My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 272: Achievement Guru

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In the Chu family mansion, everything is quiet. At this moment, no one can feel their own existence. In their eyes, there is only the figure of Chu Yi.

"Achievement guru?"

In the eyes of Chu Shanliu and others, there was a turbulent wave. They never imagined that their nephew had achieved such achievements before he became a guru, but now he is about to step into a guru on the spot.

Chu Yi looked at the gate. In the distance, there was a long sunset.

"Hula! Hula!"

At this moment, every breath of Chu Yi is accompanied by a rhythm, like playing a song of everything.

Along with breathing, there is a long white puff of smoke between his nose, just like two dragons, going in and out continuously, the breath is long, and he seems to want to inhale all the spirits of this world.

In one step, he walked towards the door.

The body made a crackle like a firecracker, and the big beads fell on the jade plate, and they kept tinkling.

Everyone only felt happy, and the whole person was dreamy.

In two steps, the spirit within Chu Yi was surging wildly, but he was firmly controlled by him.

The reason why the so-called master is different is to sink all the aura in the body into the Dantian, and open up a unique area there.

Reiki turns into liquid, spins, condenses, and forms a vortex.

In this way, the speed of absorption can also be greatly accelerated.

"The ancient Chinese Huadan Dantian was not unreasonable."

Chu Yi said to himself, after all, many things in China come from the fairyland that opens once every thousand years.

It's just that people nowadays have lost their exercises, so it's difficult to enter the realm of martial arts.

"Yin and Yang points!"

Chu Yi snorted.

Each mental method can condense a unique cyclone, so the importance of mental method is reflected here.

The "Tai Chi Mind Technique" mastered by Chu Yi, although not the final mind technique of Immortal Realm, is also the top group.

After all, the basic mentality before innate is not uncommon in the fairy world.

One yin, one yang, constantly spinning.

For Chu Yi, this is a simple matter. After all, he can become an immortal. Which one is not a stunning generation.

Without any hesitation, he synthesized in one breath.

Dantian is instinct to prepare for the innate, as soon as he enters the innate, he will surely enter into a whole new world.

In the third step, Chu Yi stepped forward and the skin was already steaming hot.

In the fourth step, there are drops of water.

In the fifth step, the room smells strange.

The sixth step-his whole person, already standing at the door opening, the setting sun glowing from the west, shining on him, Chu Yi whole person, as if lit by incense.

At this moment, heaven and earth were quiet for it. When the Chu family saw Chu Yi, they only felt very small.

It seems that the person is the world and everything.

They even have an urge to worship.

Six steps to become a master!

Chu Yi stood in the sunset and was a little relieved.

"In the last life, because of the resentment in my heart, when I became the guru, I had buried the scourge, and as a result, I was wiped out by thunder. This time, it was complete."

"However, it is still difficult to achieve Immortal Venerable. Even if I have the experience of the previous life, it is more my own efforts and opportunities."

"After achieving the master, you can choose a forging body first, but this is not in a hurry, wait until you return to Jiujiang City and consider it slowly."

Chu Yi turned around and looked at everyone.

Chu Shanliu, Chu Shanchuan and other elders, Chu Zhongfei, Chu Zhonggu and other juniors, at this moment, their mouths were surprised.

They never dreamed that Chu Yi actually became a master in front of them.

"Guru...this is Guru..."

Everyone was shocked.

When he was a general, he was able to kill the master, now?

Wouldn't it be better.

"Good!" Chu Huaige laughed heartily, patting Taishi chair with one hand, tears came out of the corner of his eyes, and he quickly turned around and wiped it.

"Who said that my Chu family has no dragons or phoenixes? If the Chu family's ancestors and ancestors knew about it, they would be very happy."

"Shanhe, you have a good son."

The Chushan River has a happy face, but it is a bit gloomy: "This should be thanks to the genes of the Tang family."

Chu family, they don't have such genes, they are clear.

But both Chu Yi and Chu Mu have extremely terrifying talents, so it must be the genes of the Tang family.

At the mention of the Tang family, everyone fell silent.

Because the Tang family can stand up, it is not just the warriors, but the guru. They themselves have the strength to deter the guru.

Of course, if it were not for the last resort, the Tang family would not offend a guru for nothing.

"Dad, I said, sooner or later, I will go to the capital, go to the Tang family, and pick up my mother. When the family is around, we can be reunited." Chu Yi said firmly.

This is his last life and his long-cherished wish.

No matter how powerful the Tang family is, no matter whether there is a hidden family behind it, Chu Yi has no fear at all.

"And Xiao Mu, your leg hurts, and I will be able to heal after a while."

"Brother, I still believe you." Chu Mu was very calm, but he could still see the fluctuations in his eyes.

The people of the Chu family were extremely excited. The appearance of a Chu Yi made the Chu family completely different.

"Old man, the old man of Qin Huafeng's family is here and says he is here to visit you."

At this moment, Zheng Butler appeared slowly.

"That old man, did you know to visit me?" Chu Huaige sneered. "I didn't even look at our Chu's family before. Now I see that there is a dragon in my Chu's family.

Having said that, Chu Huaige still feels proud.

The children of the Chu family laughed. They knew that everything in the Chu family was different. It is estimated that many people from large enterprises would come to visit.

All of this is because of one person-Chu Yi.


At this moment, other forces in Qinhua City were uneasy.

Li family.

"Chu Yi turned out to be King Chu!" Mr. Li was shocked. After hearing this news, he hasn't eased up till now.

"Grandpa, what shall we do?" Li Feihong's heart all raised his throat, standing in the ancient Tianshan next to him. Until now, he was still sweating.

Grandpa Li sighed deeply: "Old Man Chu, really lucky, even with such a grandson, our Li family can only temporarily avoid the edge."

"The young Chu family, since he didn't even kill the Ouyang Division, just discarded his hands and feet, indicating that he is still kind."

Li Feihong's eyes twitched, and he said that this is the scene where you haven't seen the other party killing Li Yaotian.

That dazzling blood may become the shadow of Li Feihong's life.

"Senior man, what should we do with the Heavenly Masters Association? Now that my father is dead, the Heavenly Masters Association is also in a mess." Gu Tianshan shuddered.

"The Association of Heavenly Masters must not exist anymore. Let's change things and change it a little bit, and proceed in a low-key manner." Master Li said flatly.

"You don't have to be nervous, since you are back, then the majors of the Chu family will definitely not kill you again, otherwise, you will not be able to walk out of Chu..."


Only half of what he said, I saw an eyeball of Gu Tianshan suddenly popping out.

Immediately after, it was another one.

His hands and feet were even ripped off halfway, and he fell like a mechanical part on the ground.

Blood splatter.

There was a piece of blood on the faces and clothes of Li Feihong and Mr. Li.

In front of them, a living person suddenly became a piece of flesh.

Grandpa Li froze.

Li Feihong passed out directly.

They only knew at this time that King Chu Yan would never be soft-hearted.

At the moment, Master Li has no attempt to rebuild the Association of Heavenly Masters.

With the emergence of Chu Yi, the entire Qinhua city seems to have ceased, and the order of the underground world has been extremely harmonious in recent times.

Everyone knows that there is a master who lives in Qinhua City.

And it is also related to the Chu family.

As for the real insider, I am afraid that only the guests of that day will know.

But before they left, they had been warned by Chu Yi that they would die rather than tell the story of the Chu family.

This is the power of the master!

No one dared to violate it. These people are too late to please Chu Yi.

But at this time, the party Chu Yi was walking slowly into a villa.

Inside, several generals and Qing Changhong are waiting for him urgently.

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