My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 273: Spark with lightning

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The general is named Zhao Peng and is the latest generation of generals in China. It is an era with Chen Zhantian.

Chen Zhantian relied on amazing personal force, while Zhao Peng relied on military merit to step up.

His eyes were fierce, he revealed coercion, his hands were rough, and his right thumb was missing half, and the whole person revealed a fierce momentum.

Looking at Qing Changhong next to him, it was a little sloppy and untraceable.

"I have reported to the above, and this time there is no problem at all." Zhao Peng showed a smile, and he was also watching the development of Langfang, so he did not want this special team to be submerged under the modern weapon environment.

And Chu Yi, being just a military commander, has the prestige to compete with the grandmaster, and can even instruct Qing Changhong to become the grandmaster. Such strength is beyond doubt.

Qing Changhong nodded with a smile. His previous proposal has always been opposed, because no one believes that there will be such a tough young man.

"You can rest assured now." Qing Changhong raised his eyebrows, "Come."

I saw the entrance of the villa, Chu Yi walked in slowly. Every step of his life was like a normal person, but when he stepped down, he appeared instantly a few meters away, but it took only three or four seconds. Came to the two.

Zhao Peng didn't think anything. He had seen that a strong man could do this.

It's just that when Qing Changhong saw Chu Yi, he was so scared that he stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he couldn't recognize his surprise.

"Teacher Chu, have you entered the guru?"

After hearing this, Zhao Peng was shocked and looked at Chu Yi unexpectedly.


"Isn't Teacher Chu a talented general?"

No wonder he was so excited because the position of a guru and a general was so different.

Throughout China, the number of masters can be counted, and the generals, although not a lot, are definitely a lot, even if they are half-step masters.

Moreover, such a young master is so shocking.

Chen Zhantian had become a master at that time, and was almost forty years old, but what about the young people in front of him, twenty

Chu Yi walked slowly, and the master was too simple for him.

"Just became the guru yesterday."

He answered so casually, but Qing Changhong couldn't calm down at all.

"Teacher Chu, I have overestimated you as much as possible, but your strength, but I still underestimate you, from the time we recognize it, it has been more than half a year, you directly entered the current guru from the master martial arts, which is basically All the warriors are to be mad."

Qing Changhong was speechless. At the thought of his age and Chu Yi's age, he wished to be reborn.


The two sighed aloud, and Qi Qi felt alive.

After a little chat, the three talents formally entered the topic.

Zhao Peng said: "Teacher Chu, what I said next is state secrets."

"Our wolf teeth were established before the founding of the country. In those years, during the war, we established a great reputation, which made the Western world frightened."

"Today, there are three masters in Langya."

"Instructors, there are ten in total, all of them at the rank of generals."

"There are thirty elite members in total, and each of them is the pinnacle of the great martial arts. In the future, there will be a 50% chance of entering the generals."

"The core members, a total of sixty-six, are all at 50 levels."

"As for the highly talented warriors, there are 130 in total."

"This is collected from all over the country. Everyone is shocked and at least enrolled in the martial arts division. There is no problem, and because of the complete exercises and mental methods, they can do it compared with the outsiders of the same level. Until completely crushed."

Zhao Peng proudly said.

Such a fighting power, once condensed together, is absolutely terrifying, and even more terrifying than a regiment.

Because the warriors are pervasive, their talents are righteous, and there are many means, and some cannot be resisted by modern technology.

"Directly speaking but..." Chu Yi smiled, he was not shocked at all. Any child of a sect in the fairy world was several times stronger than here.

Zhao Peng was disappointed in his heart. He wanted to see the shocked expression on the other side, but he still said: "But, we are in a bottleneck here."

"The number of warriors to great martial artists is decreasing, and the number of warriors to martial artists is also decreasing."

"Not to mention the guru."

"Senior Changhong is my first grandmaster in Langya in ten years."

"So, we want to ask you to come and give us some pointers."

Langfang, devoted most of the hard work of this general, he could not watch him fall.

Chu Yi nodded, then extended two fingers: "Two reasons."

"First, the era that produced the most powerful people happens to be the era of war. I believe you should also know that if you want to change, it is naturally impossible to wage war. You can only modify the training method."

"Second, the spirit on earth, as Gu Feng said, is not a coincidence. It is right in the valley now."

The fluctuations of the aura on the earth are very small, and the general guru can't perceive it, but Chu Yi can still feel that the current aura has almost reached the thinnest time, but it will gradually improve after this year.

Qing Changhong thought deeply: "But we can't sit still waiting for our fangs. This time, we will send ten martial artists and ten martial arts soldiers first, depending on the effect."

"Twenty people? That's not much."

After discussing with a few people, everything was settled, and a small number of Langya people will arrive at Jiujiang Meishan in three days.


The Spring Festival passed away in a flash. Although many things happened, the direction was always good.

Chu Mu and Chu Shanhe stayed in Qin Hua, after all, it was more convenient to take care of Chu Mu there.

Only Chu Yi was on his way home.

"After three days, the school is about to begin, and the mace will come over tomorrow... really troublesome."

Sitting on the top of Meishan Mountain.

Inside the Qianlong Mountain Villa, a heroic hero's voice hummed.

Their potential is huge, and they are growing at a rapid rate, but within a few days or two months, they have officially entered the martial arts.

If Chu Yi is average in teaching, then his journey in martial arts is absolutely terrifying.

At this time, the entire Meishan Mountain was surrounded by clouds and fog, a little vague.

But the people under the mountain have already been surprised by such a scene.

Everyone looked at Meishan with awe in their hearts.

"Before the mace comes, forge body skill first."

In the realm of the master, there is the technique of forging body, which can pass through the internal organs and nourish the internal organs, moisturize the meridian skeleton, and prepare for the innate.

"Forging, although it is only a transitional stage, can be crucial for entering the innate."

Innate, lies in breaking.

Gas breaking Dantian.

Once this process can't bear it, it will explode and die.

And at this time, forging body technique has played an advantage.

"Tai Chi Sect's best master body-building technique is "Dali Yin Yang Boxing."

"This set of forging techniques evolved from the word "zhen" in the Eight Diagrams."

"Earthquake" in the gossip represents thunder.

"Tai Chi Yin Yang Quan" is to practice body with thunder, which is also an extremely demanding exercise. If one is not careful, it is likely to disappear.

At that time, Chu Yi did not choose this set of exercises, but in this life, he wanted to challenge it.

"A total of three, corresponding to the three steps of the martial arts master."

Master, there are three steps.

One step at a time.

When the three-step guru is achieved, it will be able to impact the innate state.

It's just that the level of Reiki on the earth, even if Chu Yi shocks the innate, will feel troubled, unless staying directly in the spirit mine.

"Don't think too much, first refining the first into something."

The first one is Xiaolei.

After refining, it can block the shells.

The general one-step guru has no such ability at all, their flesh can only resist bullets.

Therefore, with the rapid development of modern weapons, the status of the warrior will continue to decline.

"I need to stimulate myself with a weak current first. If Tianlei is ignited at this time, I am afraid it will be smashed."

Chu Yi still has self-knowledge. He looks around, frowning slightly.

Finally, he crept into the house and saw a socket. Without any hesitation, he put a finger in.


A burst of sparks brought lightning.

Chu cheap, the whole person was confused.

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