My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 260: Please i won't go

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Our Chu family, from the Qing dynasty to the present day, has a strict family style and filial piety, and today I hope that Xiaoyi can take the lead and never let the Chu family lose face in front of everyone."

Chu Shanliu looked at Chu Yi with a smile, but the flesh was involved, but there was no smile in his eyes.

When he finished, he left in a big step.

Wu Zhenshu chuckled and patted Chu Zhongfei on the shoulder.

From the beginning to the end, the two have not seen Feng Yuhang at a glance. Such contempt is already an attitude.

Even if Chu Yunyun does not marry Ouyang Division, he will never marry this site to move bricks.

Feng Yuhang pinched his knuckles white with both hands, and he just kept saying hello to Chu Yunyun's parents and even Chu Zhongfei.

But in the eyes of the other party, there is no self at all, as if he is a piece of air.

Such a disregarded taste is very uncomfortable.

"Brother Feng, you are just used to it. Many people in the Chu family are like this. You see me as a young and big Chu family. That's the kind of treatment." Chu Yi smiled easily.

"I can see it clearly, there is no money, no strength, not even the qualification to speak, but I Feng Yuhang will definitely prove it to them." Feng Yuhang firmly said.

Chu Yi smiled.

How many people are struggling from the bottom, why he himself was not, there are more people like fairyland.

So he did not look down on Feng Yuhang.

"So lively, Young Master Chu, we meet again." At this moment, a high cold voice came with a slight sarcasm.

Everyone looked around, many people didn't know this person, even Chu Zhongfei frowned.

The person coming is Zhou Yan.

He had planned to meet Senior Changhong this morning, but Senior Changhong suddenly said he would come.

Although somewhat disappointed, Zhou Yan could not deny the leadership's decision.

Since coming in, his eyes have been stuck on Chu Yi's body, with a thrill of revenge.

This time, it was different from that day.

In the Association of Heavenly Masters, Gu Yaotian came, and on his own side, there was also Senior Changhong. In this way, if he left no one in sight, he would have to apologize to him in the end.

The members of the mace are not so bully.

Zhou Yan thought about it, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. When he looked at Chu Yi again, he only thought that this guy was already a dead person.

Langfang is a department that is extremely short-sighted.

Ouyang's opinion came to Zhou Yan, and his eyes lit up. There was Zhou Yan's bottom card. Ouyang Yi could not be said to have the slightest fear.

"Come, let me introduce you." Ouyang intends to wrap Zhou Yan's shoulders, like a good brother.

Everyone looked at Zhou Yan, his eyelids jumped wildly, and he was able to make Ouyang Yi treat like this.

"Young Master Chu, I hurried that day and did not tell you the identity of this brother Zhou in detail."

Ouyang intended to look to Chu Yi, waiting for the wonderful changes on his face.

"Zhou Yan, my good brother, is also a new member of the national special department Langya."

"Spike?!" Chu Zhongfei immediately reacted, and could not help but exclaim.

"Brother Zhou turned out to be a spooky man. He was really neglected. When he was going to eat, he must respect Brother Zhou for a few cups."

He immediately laughed and responded quickly.

That's Spike, the most special department in the country, and one of them is a genius in the martial arts world.

Moreover, it is rumored that as long as a little hard work, no matter how bad it is, there is the pinnacle of the great martial artist.

And some people can get to the point of military commanders, and they have the real power, and can get one to three military commanders.

"He turned out to be a mace." The girls present looked like ripples in the eyes.

I saw Zhou Yan's stature, handsome appearance, and short red hair, showing his personality.

All the girls couldn't help but look blushing, and could not help but rush past.

"Wufang, that is in charge of the entire underground world of China. I heard that if you want to enter, you must pass many tests. In addition to talent, you also need to have an amazing will. Brother Zhou can enter so young, it is really admirable. "

A group of rich second generation, quickly stepped forward to compliment.

They naturally knew what happened that night, but did not know that Yan was still a member of the Langfang army this week.

