My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 285: Don't try to seduce me with beautiful colors

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Snow is intensifying, the wind is getting stronger, and almost no one enters or leaves the school gate.

The scars were at the door with due diligence.

He narrowed his eyes, and the scar on the corner of his eyes looked rather cruel.

"Ms. Chu should have won. Those newcomers, still want to fight against Mrs. Chu?"

Scar to Chu Yi, that is infinite worship.

Even Headmaster Qin can get it, what is impossible.

"Teacher Chu said that I have the Peach Blossom Festival today, wouldn't it be true too." The scar smiled.

At this time, he happened to see An Yi and a few people came over.

He has worked here for many years and recognizes all the teachers and students, even if he can’t name them, he will not be unfamiliar, so he knows that these four people are not from school.

"Security, open the door, we have to go in and see the man who plays the piano." Lin Yefei said generously, in Beijing, he has always been such a character, because the family is big, and many places don't need to be notified at all. enter directly.

A few people in the area, including An Yi, did the same, and didn’t feel anything wrong.

The scar was straightened, and he said in a positive way: "No, you are not teachers and students of this school, unless someone inside knows it and can register to enter."

Lin Yefei was stunned, and was rejected in front of An Yi. She was a little embarrassed: "You are a security guard, so many things come, have you seen my clothes, and any one of them is worth your salary for one year, Do you think we can steal things in?"

"No." Scar's attitude is tough, and the money is amazing.

Zou Ke also frowned, but now this year, the rich are afraid of encountering a stun.

"It's just a small school. It's no big deal. I bought it."

"Public schools, not for sale." The scar replied.

An Yi looked a little anxious, fearing that he would not find the master, and then softened his voice: "This little brother, you will be able to get along once, we just want to see the master who just played the piano."

The scar was stared by An Yi, and his face turned red, a little unnatural.

"Cough, don't think you are beautiful, you can do whatever you want."

"And, please don’t trouble sticking so close together, I won’t like girls like you."

"My mother said, a shriveled girl can't have a baby, she must have a big butt, your butt..."

He looked unconsciously at his butt.

An Yi only felt hot buttocks as if touched by someone.

A trace of anger appeared on his face.

"Look, what I'm talking about is fact. Don't glare at me. It's useless to stare at me. It's useless to like me." The scar on his face didn't change, and he was extremely determined. Teacher Chu said that he must be principled in his life.


Lin Yefei is going crazy.

Zou Ke and Yu Qing were almost crazy.

They were stunned. The first time they saw An Yi being so ridiculed by others, they were still a big security guard. If it was put in the capital, it would have spread throughout an hour.

For many years, no one dared to talk to An Yi like this.

"What a broken place, Miss An, let's go." Lin Yefei only felt that her goddess was tainted, and she felt very uncomfortable.

But with his noble status and good tutoring, he was disdain to conflict with such people.

An Yi still shook her head. In her life, in order to pursue the temperament, she finally encountered a master, how could she give up easily.

"That little brother, you took us in. We will never run around, so we can do it."

Scars frowned: "I often listen to Teacher Chu saying that you should be firm in your life and not swing left and right. I know you are tempting me with beautiful colors, but my scars will not be fooled."

After hearing this, An Yi almost rolled his eyes.

Her angry chest floated up and down. For years, some people dared to talk to themselves like this.

What the **** is that teacher Chu?

What Dao heart is firm.

Also, some people are not rare in her beauty.

I have to say that An Yi's mind is fickle in a flash.

She looked at the security guard. She was about to be in her thirties, three or four years older than herself, with scars around her eyes. The whole person looked extremely serious and serious.

The style is completely different from those of the capital.

"I served!"

"What security!"

Lin Yefei finally couldn't hold back: "Who is the principal of your school?"

"The new principal is called Tian Qiu, why, do you know?" Scar asked.

"Tian Qiu, that Tian Qiu from Beijing?"

"Brother Fei, I know this person, I just call him." Zou Ke was a little surprised, but suddenly remembered that Tian Qiu was indeed transferred here.

"Is that Tian Qiu who is very close to the Sun family?" Lin Yefei nodded.

A moment later, a person rushed out in a hurry, it was Tian Qiu with a sense of justice.

But when Tian Qiu saw Lin Yefei and others, his face smiled flatteringly.

"How could Zou Shao and Lin Shao come here?" He was shocked.

Tian Qiu, although he has a certain reputation in the capital, it is also in the education world, and compared with these real bigwigs, it is too far away.

Fortunately, like Zou Ke, the family is a nouveau riche and has no background.

But Lin Yefei, that is comparable to Wantian Group.

It is only half weaker than his loyal Sun clan.

"Zou Shao, Lin Shao, I didn't expect you to come, please come in."

Tian Qiu walked in, but he was stunned for the next moment, because he saw An Yi.

"Yinchi Anyi?!" He could not help but exclaim, this weight is too heavy.

Such people, he usually can't see at all.

Tian Qiu has self-knowledge. Although Master Liu's Guzheng level is very high, the sound is absolutely self-styled and no one admits it at all.

Although there are not many masters like Liu Le, there are definitely many.

But Anyi is different, she is recognized as the undisputed number one on Guzheng.

Even many seniors nodded, admitting that she was not her opponent.

The title of Yinchi is more than the name of the rest of the people, not her self-style.

An Yi is full of legend.

"Just now you were playing the piano in your school?" Zou Ke also asked directly.

"Yes, I will take you there."

"It's just a little competition, so you guys laughed."

Tian Qiu said repeatedly that he did not dare to have a slight slack.

The scars touched their chins and looked at their backs without whispering in their hearts: "How do I think that girl likes me? Teacher Chu said that girls like to blush easily when they like someone."

Scars are very distressed.

Of course, if this is known by Chu Yi, he will definitely be laughed at.


In the lobby, a pleading.

"Teacher Chu, you always raise your hand and play another song."

"We promise not to disturb you."

The students protested!

The teachers don't do it anymore!

Chu Yi just smiled and didn't answer.

The music is free, he just acts rashly. In fact, he does not have superb skills. There are too many people in Xianjie. He is more skilled than him. His Guzheng can only be regarded as an influx in Xianjie.

Chu Yi only inspired the natural rhythm with his understanding of the world.

At this time, if there is a congenital presence here, the same can be done.

At this moment, Tian Qiu walked in with Lin Yefei.

"Everyone be quiet."

"We have a distinguished guest in our school."

"This is the young man of Beijing Shuangmu Group, Lin Yefei."

"This is the young man of Weiguang Real Estate in Beijing, Zou Keke and his girlfriend."

Tian Qiu introduced it very loudly.

"There is another one, who is our famous music idiot in Beijing, Miss An Yi."


"What does she have to do with Yin?"

"No matter what his relationship is, it's just a beautiful big sister."

"Regardless of this, just those two young men and women are scary enough. Our family is using Shuangmu Group's furniture." Some people sighed.

That's the real rich man.

Suddenly, all the teachers and students showed curiosity.

"People from Beijing?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Zou Ke was a little impatient. He didn't want to spend more time with these countrymen. He pointed to Liu Ledao: "Are you the one who just played?"

"Hurry up and play another song for Laozi."

Liu Le was stunned and shook his head subconsciously. He knew Yinji, and because of this, he didn't dare to show his ugliness.

"Not him." An Yi came out indifferently, she was wearing a big hat, a little noble, and her eyes were a little playful, looking at Chu Yi, "This man has lost his sharpness, and someone who can play the mountains and rivers just now must be confident. Full, so it should be you."

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