My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 261: People from Jiujiang

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Over time, more and more bigwigs have arrived.

"Zhongke Group President Zheng..."

"The chairman of Shanfeng Group..."

"Chairman of Jingcheng Weiguang International Group..."

Every rich man is a figure from a high society. The whole Chu family mansion is a luxury car worth tens of millions.

These people include guests of Chu Zhongfei, guests of Chu Zhonggu, Chu Zhonglei and others.

The Chu family, after all, is the family of Qinhua City. As a first-tier city, Qinhua City is not weak, and naturally many people will come to make friends.

The highest-ranking person is an old man in the capital. Even Chu Shanliu must stand up to greet him. Chu Huaige and Ouyang Lian also voluntarily greeted each other, of course, that's all.

This time, most of them came from the contacts of the younger generation of the Chu family. The older generation has not yet come forward. Only when they actually get married will they feast the Quartet.

At that time, it was the real excitement. I am afraid that even some real power figures, even the military gangsters, would come.

This morning, but half an hour later, the courtyard was full of people.

A couple, Chu Shanliu and Wu Zhenshu, couldn't sit still at the main table and hurried down to say hello.

They were also afraid that Chu Zhongfei would not be able to cope with it. After all, some people are already too big.

Chu Shanchuan and his wife are not on the main table most of the time.

Only Chu Shanhe sat in embarrassment, because there was no figure in Chu Yi's side.

Chu Huaige glanced coldly at his second son, and he was inevitably disappointed.

He thought that Chushan River would have at least some contacts. After all, Chu Yi could take out 20 billion yuan. He definitely met some rich people in Jiujiang, and then got a huge amount of money through loans.

Unexpectedly, no one came, and it seemed to be a simple interest relationship.

"Humph!" Chu Huaige hummed slightly, making Chushan River red-eared and a little restless.

At this moment, the nine Daoists who have kept their eyes closed and nourishing their minds are actually not as calm as the surface. His attention is all on Chu Yi's body, but he is afraid of disturbing Chu Yi.

Guru, that's a guru. As long as he reveals his identity, these people have to **** in the face.

Nine Daoists roared in their hearts, but fortunately he still had endurance.

"A guru, why need any connections?"

He smiled disdainfully.

"It's a match made in heaven." And at this time, an old man sitting next to Jiu Dao said.

The old man raked his body, his chin was slightly longer, and his two white eyebrows were hanging down.

"Yinyang Taoist, what are you counting?" Jiudao asked impatiently. He didn't like this person.

The Yin Yang Taoist is also the half-step master of the Ouyang family, but unlike the Jiu Dao, he stayed at the Ouyang family when he was a general, so his feelings for the Ouyang family are quite deep.

"Jin Tongyu Nuo, once combined, will have great benefits for Ouyang and Chu." Yin and Yang Taoist pinched.

"I think it's only good for Ouyang's family." Jiu Dao Ren said.

"You can't say that." Yin and Yang Taoist smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

Chu Yunyun was even more disturbed when he saw him.

This marriage, Ouyang's family originally disagreed, but finally Yin and Yang Taoists came forward to explain the reason, and the whole family passed unanimously.

"Huh, someone just wanted me to add a table to him, but now I can't even get a table together, it's really ugly."

When Wu Zhenshu passed the Chushan River, he said something with meaning.

"Dad, if I look at the seat over there, it is too wasteful to give only three people, otherwise let them merge with others?"

Chu Huaige had a meal in his heart and looked at Chu Yi's direction. His eyes were filled with disappointment. He originally thought that his grandson could bring some miracles, but in the end, the expectations were still too high.

Without the support of Chu family resources, how to make contacts?

"Okay, so be it." Chu Huaige waved his hand with no interest.

Ouyang Lian also sees all this in his eyes.


Below, in the area of ​​the younger generation, Ouyang Yi tweeted.

"It seems that Master Chu really doesn't have to go out, even a guest doesn't want to come."

