Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

A painting shocked the whole school, and even made the talented painter Principal Tian admire it.

Tian Qiu could not have imagined that in such a rural corner, someone would interpret landscape painting to such an extent.

Let's not talk about how to paint, just the magical technique alone can absolutely shock the entire painting world.

How can such a person be willing to be a teacher here?

He casually shot a painting, which is probably worth more than 10 million yuan.

Tian Qiu subconsciously covered his paintings with other papers. It was okay not to compare them. The comparison was so different that he was ashamed of himself.

"Mr. Chu, what's the name of this painting?" someone asked, eyes shining brightly.

""Inherited all the way". Chu Yi smiled.

Innate, is at ease, is detached, if the heart is not detached, it is useless.

This is why the difference between innate and guru is so great.


"What do you mean?"

Everyone is puzzled, but when looking at the winding path between the mountains, it is suddenly shocked that this path leads to the deep, maybe it is innate.

"Principal Tian, ​​what do you think?" Chu Yi looked at Tian Qiu.

"If you say professional study, it's okay, sometimes there is no way for the college entrance examination, but even if you have to systematically program your interests, you will lose your spirituality."

Tian Qiu's nose and eyes twitched, trying to refute, but he lost to Chu Yi.

"The wise man will have a loss, and the foolish will have a loss."

At this moment, his assistant Zhang Li stood up, at this time, he must maintain the dignity of his boss.

"Teacher Chu, if you are willing to take the second game, then I will admire."

Tian Qiu's eyes flashed, and immediately followed Tension's words, counting his heart.

"Teacher Chu, I really lost in this landscape painting. If you are willing to compare one game, or if we lose on our side, the interest in the class will be based on your opinion."

"second round?"

"What else?"

The teachers and students are all excited, and this is the first day of school. It is so exciting. This semester is really full of expectations.

"Principal Tian, ​​you must not compare calligraphy with Teacher Chu. Teacher Chu's calligraphy is also top-notch." Gao Deshang said quickly.

Tian Qiu frowned and nodded.

"Compared to what?" Chu Yi looked sideways. He was afraid at all. He lived for thousands of years, and he was not specialized in cultivation. When he was usually fine, he would specialize in other trails.

The accumulation of thousands of years is naturally extraordinary.

"It's better than Guzheng." Tian Qiu said, very confident. He saw Chu Yi's eyebrows flickering, and he was even more certain.


"It's too bullying, most people don't learn Guzheng at all."

"Have you seen Teacher Chu playing Guzheng?" Lin Xiaomei was angry.

Who are these people? As soon as we come to our school, we start to find fault.

If it is better than others, it can be Guzheng.

It's too uncommon.

Lu Jie smiled slightly: "But you haven't seen him paint."

Hu Lai said in his heart: "Yes, Mr. Chu means impossible. Without him, he will not."

"Guzheng..." Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, but laughed in his heart.

In the fairyland, musical instruments are also one of the means of attack, but most of them are ancient Chinese musical instruments. As for modern pianos and electronic organs, they are not.

So if the opponent proposes to play the piano, Chu Yi doesn't know anything, but Guzheng...

He was not as good as painting, but because Ye Yanyu often played, Chu Yi was also familiar with it.

"Good, better than that." Chu Yi gritted his teeth. "Anyway, I also learned Guzheng for three years."

Three years...

Everyone was a little speechless.

Because everyone knows that the headmaster Tian sent here is definitely a general, with three years of experience in Guzheng, I am afraid that it will be crushed by one hand.

"Three years, Principal Tian, ​​I really don't want to shoot."

A middle-aged, forty-year-old man, dressed in an ancient style, with long and white hands, is incompatible with his appearance.

President Tian smiled and said, "Teachers and classmates, let me introduce to you, this master is your future guzheng teacher. Now guzheng is very famous in the international arena, and many famous schools abroad also value this talent. ."

"This is Master Liu Leliu, who is known for his sound."

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Liu Le? Awesome?

They haven't heard it.

However, there must be something extraordinary about this title.

"Arrogance and rudeness." When Chu Yi saw this person, he defined the other party, but it didn't matter if he had real skills.

Liu Le slowly raised his eyelids, and the whole person's movements reached the limit of elegance, as if they were children of a large family in ancient times.

With his hands clean, he chose a suitable place, and soon he put the mat and guzheng on.

"I generally don't shoot, but this time looking at President Tian's face, I barely teach you something."


Chu Yi is speechless, why is this man even more crazy than him.

"What's your name?" Chu Yi patted his head.

"You can call me absolutely."

"Beijing's four must-does, I'm the one with no sounds. In front of me, the other voices are silent." Liu Le said slowly.

"Menopause Master, you are too full to say this." Chu Yi arms around, also sat down, just opposite.

This is to fight the piano.


Everyone's face was stunned, and only the wonderful teacher Chu could say it.

"I'm not called desperate. I'm called Yinjue." Liu Le's fingers were tense, and he wanted to smash Guzheng on the opposite head.

Why is this man's expression so beating!

"Okay, Master Menopause, what do you say we are better than?" Chu Yi was unmoved and looked at each other sincerely.

Liu Le: "..."

He decided to stop entangled.

"It's better than "Mountain Flowing Water", one of China's top ten classics.

"Yes." Chu Yi nodded.

"Boy, wait, I want you to be completely crushed by me." Liu Le was a little sullen in his heart, but before the game started, he still suppressed his anger, and his heart was like water.

"Master Liu Le is about to show his true skills. It seems that this teacher Chu has angered him." Tian Qiu Shen agreed.

This is the person he specially invited, in order to be able to shine in Jiujiang City, and even he has prepared a reporter to interview Master Yinjue, of course including himself.

Achievements are to be done.

But also let the people above see.

This time he took the initiative to apply for transfer here, wasn't it just to go back to high after going back?

He dropped his hand.

A rhythm sounded out, and it seemed that the lobby was a bit noisy and quieted down.

The teachers and students began to meditate and sink into it.

All around, quietly, only Liu Le's piano sound.

"Preemptive action, I see how you respond. If you follow me, you lose."

It’s too easy to see the gap, especially when they play the same song together.

Chu Yi is not in a hurry, his attainments in Guzheng are not strong, but also relative to ordinary people.

His right hand gently hooked the strings.


At the gate of Jiujiang No. 3 Middle School, heavy snow flew, a group of scars, just after shoveling snow, and seeing the heavy snow again, sat down helplessly.

"Playing the piano?"

Scar Scar heard the sound of the piano, but unfortunately he didn't understand it well.

Only at this moment, on the street, a few figures walked slowly.

The first person is a beautiful woman, wearing a big hat, the pressure is very low, but it can't hide the amazing appearance.

Beside the woman, a few young men and women who looked like rich people, looked at her with admiration and even compliments.

"Well? There is the sound of Guzheng." The stunning girl suddenly stopped and looked at Jiujiang No. 3 Middle School, the voice came from inside.

"Really there." A handsome young man next to him, slightly surprised, shook his head and smiled, "But speaking, for the entire China, and even the whole world, who doesn't know that we are famous."

"Yes, Sister Ann, especially in terms of Guzheng, is the best in the world." A little girl laughed.

The people next to me kept complimenting.

These are people who are rich or expensive, from the capital, but in front of the girl, but respectfully.

In front of them, the girl who was so beautiful and unreasonable was a talented girl, known as An Yi who was phony.

"There is a song in the world, the gods descend."

This sentence comes from the mouth of the previous generation of guzheng masters, but it is used to praise Yin Anyi.

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