My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 264: Can't sit still

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

At this table in Chu Yi, Fan Hong saw Yan Bang and couldn't help but choke.

He did not expect that a big man like Yan Bang would come.

"Your grandfather really invited this kind of person?" Qin Huasheng sighed. Sure enough, it was the Chu's family. A small engagement banquet could make these people come out.

Jiang Kun also nodded, but when his eyes glanced at Chu Yi, his heart was shocked.

"Teacher Chu, wouldn't it be you..." he asked abruptly.

"Mr. Yan, my guest, I invited him over."

"I'm going, really." Fan Hong coughed. "Teacher Chu, when did you know President Yan, I haven't seen you go to Songhu."

All the people at the table had their eyes widened. They naturally wouldn’t believe that Chu Yi would talk big words, but the thought of Yan Bang still shocked them.

"Mr. Yan, you will not be notified in advance when you come." The Chu Shanliu couple first greeted them.

The Chu Shanchuan couple and the rest of the Chu family were all around.

This is Yan Bang, and the man next to him is Master Li Yuantian. How can they miss such a good opportunity to make friends.

"Mr. Yan, I'm Lao Li. We met at the reception before. I don't know if you remember me."

"Master Li, I haven't seen you for many years. You are still as charming as the day." Some martial artists also ran over and greeted Li Yuantian.

It's just that all the people present have lowered their status one by one. After all, the person in front of them, with a little movement, countless companies have to close.

Everyone, almost a swarm of bees, came over. They saw that Jiang Kun could still sit, but when they saw Yan Bang, they had no principle.

"Mr. Yan, Master Li, let's go to the main table first."

main table?

Yan Bang shook his head ridiculously. He came here this time, not for Mr. Chu's sake, but for Chu Yi's face.

"No hurry, I'm going to visit Mr. Chu first." Yan Bang said with a smile, with an invisible momentum.

"Teacher Chu?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this title.

"No!" Chu Zhong's eyes widened.

"Mr. Chu, should he be Xiaoyi..." Chu Shanchuan is even more incredible.

Because before, Jiang Kun called Chu Yi this way.

Chu Shanliu's mouth was so wide that he could cram an egg, and he couldn't close anymore.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. He is a little high school teacher, why would he know the top rich in Songhu market."

Chu Zhongfei stared at Yan Bang, because even if he went out on his own, coupled with the name of the Chu family, he would not necessarily be able to invite him, unless it was the grandfather who personally went out.

Everyone thought that Yan Bang was looking at Mr. Chu's face, but who knows, suddenly a teacher Chu suddenly jumped out.

But seeing Yan Bang and Li Yuantian, they saw Chu Yi from afar, and then quickly walked to Chu Yi's side, clenching fists with both hands.

"Teacher Chu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Thank you for saving your two sons."

"Teacher Chu, don't come unharmed." Li Yuantian also respectfully said that in his eyes, there was a shock, because before he was able to perceive the strength of Chu Yi, but now, the other party did not show a trace of cultivation behavior. .

"Saved Yan Bang's two sons?"

"This is why Yan Bang came over today?"


Everyone is speechless, and some rich children are going to be crazy with jealousy.

They know very well, which river or ditch did your son fall into? You told me that I could keep my life.


Because of the excessive force, the cup in Chu Zhongfei's hands was crushed.

Ouyang Yi breathed heavily.

"It's a coincidence too."

But immediately, his face recovered, and he looked at Chu Zhongfei and said, "It seems that we all underestimated your big brother."

More than just look down, although there are very few people coming from the other side, but a strict state is enough to meet most of the people they invited.

"Wait a minute, since Master Yan and Master Li are guests of Master Chu, doesn't that mean..." Someone raised a brow and had a bad hunch in their hearts.

Sure enough, when I saw Chu Yi said a few words, he said: "General Yan, Master Li, unfortunately, you have also seen that my seat is full here... or you can stand and eat well."

"Don't, Teacher Chu, or I'll make a seat for them." Fan Hong couldn't help crying, Jiang Kun was his own, they didn't matter, but Yan Bang and Li Yuantian, they were top characters.

Fan Hong, Dongfangjun and others thought of these two people standing and watching themselves eat, and their powerful hearts could not bear it.

Jiang Kun laughed: "No, we just stand, everyone is our own."

"It's okay, don't worry about them." Chu Yi said easily.

However, beside them, everyone was petrified.

your sister!

What you said is so light, what do you ask us to do? !

The magnificent Chinese magnate stands, we sit, can we sit still?

Those guests were simply uncomfortable.

Chu Yi smiled broadly, showing a row of bright teeth: "Uncle, aunt, uncle, you all go back to eat, there is nothing beautiful here."

"Dad, you also go back." Chu Yi blinked and told him to go back to watch the show.

"Xiaoyi, don't you think it's not good to make people stand? Should I add some stools?" Wu Zhenshu almost cried.

"It's okay. I look pretty good. Besides, it's their honor to come to my Chu's house. I stood up and stood." Chu Yi added a knife.

Chu Shanliu and others only felt a boring chest and almost vomited blood on the spot.

Then he looked at Chu Huaige's face, and finally went back sullenly.

"Mr. Yan, shall we not visit the next main table?" Li Yuantian asked.

Yan Bang thought deeply and smiled disdainfully: "Master Chu didn't even stand for a while, what are we doing?"

His status is respected, and only the people of the top family will let him respect, and the Chu family is just called the family in Qinhua City.

"Mr. Yan, everyone is your own, you know, after dinner, there will be a big business waiting for you." Chu Yi said that the big business is naturally a spiritual stone.

"Mr. Chu's big business, that's probably terrible."

A table full of joy.

Next door, Chu Zhongfei's area was gloomy.

"Brother Chu, don't worry. He knows President Jiang and President Yan, but just saved their son. I don't believe it. I'll wait for another one..."

Ouyang Yi's words just fell, but the waiters at the door burst into chaos.

They are professionally trained.

"The Liang family..."

"Liang family?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Even if there was a feeling of **** in the middle of the day, a rich man sitting near the door saw a person outside the door and even spewed a sip of wine on the spot.

"What the hell!"

"Liang Bochao! President Liang is here!"

At the gate, a mature and stable middle-aged man appeared first.

CEO of Beijing Wantian Group!

Everyone only felt that the heart was pinched fiercely by one hand.

"No way……"

"What day is today?"

On the main table, there was silence. Chu Huaige shuddered when he saw Liang Bochao, and then, when the figure behind Liang Bochao appeared slowly, he couldn't sit still anymore, but stood up quickly. The glass broke.

"Dad, what's wrong with you!" Chu Shanliu and others were shocked. They hadn't seen Chu Huaige so disoriented for a long time.

Isn’t it just Liang Bochao, Wantian Group and Kaiyang Trade are about the same size, and even when Yan Bang appeared, Master Chu didn’t get up.

But Chu Huaige seemed to hear nothing, and quickly greeted the past.

Ouyang Lian on the side also sighed. He sorted out his robe and stood up in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

The rise of Chu Huaige and Ouyang Master made everyone stunned.

"What's this grandpa?" Chu Zhongfei was still surprised by Liang Bochao's arrival, but the next scene surprised everyone.

I saw that the two old men walked quickly to an old man who was trembling.

Chu Huaige's face was excited, and his voice was a little trembling: "Commander, why are you here!"

Chu Huaige looked at the old man in front of him. It was Liang Shangjun. When he was a soldier, Liang Shangjun was his company commander.

It is this identity alone that he must greet in person.

Not to mention the other party’s current achievements.

Ouyang Lian also respectfully said: "General Liang."


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