My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 265: Pai Pai Station

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"General Liang?"

"It's General Liang Shangjun!"

"Why is he here too?"

This time, no one dared to sit again.

The other party is an old soldier and is a major general level. I didn't know how much I contributed to the establishment of New China.

Later, he founded Wantian Group.

"Old Master Chu had followed General Liang..." Some old people recalled that the emotions nurtured during such a turbulent period were naturally stronger than they are today.

With Liang Shangjun's arrival, the two of them could no longer sit still.

"The two of them haven't seen each other for many years. I'm afraid this time, General Liang also came for Grandpa Chu." Some people exclaimed.

"Is that really the case?" A big-bellied rich man whispered, making everyone's eyelids jump.

They looked at Chu Yi at the same time, and they saw that Chu Yi was still wandering, looking as if he didn't care.

"It won't be him!"

No wonder they have such an idea, it is because, today, they all have inertial thinking.

"Xiao Chu, after many years, I didn't expect you to be full of grandchildren now."

A few people said a few words, Liang Shangjun sighed, but his eyes have been a little wandering.

Ouyang's standing up to meet is hindered by the other party's qualifications and identity, such a big person coming, must have the most formal etiquette.

But Chu Huaige was different. At that time, Liang Shangjun had not been a recruit, but he blocked the bullet.

"Company Commander, thank you for coming to my granddaughter's engagement banquet today. Come on seats." Chu Huaige will naturally not link Liang Shangjun and Chu Yi, but only to see himself as the old company commander.

He was very excited, and he felt extremely proud. It was such an honour to have such a general in front of many rich and powerful men.

Who said the Chu family is going to fall?

"Your granddaughter is engaged?" Liang Shangjun glanced around suspiciously. "No, I haven't heard of it. I just heard that Mr. Chu is here, just in Songhu market, so I came to visit Mr. Chu."

"Bochao, what's going on?"

Liang Bochao shrugged, he just received Chu Yi's invitation, and also knew Chu Yi's identity, thinking that today is only a banquet of the Chu family, came to help Chu Yi support.

"Xiao Chu, you don't have to worry about me as an old man, let's go get engaged. I will say hello to Teacher Chu first."

Teacher Chu? !

Teacher Chu again...

Chu Huaige was stunned. He had lived his whole life and had never seen such an outrageous thing.

Chu Yi... Chu Yi... Chu Yi...

Everyone came to see his grandson, but Chu Huaige looked at it for a long time and found nothing special about his grandson.

This time, even Ouyang Lian was speechless for a while.

There was an uneasy feeling in his heart, and he always felt that he despised the Chu family too much.


"I knew it, or him!"

The guests were numb, and they were shocked to numbness. They found that the shock in this life was not as much as they came today.

Even if it is the birthday of Grandpa Chu, these big figures will not necessarily appear.

Chu Shanchuan's face twitched wildly, like being pulled by someone, and he only felt that his back was cold. This is obviously a guest of the Chu family, but it seems to have nothing to do with them.

"Mr. Liang, what the **** is going on, did my nephew save another son?" Chu Shanchuan asked.

Liang Bochao shook his head: "No."

"That's good..." Chu Shanchuan let out a sigh of relief, but he didn't go out yet.

But seeing Liang Bochao said with a straight face, "Ms. Chu saved our entire Liang family."


Chu Shanchuan almost couldn't get up in one breath and coughed while covering his chest.

your sister!

Can you finish speaking in one breath?

This doesn't make me have a heart attack.

The guests around were absolutely down, their expressions looked like they were eating stool, and they were extremely exciting.

"Saved the whole family..."

"I served, this is more powerful than saving my son. No wonder they both came from the Liang family."

While everyone was shocked, when they looked at Chu Yi again, they suddenly realized that this sudden appearance of the Chu family and young man was the real horror.

Before, when people saw Chu Yi chatting and joking, they only felt that they were young and frivolous, but now, they have become a joke.

