My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 268: It's him? !

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Gu Yaotian is over 90 years old, but it looks as old as Gu Tianshan.

If you can reach the congenital, it will increase your life for hundreds of years, and then it will be the real rejuvenation.

His strength is strong, the breath is like the water of the abyss, and it flows slowly. Since the robe, the air is like ripples, which makes everyone unable to breathe.

Many rich people who have a relationship with the Heavenly Masters Association would like to speak and discourage them. After all, a martial arts master like Qing Changhong is present. Isn’t Gu Yaotian trying to kill Chu Yi?

However, at this moment, this group of people want to scold mother.

What kind of coercion did you exert to make them miserable, not even standing, let alone speaking.

So a strange phenomenon appeared in the field. Everyone looked at Gu Yaotian directly, but no one said anything.

Injecting Gu Tianshan and others was silently suppressed by Chu Yi. As for Ouyang Lian and others, they were frightened by the aura of Gu Yaotian's half-step master.

After all, they are old people or ordinary people. In front of the half-step master, there is no room for resistance.

"Self-seeking death..." Ouyang Tian smiled coldly, although he hated Chu Yi, but at this moment, he was very fortunate. His stupid behavior before was stopped by Master Lu Yuan, otherwise he now, It's like mud on the ground.

Gu Yaotian smiled and said: "Nine Taoists, Yin and Yang Taoists, today's things, I hope you don't intervene. This kid had killed one of my Tianshi Association six months ago, and then wounded me, even threatened to destroy me. Tianshi Association."

"This son, kill!"

In a word, the murderous and awe-inspiring, the entire Chu family mansion seemed to be covered with a layer of smog and heavy.

"Old Master Chu, old Master Ouyang, how much offended today, this great day, must see blood."

Gu Yaotian's murderous intentions have never been alone, and he can threaten the Heavenly Teachers Association so much that even if he has monstrous power, he cannot escape his own killing.

The Jiutao people looked at Gu Yaotian with a compassionate eye, not to mention Chu Yi's own strength. Only Changhong's seniors were here, and he was going to be tragic this time.

Killing a person who was invited to be the instructor of Langya is simply against the entire Langfang.

The Yin-Yang Taoist has a heart to remind, but he also knows that today, I am afraid that Gu Yaotian will be killed.

It's just that he always thought subconsciously that it would be Senior Changhong's shot.

As for Chu Yi, I am afraid that there are any special talents that will be invited away.

He did not dare to think in the direction of the master, after all, this was incredible.

"Ignorance!" Qing Changhong smiled without a word.

None of the others who knew the inside story were afraid, but Fan Hong grabbed the seeds instead.

The burly admiral, who also had his eyes bright, was looking forward to the next thing.

He is the person responsible for the contact between Langya and the country. He came here to find Chu Yi this time, and he was a bit puzzled. But now, when someone is provoking, he also took the opportunity to see Chu Yi's true ability.

"Tianshi Association, I have investigated." Facing the other's aggressiveness, Chu Yi smiled, as if talking to an old friend.

"The results of the investigation are somewhat terrible."

"As for what it is, you must know it yourself."

"Such a huge association has long been corrupted internally, and has done so many days of anger."

Everyone was silent.

These are rich people, naturally know the true face of the Association of Heavenly Masters, but such a behemoth, even the family of Qinhua City dare not to provoke, not to mention the fact that they do business.

Therefore, as long as you do not bully yourself, you will let it go.

"A long time ago, I said that to come to Qinhua and destroy the Association of Heavenly Masters, this sentence is still valid today."

Chu Yi's words shocked everyone.

With Chu Yi's current status, only one sentence is needed, and Qing Changhong, the master of martial arts, will take action.

"Is it true that the Heavenly Masters Association is really going to be destroyed?"

"Everyone will have their own bottom line." Gu Yaotian's voice was old, he lived too many years, witnessed the rise of countless days in the underground world, but in the end, it was too bright, and fell prematurely, some The genius, even the martial artist, had been assassinated.

