My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 257: All emotions

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Chu Yi took out his ears and looked at the embarrassed person, his heart suddenly felt a lot of comfort.

I was so bullied in my life, so I have to get back slowly in my life.

What's more, Ouyang's family is hiding evil anyway, whether it is against the Chu family or Chu Yunyun.

"get out."

With a bang, those people didn't even turn their heads back, fearing that they would annoy the rogue again and run away like the wind.

Only Ouyang Yi gave Chu Yi a deep look before leaving.

"Young Master Chu, I warn you, you are fighting hard today, but you have hit a huge disaster, even if my Ouyang family does not deal with you, there are people who come to clean up you, don't think that you are fighting against the big Chu family. The name can be unscrupulous, and the road is still long."

After talking, he and Zhou Yan left together.

"My way is still long, but your way is not necessary." Chu Yi said meaningfully.

After a while, Feng Yuhang looked heavy and looked at Chu Yi and Chu Yunyun, saying: "Now, you should tell me."

Chu Yi laughed: "Brother Feng, don't be angry, the thing is actually very simple, that is, the Chu family wants to marry my sister to the Ouyang family's young man, he is engaged on the seventh day, but my sister disagrees, originally planned to elope with you Coming, but I was persuaded, you can rest assured that I have a solution on the day of the engagement."

Chu Yi said easily, but Feng Yuhang's face was not relaxed at all.

This is a big deal for ordinary people, not to mention two top families in Jiangnan.

"Xiaoyi, don't you want to sell it, just talk about your plans that day?" Chu Yunyun gave Chu Yi a glance, always thinking that this kid was too shrewd.

"Sister, you are too anxious." Chu Yi laughed, but said, "That day, since his Ouyang Division came to get engaged, then Brother Feng also came to propose marriage."

"Let me propose?"

"Let him propose?"

"No!" Chu Yunyun shook his head. What scene was that day? The Jiangnan gangsters were all gathered together, and they were all the characters, and Feng Yuhang was just a small person.

Even if she had confidence in her boyfriend, Chu Yunyun could hardly withstand the occasion of the incident.

"Sister, you are my Chu Yi's sister. Brother Feng wants to marry you. Naturally, it takes courage. I have no guts. I still advise you to divide it directly." Chu Yi stimulated.

"Chu Yi, don't say it. I'll go. I have nothing. It's already very happy to have today. You're right, but just to propose a marriage. Maybe Grandpa Chu can accept me, then we don't have to trouble. "" Feng Yuhang firmly said.

If things are so simple, it will be easier to handle.

Chu Yunyun will naturally not be confused by Chu Yi's three words, asking: "Xiao Yi, this is not a trivial matter, you have to give my sister a little confidence."

Chu Yi smiled mysteriously: "Sister, have you ever heard of King Chu Yan?"

Chu Yunyun was stunned. This name, she is naturally familiar with it. Recently, it has been rumored that their Chu family is also looking for the whereabouts of the guru.

"I am King Chu Yan." Chu Yi looked at Chu Yunyun calmly.


Chu Yunyun couldn't help laughing. She naturally wouldn't believe that the general masters were all over 40 or 50 years old.

But seeing Chu Yi's serious eyes, Chu Yunyun was amazed in his heart, and even said: "Xiao Yi, King Chu Yan happened to be in the Jiujiang Jinlin area, you shouldn't..."

Chu Yi nodded and encouraged Chu Yunyun to continue.

"Is King Chu Yan's friend?"


Chu Yunyun suddenly realized: "Or maybe King Chu Yan is your master, otherwise who will teach you your skills? Yes, it must be like this. If King Chu Yan came forward, the grandfather would have to give in."

Chu Yi was speechless on the side, but when his sister regained her fighting spirit, he became indifferent.

Seventh day?

I'm afraid that day there will be a big shock across Jiangnan.

Chu Yi is looking forward to it.


Li family mansion.

The lights were bright at the moment.