Compared to the Chu family, Li Dao and Ouyang Dao, the members of the Spike Force are much higher than their status.

At the thought of Zhou Yan becoming a general in the future, and with the support of the entire Wolf Fang behind him, these young buddies immediately greeted them flatteringly.

This is man, this is reality.

"Young Master Chu, how? Do you want to know my friend again." Ouyang Yi looked at Chu Yi with a little pride.

At this point, even Chu Zhongfei was extremely jealous. At this age, he had met people with spiked teeth. Chu Zhongfei asked himself, he had no such ability.

But when he saw Chu Yi's disappointment, he was overjoyed.

Chu Zhongfei looked at...

Ouyang Yi and Zhou Yan also waited for Chu Yi's response.

Everyone's face was joking.

"Wolffang?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, wondering why he thought Yan's talent was good this week. It turned out to be Wolffang.

However, he did not have much interest in Langya. When Qing Changhong invited him to become Langya, he was too lazy to go there.

"That kind of place, please don't go with me, I really don't know what you are proud of?"

"Do you know what you're talking about?" Zhou Yan's complexion suddenly reached his limit.

"Brother, don't apologize, do you want to push our Chu family to the road of death?"

"I don't know if it's alive or not, this kid, thinking that he is a great martial arts master can justify it?"

People looked at Chu Yi coldly, and nobody wanted to speak for him.

Ouyang Yi's heart is even more excited. The more arrogant the other party is now, the worse it will die.

This sentence offended the entire mace.

As far as he knows, a guru of Langfang is coming to the Chu Family Mansion.

"Brother Zhou, we don't have to deal with him, when he will beg for mercy." Ouyang Yi shook his head.

"Also." Zhou Yan's eyes were extremely cold.


Gradually, it was almost a good time.

The elders of the Ouyang and Chu families also came out of the back room and sat at the main table.

Of course, this time the engagement banquet was dominated by the woman, so they were all guests of the Chu family.

Chu Yunyun sat uncomfortably, and beside him was Ouyang Si with a gentle smile.

She looked anxiously towards Chu Yi and Feng Yuhang.

Ouyang Si saw everything in his eyes, and his heart was even more upset.

"This year is really lively, the Chu family is full of talents, and you are a blessing to the old Chu." Ouyang Lian said happily, speaking politely.

"Not as good as your Ouyang family." Chu Huaige said modestly.

"It's about to start, and let our Ouyang family's children take a look at it. Your Chu family's heritage, learn more."

"Where is there any connection, there are more connections in Xiaofei."

Chu Shanliu smiled.

Chu Shanchuan is also very calm.

After all, Chu Shanchuan has four children, and Chu Zhonggu's communicative ability is indeed not bad.

Only Chu Shanhe gave Chu Yi a worried look.

Chu Yi was arranged for a table, that is, ten seats. Now with Chu Yi and others, but three people, but there are seven seats left, it may not necessarily be full.

No one wants to be ugly on such occasions.

At this time, at the door of the Chu's mansion, two specialists suddenly burst out.

"Songtian Group Chairman, money is always here."

This is like an ancient custom, every important guest, they will shout loudly.

"This should be the child of Zhongfei." Chu Huaige smiled.

Ouyang Lian was also quite surprised: "The Matsuda Group, but the big guys on the other side of the Songhu market, almost occupied most of the air-conditioning market. Although they are not in the top ten, their strength should not be underestimated."

Everyone did not expect that this first guest was such a heavy weight.

Of course, this is not worthy of Mr. Chu and Mr. Ouyang getting up to meet.

Chu Zhongfei stood up quickly in the envious eyes of everyone.

"Mr. Qian, it's really trouble you. Lao Lao ran away."

"The Chu family's major event, I am abroad, so I have to come."

"Good." Chu Zhongfei smiled.

A guest took a seat and Chu Zhongfei looked at Chu Yi proudly.

It can be said that this is an important opportunity for the Chu family to show its details to other forces.

Chu Shanliu on the main table also smiled and nodded in tribute.

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