"The Association of Heavenly Masters is my bottom line. Since you want to step on this bottom line, you must be prepared to die."

Gu Yaotian's hands fell slightly, standing ten meters away from Chu Yi.

At this distance, he can kill each other by reaching out.

"Isn't you enlightened by death? If so, let's go to death."

Gu Yaotian's words just fell, and his hands like a dead wood slowly lifted up, and with his movements, everyone only felt the sky turning.

"Everything in the world comes to me."


Snow is misty, the wind is very strong, and there is a good wind, which directly falls from the sky.

He grabbed the sky with both hands, as if holding the whole world in his hands.

At this moment, he is God and judge.

The surrounding tiles crackled, the snow on the top of the mountain shook off in the distance, and the dead wood snapped.

Above the Chu's mansion, the air flow is constantly spinning.

But in this courtyard, everything is very calm, which is also Gu Yaotian's proper control.

He wanted to kill Chu Yi because he knew that the Chu family did not want to see Chu Yi.

Many people in the Chu family hope that Chu Yi will disappear.

And Gu Yaotian also took the opportunity to kill Chu Yi.

He has deduced that Chu Yi is so young that he can become a great martial arts master. I am afraid that he will be a foolproof entry into the generals in the future. Once this is the case, then he will have a big enemy.

After he dies, who will protect the Association of Heavenly Masters, who can protect his son.

But Gu Yaotian also did not want to offend the Chu family, especially this engagement, also related to the Ouyang family.

So his purpose today is just to kill Chu Yi, nothing more.


He put out his palm like a breeze, like a wave, and the whole person was like a ghost, fluttering lightly, and with a flicker, he came to Chu Yi.

Those palms, controlling the world, everyone just watched from a distance, and also felt a deep despair.

"It took me twenty years to understand the breeze before I realized this palm."

"It's an honor for you, a great warrior, to die under this palm."

It was a palm that was condensed to the limit and killed secretly. The nine Daoists and Yin-Yang Taoists on the side were awe-inspiring.

They did not expect that this ancient Yaotian cultivation practice had reached such a point that this palm, even they must deal with it with caution.

"Kill him, kill him!" Chu Zhongfei was flushed, but he wished Chu Yi died on the spot.

However, Chu Yi's eyelids were slightly drooping, and when that palm appeared, suddenly his eyes erupted.

A quiet light burst out, which is a kind of sword. Although it has not been refined, it can still be used for simple manipulation with vigor.

Sword species, even Chu Yi can be injured, not to mention a half-step master.

The distance was too close, Gu Yaotian did not expect.

Outside of the panic, he only had time to fight with his palms, but the next second, he watched the light pierce his right palm and pierce his body directly.


Gu Yaotian didn't even flash a thought, blood was splattering and he died on the spot.

Chu Yi's palm stretched out, and the light was lost again.

Everyone only felt the tremor from the soul.

"How is it possible!?" Yin and Yang Taoists roared in their hearts, but that's half-step master!

Die so easily?

"Wouldn't he be..." The Yin Yang Taoist thought of something, and suddenly looked at Jiu Dao Ren.

I saw that Jiu Dao Ren also had a shock in his eyes and nodded at him.

"The person you want." He was bitter.

The scene was silent.

Chu Yi turned his head and looked at Chu Zhongfei with a smile on his face: "You didn't ask me, why did these big men come to me?"

Chu Zhongfei's body was ice and flax.

Wu Zhenshu saw someone die on the spot, but his thoughts had not come back.

At this moment, when Chu Yi suddenly asked, the anger in his heart turned into a panic.

Everyone held their breath, and the well-informed people had already felt something was wrong.

A name, stuck in their throats, came out and made them very uncomfortable.

"Because, I am King Chu Yan."

Chu Yi stood proudly, with a smile on his lips, when he said this, he was arrogant.

Because the three words of King Chu Yan represent not the deterrence of people on the earth, but the famous name in the fairyland.

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