Li Feihong and Gu Tianshan, the appearance of the two embarrassed, really scared everyone.

As it happens, an old man who looks very old is discussing with Li Huang, the head of the Li family.

The old man, who is now the main person in charge of the Association of Heavenly Masters, is also the father of Gu Tianshan, Gu Yaotian, this person is almost ninety years old, but the whole person is red, and there are many black hairs on his head. .

Generally speaking, the warriors have a longer life span than ordinary people, especially after entering the generals, their life span is 120 years old, and the so-called guru is 150 years old. .

Gu Yaotian sat on the rocking chair and listened quietly to the two's accounts. At the moment, Li Huang's complexion was also extremely gloomy.

The other party, but in the face of the Li family in the face.

If it wasn't the Chu family's advice, would Chu Da Shao have such a bold heart?

Knock the mountain and shake the tiger?

Or is there a new backer?

"There must be a deep meaning in it." Although Li Huang was angry, he did not show it. To such an extent, he was easily overwhelmed with anger.

But he didn't know, Chu Yi really just hit it when the mood came.

As for the Chu family?

At least in Chu Yi's mind, it has nothing to do with him.

Gu Yaotian finished listening and closed his eyes as if he had gone to sleep. After a while, he slowly spoke. Although the voice was old, it was very powerful.

"On the seventh day, I went to the Chu family to be fair."

He was just a simple sentence, but all the people present heard a killing intention.

Gu Yaotian, an old man who had almost come from the previous dynasty, had an unfathomable cultivation, and it was also speculated that he might have entered the position of a half-step guru, even if not, it was not far away.


On the other side, the Ouyang family also had a bad atmosphere.

As one of Ouyang's favorite grandsons, Ouyang Yi was so insulted by people. It was impossible for him to endure such a tone.

What's more, it also involved a wolf member.

"Brother Zhou, I wronged you this time, but you can rest assured that since he dared to do so, then he must be prepared to be counterattacked by us. A warrior with the strength of a great warrior is nothing to us. "

Ouyang Si looks gloomy and a little ugly.

The other party, after all, is his fiancee. It can be said that he is also related to the Chu family.

When Zhou Yan and his brother Ouyang Si were beaten, Chu Yunyun was also at the scene, even though there was no noise to stop it, so that his face was even more dull.

"Brother is serious, I have nothing to do here. During the training of the wolf teeth, I am often taught by the seniors, but your affairs may be a little serious." Zhou Yanzheng said.

"Well, I know." Ouyang Si's eyes became more and more sharp, as if choking others.

Chu Yunyun's behavior is undoubtedly wearing a green hat for himself, no man would like it.

And he is still a famous young master Ouyang Jiangnan.

"Huh, the children taught by the old man of Chu have no upbringing at all, and they are all so arrogant." Mr. Ouyang patted the table, angry.

"The Chushan River at that time made us Ouyang's family look ugly. Do we have a Chu Yunyun now?"

"Si'er, if you don't want to marry, it's not to marry."

Ouyang Si smiled calmly: "Grandpa, this time may be different from the last time. The Chu family is getting weaker. This time, they are begging us to marry their daughters. Why don't we."

But at this time, Zhou Yan received a message.

The moment he saw the news, his breath became heavy immediately.

The people of the Ouyang family naturally noticed the emotional change of this noble guest.

"Brother Zhou, what happened, did something happen?"

"Good news, everyone." Zhou Yan smiled, but the tone was full of awe. "I just received the news. The senior Changhong in the department is planning to come to Qinhua City, knowing that I am here, and arrange me above. Go and receive him."

"Senior Changhong?" Mr. Ouyang was stunned and stood up immediately.

"Isn't that the predecessor Changhong who has recently become a guru?"

"Yes, Senior Changhong."

"Ouyang head, if you don't mind, I want to trouble Ouyang's home with me. After all, I'm not very familiar here." Zhou Yan said.


"It is an honor for my Ouyang family to visit a master."

In the study, everyone's face was full of joy.

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