My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 284: Looking for a confidant

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Jiujiang No. 3 Middle School, located in the suburban direction, has already started classes at this time, so it is quite quiet, only a few piano sounds come out from inside.

"This man is a master, even I can hear it pleasantly. Of course, I don't know how many times worse than Miss An."

The young man who spoke first just now laughed. He was extremely handsome. He wore all custom-made clothes, which looked low-key but luxurious.

Lin Yefei, who came from Beijing, is the successor of a large-scale enterprise. His family's group is about the same size as Wantian Group. In Beijing, he belongs to the upper class and there are companies of other companies everywhere in the country.

"Brother Fei, Miss An's infatuation is not screaming, her Guzheng, even the elders have to admire." Zou Ke laughed, also a brother, but in front of him wearing a big gold chain, afraid Others don't know he has the same money.

However, his family is indeed an upstart.

Twenty years ago, a barren land was bought in Beijing at a low price, and now the price has increased hundreds of times, earning a lot of gold.

"Sister Ann, you can talk about how good this person is. I can't hear it." Yu Qing asked sweetly on her high heels.

He is Zou Ke's girlfriend and his background is quite extraordinary.

All three looked at An Yi.

The three of them, who would not have passed through Jiujiang City, went all the way south and went directly to Hong Kong Island.

But I heard that Yin Chi An Yi was here, so he came here.

They are not very familiar with An Yi.

An Yi, too famous in the upper class, has countless fans, many big brothers have intended to spend a lot of money to listen to her play a song.

Of course, some people are playing An Yi's idea. After all, this is a character beauty, with a little arrogance, it is really attractive.

It is terrifying that those who secretly do things have encountered accidents.

Either died of a car accident or myocardial infarction.

Since then, no one has heard the idea of ​​An Yiyi.

It's just that everyone now speculates that such a stunning woman has such an accomplishment in terms of temperament, I am afraid that there is a big force behind it.

Therefore, it is a huge task for the elder brothers of the upper class of the whole capital to catch An Yi.

Lin Yefei also had this in mind, and it was rare to encounter An Yi traveling alone.

An Yi's long hair fell all the way to the waist, very smooth, delicate facial features, without a trace of pores skin blown.

Her eyes are gentle, but she is with loneliness. This is the loneliness that only invincible people in a certain field have.

The piano sounds like flowing water, slowly floating out, extremely sweet, but in this winter, it makes people feel the breath of spring.

""Mountain Flowing Water", barely enters the threshold." An Yi said silently.


The three Lin Yefei looked at each other, even if they didn't understand Guzheng anymore, they felt the yearning when they heard the sound of the piano. This is definitely a master-level performance.

Of course, putting it on An Yi is really nothing.

And at this time, within the school.

Chu Yi was not disturbed by the other party's piano tone, and plucked the strings.

Suddenly, the world seemed shocked.

The notes flew out of the strings. At this moment, everyone seemed to forget Liu Le's tone.

In the eyes, there is a phantasm, like green hills and green water surrounding them. They passed through the wet rivers, crossed the curvy mountain roads, and experienced more than two thousand years of trek...

"How is this possible?" Liu Le felt terrified. The mood he had just created was actually broken by a few notes of the other party. Moreover, he pressed himself with a deeper mood to force his piano sound into Into the other party's piano sound.


He was in a hurry, and his technique increased, and his hand speed became faster.

The atmosphere suddenly turned sharp.

"A little skill, but it's not enough." Chu Yi was calm.

He remembered Ye Yanyu. When the two met shortly afterwards, during the Taiji Sect, every night, Chu Yi could hear the sound of Guzheng floating from a distance.

Ye Yanyu's Guzheng is a must.

A man and a woman, a woman strumming a piano, and a man practicing a sword. At that time, the two were separated by half a hill.

There is the sound of a piano and the sound of swords, and they blend into each other. Even with this connection, they gradually have feelings.

Speaking of Guzheng, compared with her, Chu Yi is ashamed, but fortunately, it is only the earth, and no one can understand the rhythm of heaven and earth.

"Me and her, don't you think it's Boya period."

Chu Yi smiled and moved his heart, and Qin Yin also turned home.

The piano sounds again!

Rain fell on the mountain stream, flash floods broke out, rock and soil collapsed...

Lu Jie was shocked, only to feel that his blood was boiling, and they were all drawn by Chu Yi's piano tone.

She was like this, not to mention others, her faces flushed and her emotions agitated.

The picture in the piano sound flashed continuously, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Tian Qiu was stunned. He wanted to not be immersed in it, but there was no way. The temperament was so beautiful that it seemed to blend in with his heart beat.

He had to admit that he liked this tune too much.

"No no no..."

Liu Le was panicked and his eyes were horrified.

Now he has fallen into trouble.

As long as he plays the piano, it will definitely be taken away by the opponent's rhythm, but if he doesn't play, it will be regarded as a failure.

At this moment, Liu Le has become a supporting role, and his piano voice has also become a supporting role, and it is an optional supporting role.

Without his piano tone, the other party is just as perfect.

His blood was attacking his heart, his eyes were glaring, his eyes almost burst.


With both hands raised, it fell sharply on Guzheng and roared.

Chu Yi's hand broke and the piano sound broke...

Everyone was just immersed in the sound of the piano, but at the moment, they were suddenly surprised, with a pair of angry eyes, they looked at Liu Le fiercely.

"Let me go, I have the heart to kill!"

"I heard it comfortably, why was it bothered by this old guy!"

"Don't play if you can't afford to lose." Hu Lai yelled, he was moved, he stopped abruptly at the moment, making him feel very uncomfortable.

Heart disease is coming out!

"Who is this character, it still sounds terrible, it really is like menopause."

The teachers were not happy either.

"On this quality, can it be called a master?"

"Should be beaten by Teacher Chu."

Liu Le's complexion was blue and white, very embarrassed.

"What... what to do." Zhang Li was dumbfounded, did he make a mistake?

Is this a country teacher?


What the hell!

At this level, you can perform on the largest stage in the country.

In addition to the previous landscape paintings, you can make hundreds of millions of dollars in any year, even if you come here to be a teacher, your brain is sick!

Principal Tian is also in the same mood.

They originally thought it was an easy task to stand alone, but they were slapped one after another. That kind of sourness was almost going to heaven.


On the other side, at the entrance of the No. 3 Middle School.

"Let's go, this kind of piano sound, although good, can only be regarded as barely in the ear, and listening too much will affect your aesthetic level." An Yi Danran.

Lin Feiye, Zou Ke and Yu Qing were speechless.

But the thought of the other party is a sound idiot, relieved.

Until now, they have only heard one piece of music from An Yi, but they have always been imprinted in the depths of their souls and are unforgettable.

But just as a few people were leaving, suddenly there was another sound in the piano.

"Is this the piano?"

An Yi stepped in.

"No, this sound..." An second, An Yi just felt goose bumps.

"This... is so nice." The other three also felt the same.

Only a few sounds have already hit their hearts.


"It's a good song to find a friend in the mountains and flowing water." An Yi's eyes shrank sharply.

She is invincible in the world, especially in Chinese classical music, has already dominated.

She keeps traveling and looking for opponents, but she didn't expect to encounter an expert in this small city.

But suddenly, the piano sound stopped abruptly and was interrupted.


Lin Feiye almost spit out old blood.

"Who is so wicked!"

"No, I still want to listen. Let's go in and see, which master is it," Zou Ke suggested.

"Go in and see." An Yi nodded, the other party's piano sound and his own style are completely different, but no doubt, also reached the peak.

She is tickling now.

The group of four immediately went towards the school gate.

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