My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 269: Sorry, late!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Although many people already have answers in their minds, after the party style Chu Yi said it himself, they still felt a strong impact.

That kind of feeling is more than earth-shaking and even stronger than an earthquake of magnitude 18.

Surrounding the scene of hundreds of people, only the sound of breathing remained quiet.

During this time, everyone was talking about Chu Yan, because he represented a legend, and he killed a martial arts master when he debuted. This thing shocked everyone.

Everyone knows what this represents. If you can really invite a guru to sit in the town, your own forces will inevitably rise at the fastest speed. This is an honor that only top families have.

However, when the Chu Yan king really appeared in front of everyone, the strong impact of the picture had already made everyone stunned.

It would be the Chu family.

It turned out to be the young man chased away by the Chu family.

At this moment, the guests looked at Chu Huaige and others with a sympathetic eye.

"There was a dragon from the Chu family. Unfortunately, this dragon was driven away by them." The Jiutao people sighed again. Otherwise, the Chu family will be able to stop the whole Jiangnan in the future.

Not to mention that the Chu family has fallen, even if it really fell down, but a guru can fully support this Chu family.

"Xiaoyi, he is the King of Chu Yan, the master of martial arts?" Chu Huaige froze in place, this grandson he didn't look good on, and this grandson he despised, would now appear in this gesture.

One is a young man in his twenties, and the other is Chu Yan who beheaded the martial arts master. With such a huge drop, not many people can bear it.

"Xiao Yi he...the original words are all true." Chu Yunyun covered his mouth in surprise, so that what happened before was completely explained.

With his strength, it is really not necessary to put the Chu family in the eye.

"King Chu Yan..."

Chu Zhongfei was immediately ashamed, and there was no trace of blood on his face. He looked at the young man in the center of the field who was like him, and his style was flying at the moment.

He couldn't believe this fact, but the corpse on the ground was real.


Chu Zhongfei straightened up, sitting on the ground like this, with a crying expression on his face.

"Chu Yan, turned out to be Chu Yan..."

"You deliberately, if you said it earlier, who will be against you!"

Wu Zhenshu, as if Hu was in the throat, when he heard the words of Chu Yan, he fainted.

Chu Shanliu, Chu Shanchuan and others have been completely overwhelmed.

They thought about everything, arranged everything, managed everything, and took over all the Chu family's affairs, but the other party's words made their previous preparations disappear.

Nothing is more important than a martial arts master.

The king of Chu Yan they had been looking for turned out to be their own family.

"How could this be?" Ouyang Yi, a spirit, only felt his legs were soft and almost fell to the ground.

Li Feihong was dry and panicked: "Less, what shall we do? He won't kill us."

At this moment, he has already regretted it very much, and wished he could slap himself.

"It's over..."

Zhou Yan was born from Langfang. At this moment, he was afraid that his teeth were trembling, and the consequences of offending a guru. He didn’t know where.

The guru holds the power and kills everything. For the small person like himself, as long as the other party has a little meaning, there are countless people to kill himself to please the guru.


Chu Zhong Gu deeply sighed.

The other party is too strong, not at the same level as the Chu family. For him, the entire Chu family is like ants. He and others still mock Chu Yi every day. When thinking of it, Chu Zhonggu felt ashamed.

The Chu family, from top to bottom, from old to young, all froze in place.

"The king of Chu Yan, a generation of guru, what a horror, the Chu family is really sad." Yan Bang shook his head mockingly.

Li Yuantian said with a smile: "Teacher Chu is so young that he can become a master. In the future, he may be qualified to attack the illusory congenital realm. His weight is heavier than that of Chen Zhantian."

"It's no wonder that Langfang can't wait to come to him."

Chu Yi was able to kill the guru, so these people naturally think he is also a guru.

"Does the congenital realm really exist?" Yan Bang dumb, such illusory legends, like a myth in his eyes.

"It does exist, maybe someone on earth now has a glimpse of it."

"Unfortunately, in my life, I can't even see the gate."

Li Yuantian regrets that this is also the biggest regret of all the dedicated people.

"This group of people are also thinking of driving Teacher Chu out of Chu's house. Gee... Now these expressions are really wonderful."

Fan Hong snorted, where is the demeanor of the big brother.

"I want to record all of this scene and show it to my son in the future."

Qin Huasheng's eyes flickered: "Everyone said that one person got the way, the chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, but it is a pity that this is a blessing or a curse for the Chu family, or something else."

"This can only blame the Chu family."

"How can I look at people's eyes?" Qing Changhong laughed, but his eyes were shocked, because he knew that Chu Yi's strength was strong again.

The last time, I was still a great martial arts master, and now I have reached a general, and even half-step masters can be easily killed.

Even without the help of a large array of terror, it can be comparable to the master.

The admiral focused on his head: "This is a great thing. The matter of spikes must speed up the process."

"The king of Chu Yan turned out to be him!?"

Old Master Ouyang, Yin Yang Taoist, also all froze in place.

"So I said, Brother Yin and Yang, all your careful thoughts should be put away, as long as the Chu family has not completely broken with the Chu Yan king, and the entire Jiangnan, no one can shake the status of the Chu family."

Nine Dao Ren smiled.

"I heard that King Chu Yan taught at Jiujiang No.3 Middle School. Should I go there to teach?"

No matter what other people think, Chu Yi still sneered and looked at everyone.

"The hatred of the previous life, the resentment of the previous life, can be considered a pass today."

He is not a saint, and he can’t repay his grievances with morals. The pain that the other party has given him, he will surely give back 100 times.

"Now, do you still want to ask why?"

Chu Yi stepped forward, Chu Shanliu, Chu Shanchuan and others all took a step back.

"It's enough for me to be the king of Chu Yan and to kill a guru by me."

Chu Huaige's body shook, as if he was much older in a flash.

However, his complexion really calmed down.

"Xiaoyi, everyone is a family, even if the past is the case, from now on, you will stay in the Chu's house."

"Stay at Chu's house?"


Chu Yi chuckled lightly. He was not surprised at all. With his stubborn personality, he could definitely say this.

"Yeah, Xiaoyi, this is your home after all, and your body is also bleeding from our Chu family."

"Xiaoyi, come back."

"Second brother, you also advise Xiaoyi."

Chu Yi's uncles and uncles smiled and said earnestly.

Once Chu Yi returns, the status of the Chu family will be greatly improved.

Chu Shanhe didn't speak, his son had grown up, this time he put the decision right in the hands of his son.

Looking at this smiling smile, Chu Yi only felt extremely tired.

"Let me return to the Chu family? It's late."

"A few days ago, if you gave me the assets that the Chu family should have, then I still have a connection with the Chu family."

"Unfortunately you didn't give it."

"If you can pay me 3 billion in medicine, I can help."

"Unfortunately you didn't pay."

"No matter how bad, the people of the Heavenly Teachers Association just wanted to kill me, and anyone cares about me."

"Unfortunately nobody."

Chu Yi said one word and said like Hong Lei: "Now, you said let me return to the Chu family? Don't you find it ridiculous?"

"Sorry, it's late."

The people of the Chu family were red-eared for a while.

They stood blankly, completely at a loss.

Yeah, Chu Yi had given them so many opportunities, but they didn't care at all.

Chu Yi looked around. When his eyes fell on Chu Yunyun, he smiled gently.

"Everyone, this engagement banquet can not be eaten, but you can treat him as a marriage banquet."

"Brother Feng, hurry up, my sister can't wait." Chu Yi smiled.

Ouyang's father heard the words, and his face turned white with trembling.

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