"You can't say that, maybe people are superiors, they all make up fairy-like characters, and they don't even bother to come." Li Feihong only felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

This time, Li Feiyang, the young master of Li family, was not there.

Chu Zhongfei also seemed very distressed and shook his head and sighed: "Brother, it's not that I said you, you are a person who can shoot 20 billion anyway, how come now, even if there is no personal image, it wouldn't be your two hundred Yi, I used the reputation of my Chu family to get a loan."

There is no network, there is only assets, it is useless.

Such a person can easily fall over.

"Second brother, can't you say that, brother, but the big martial artist, be careful to breathe and shoot you to death." Chu Zhonglei laughed.

Everyone heard it and laughed.

Young Master Chu has left the Chu family for too long and naturally has no status.

They can also see that they don't care too much.

"A group of idiots." At the scene, only Ouyang Tian was shrunk in the corner.

He clearly remembered that the general Lu Yuan reminded him.

This is a guru.

This time, after hearing that Chu Yi was a member of the Chu family, Lu Yuan was so scared that he didn't even dare to show up, so he didn't dare to come.

And he, Ouyang Tian, ​​came daringly.

However, he was not obliged to remind Ouyang Si and Ouyang Yi that he could not have offended a guru from death.

In this way, you can successfully sit in the seat of the head of the house.

Looking at a rich second generation taunting Chu Yi, Ouyang Tian's heart was filled with a perverted pleasure.

"Jiujiang City, Hongyuan Group CEO Fan has arrived!"

"Fan Hong?"

"Is it that Mr. Fan who has risen up in Qinhua City recently?"

"It should come to me." Chu Zhonglei sorted out his clothes and stood up with a smile. "I have done business with Mr. Fan several times. This person is quite bold."

Fan Hong was wearing a suit and leather shoes, his eyes were searching among the crowd, and after seeing Chu Yi, he smiled and ran away from Chu Zhonglei.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he respected Chu Yi quite respectfully and said: "Mr. Chu, I can see you."

"Come on, trouble." Chu Yi was in a good mood.


Fan Hong is also polite, after all, he is an acquaintance.

"Mr. Fan, are you going wrong? The location I arranged is not here." Chu Zhonglei said depressedly.

"Who are you, I don't know you, I found it was Teacher Chu." Fan Hong said very domineeringly.

He knew very well what happened to Chu Yi, and naturally he was very kind to the people of the Chu family.

I had asked Chu Zhonglei for the fewest deals before, but now Fan Hong is too lazy to care about him.

Chu Zhong was stunned in place.

"Someone really came over in Jiujiang?"

"Fan Hong, I know this person. He is a ruthless man, an old fox, but he has risen quickly recently." Many people present knew Fan Hong, and his reputation was not bad.

"It is estimated that I am a shareholder in the 20 billion investment of my eldest brother. It is not too difficult to have such a person to sit in, plus a few rich people, and a loan of 20 billion."

After all, Fan Hong is a famous person in Jiujiang City.

"Every little person, why don't you hang your teeth." Chu Zhongfei dismissed him. He came to the table casually on his desk, at least they all sat up with Fan Hongping.

"Jiujiang City, Huasheng Group CEO arrives!"

"Jiujiang City, the boss of Dongfang Group is here!"


But then, as if the rehearsals were finished, the Eastern Army and Qin Huasheng appeared one after another.

"I still have a little impression of Dongfang Group, but the Huasheng Group is here. Qin Huasheng, this guy, has been very lively recently, and their new medical care products are sold out of stock."

"Sit all, you're welcome." Chu Yi smiled.

Several people looked around, a little shocked. In their identity, this was the first time to attend the family banquet, but when they thought of Chu Yi's identity, he was confident.

They came here today to support Chu Yi.

Soon, Chu Yi's table was full, but now there was one more person, and he couldn't sit down.

"Almost, this should be the group of people who invested in Anjiang District. I didn't expect my big brother to be ambitious."

"But you can only stop here." Chu Zhongfei sneered.

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