

There has always been a saying in the fairy world, rather provoke the supreme than provoke the king.

Because this product is an unruly and powerful bastard.

Chu Yi sighed with a villain's expression, "Look, you see, you can't talk to me, you can't beat me, what else do you do."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Yi appeared in front of Ouyang Yi. As an ordinary person, Ou Yangyi could be Chu Yi's opponent.

Chu Yi took it easy, and took over the other party's folding fan, then slammed into Ouyang Yi's face.

"Let you call it a little flower, I will fold one if I open a young man."

Ouyang Yi said nothing, clenched his fists, and his eyes stared at Chu Yi like a demon.

There are a few more blood marks on the handsome face, which is extremely dazzling.

Chu Yi was completely unaware, he swept his eyes across the rest of the people.

Where did those brothers dare to neglect and slap in the face quickly.

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