Some young girls looked at Chu Yi curiously and curiously.

No matter why these people came, after all, Chu Yi saved their loved ones. This kindness is more reliable than the benefits in the mall.

Everyone can be sure that after today, Jiangnan will surely rise a new star.

Liang Shangjun and Liang Bochao walked in front of Chu Yi. At this time, Fan Hong and others had already stood up. In front of this kind of seniors, they were still a little embarrassed.

"Teacher Chu knows even Liang's family?" Yan Bang looked at Jiang Kun, stunned. He thought he was here to support the scene. Where did he think that Chu Yi had a back hand.

"If you think about Teacher Chu's identity, you will understand." Jiang Kun smiled bitterly.

"Yes." Yan Bang relieved.

Chu Yi didn't get up, but he was calm, and talking about his age, this thing is a thousand years old demon.

"Teacher Chu."

"Teacher Chu."

The two said respectfully, without the slightest sense.

"Senior Liang, better health."

"That is, I feel like I am back in my twenties now. I am so strong that I can go back to the battlefield to kill the enemy." Liang Shangjun said boldly.

"Oh, that's fine, I'm afraid you can't stand it." Chu Yi said with a smile.

Everyone around saw Chu Yi's smile and couldn't help being surprised.

"No! I have a bad hunch." Chu Zhonggu took a long breath of air, only to feel that the cold hairs all over his body were raised.

"Would he want to..."

A group of guests only felt that their hearts were turned upside down.

"Since you are in good health, let's stand and eat, our seats are not enough." Chu Yi smiled lightly, "It is also an honor for you to come to our Chu's house to eat anyway."


You really said it!

You have kind!

The other party is an old senior...

Chu Shanliu was about to cry, and Wu Zhenshu's eyes were black, almost paralyzed.

It's too cruel!

This sentence is too terrifying.

If Chu Shanliu didn't hold her arm tightly, she might have to rush to fight with Chu Yi.

There is no such bullying.

Chu Zhongfei was completely ignorant. He couldn't think of any reason why his own worthless brother could let so many big people come and let them stand and eat.

If it were him, no matter who came inside, he would treat him respectfully.

He is not reconciled!

Chu Zhongfei did not want to admit defeat.

"Stand up, stand up, comfortable." Liang Shangjun matured and laughed loudly.

"Are you comfortable standing, do we dare to sit?" All the guests shouted and snarled in their hearts, crying.

Jiang Kun, Yan Bang, Li Tianyuan, General Liang Bochao and General Liang Shangjun all stood around the table of Chu Yi... Such a wonderful scene can only be seen today.

A crowd of gangsters lined up.

Chu Huaige took a deep breath several times. He was about to persuade him to persuade him, but he heard something happening at the door.

The waiter smiled: "This old gentleman, this is a private banquet. Do you have an invitation?"

Everyone looked around with prestige, and saw a ragged old man who probed his brain and wanted to come in.

"I'm here to find Teacher Chu." The old man said.

Everyone looked and heard, and no one knew. The old man was dressed shabbyly, like a beggar.

"Finally, there is a big man."

People were relieved and almost had a heart attack.

After all, Qing Changhong is a person from a special department. He rarely shows up. Even Chu Huaige and Ouyang Lian have only heard of the name, but have never seen a real person.

"All beggars go to our Chu's house and walk quickly." Chu Shanliu was unhappy and drove again and again.

With that said, the old man will be pushed out.


"you dare!"

But the next second, two rumblings thundered.

Everyone saw the two half-step masters on the main table. Almost instantly, when they saw the old man, they stood up fiercely, like ghosts, and came to the gate in an instant, and then they kicked the Chu mountain stream directly with one foot. .

Immediately, in the terrified eyes of everyone, these two half-step guru-level figures saw the martial arts strongmen who did not have to salute the generals, and bowed to the old man who was down.

"Nine young people in the junior generation, see Senior Changhong."

"Young people, Yin and Yang Taoists, meet Senior Changhong."

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