Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

As Yin Chian made a sound, the scene suddenly became quiet.

It is because this girl is too aura, with a little arrogance, but like the winter winter plum, she has an invincible aura on her body.

An Yi's eyes were bright, and he looked at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi was quite distressed. He didn't want to be entangled with so many people. In Jiujiang City, he just wanted to teach quietly and quietly.

I just made a sound, and now I have another sound idiot, will I be an idiot next time?

"This lady, I played, is there any problem?"

"Play another song, we fight the piano."

"I'm not interested." Chu Yi immediately vetoed, and I can see that the girl's attainments in the temperament together are very high, even surpassing the top level on earth.

Chu Yi is also slightly surprised, but this emotion is fleeting. After all, it is not surprising that there are such capable people.

He looked at Tian Qiu with a smile and said, "Principal Tian, ​​since I won both games, do you want to stop the so-called compulsory interest class?"

Tian Qiu was taken aback for a moment, but was about to answer Zou Ke's cold eyes.

"Teacher Chu, the distinguished guests from Beijing are now asking you questions. It's not very good for you to avoid doing so."

Tian Qiu smiled immediately.

With these few grandpas supporting him, what if he loses.

As long as Chu Yi offends these people, don’t say to be a teacher in school, I am afraid that no job can be found.

Chu Yi raised his eyelids, interested in the lack, and turned to leave.

An Yi anger in the heart, but she did not move, because she knew someone would stop her.

Zou Ke stepped out and stood in front of Chu Yi, with a cold smile: "Miss Ann asked you to play as you play, don't make it mysterious, you can play in front of Miss Ann, you know how great it is."

Lin Yefei watched calmly beside him. Although a little surprised at the young man's Guzheng level, it was only so. Compared with An Yi, Chu Yi was undoubtedly weak.

What's more, just a teacher, what background can there be, and everyone respects An Yi so much, most of the reasons are not his guzheng level, but the mysterious background behind him.

They are used to rampant in the capital, not to mention come to such small places.

Such characters as Liantian Qiu can show off their powers, and their brother-in-laws have not even seen people in their eyes.

"Scar." Chu Yi just glanced lightly.


The scar came out with a grin, followed by several security guards, each holding a baton in his hand.

"I'll just say, you can't let these people go in, absolutely make trouble again."

"Teacher Chu, I will come in time."

The scar looked at Zou Ke with a bad intention, and the electric baton shook in his hand.

"you dare?!"

Zou Ke looked at him this time, they came out this time, they were just to relax, where will they bring bodyguards.

Inevitably guilty at this time.

Tian Qiu's complexion is also extremely ugly, but here is his school, he is the principal, but no matter how he makes his eyes, the security captain is the same as he did not see.

"Whoever thinks it's great to have a few bad money," Wang Ling muttered.

"Teacher Chu, let's go." Hu Lai took Chu Yi's shoulders.

Lin Ye was so angry that he had to spray rice. In the capital, he only had to stop there, as many rich and beautiful women rushed around and whirled around him.

But at this time, apart from a principal Tian, ​​there was no bird at all.

"What broke."

"Let's go too..." An Yi didn't reluctantly, but there was still a trace of disappointment in his eyes.


This farce will end without ill.

Principal Tian's face was green.

Several people Lin Yefei were originally high-spirited, but when they left, they were still carried away by the security guards.

Only Chu Yi did not take this matter to heart.

The sky, drifting snow, does not mean to stop.

After a day of class, at this time, he was standing in the Fenghua restaurant.

This meal was because he wanted to invite the group of mace students to eat.

Chu Yi's eyes were tight.

"How do I remember that at this time, the Tang family would send someone to Jiujiang to find me?"

In the last life, at this time, Chu Yi was no longer in Jiujiang City. In order to avoid the abnormality of Qiu Lingyun, their family moved to a more remote place.

Later, I heard that someone from the Tang family had visited them.

The Tang family, too afraid, is a behemoth, and even the guru is extremely taboo against it.

With Chu Yi's current strength, I am afraid that even if the Tang family knew it, I wouldn't apologize for the mistakes of that year.

"Unless, I can be so strong that they startle them."

For this, Chu Yi was also prepared.

Judging from his current progress in practice, it is very likely that when Xianmen opened, he had already entered the congenital.

Once he waits to return to the fairy world, his cultivation practice is increasing day by day.

Strength is the foundation of everything.

Just as Chu Yi looked down, Lin Yefei was still indignant on the street.

"Miss An Yi, you don't have to worry, this kind of person waits for me to come back immediately and let people come over to teach me something. I don't believe it. How much a small teacher can stand."

"Why can't you live with such a person, we don't need his approval." Yu Qing smiled, she didn't care, although she was also quite depressed, but she was cheerful.

I'm just afraid of An Yi's unhappiness, and they will be a must for them.

When there were not many people, they also entered Fenghua Restaurant.

"Several guests, today's position is full." The manager apologized.


"I don't think there are two big tables over there?"

Lin Yefei said, looking in one direction, his eyes startled.

"It's him!"

All four were a bit surprised. They had just seen it in the morning, but now they encountered it again.

The manager wiped the sweat on his forehead, and was a little nervous, because he could see that these people were either rich or expensive, and the clothes alone were worth his salary for several months.

"The two tables were scheduled by Mr. Chu."

"I don't care what Mr. Chu, Mr. Zhao, now we are going to eat."

Lin Yefei was impatient. He did not go well with everything today, and now it is just a lesson to Chu Yi.

With that said, the four went straight over.

Chu Yi naturally saw them.

"Church surname, you listen, this table is given to us." Zou Ke is very bully and took his girlfriend and sat down.

Chu Yi looked weird: "Do you really want to sit?"

This is a big table for a dozen people.

"How do I really sit!" Zou Ke patted the table.

"But I have students to come over." Chu Yi smiled.


A few people didn't think about it, they just thought that it was Chu Yi who did a training class outside.

This situation is very common.

"Then they can sit with us, which is their honor." Zou Keyang raised his chin.

Lin Yefei also felt like taking a breath.

Chu Yi laughed and said nothing.

He could see that these younger brothers were not bad in nature, but they were used to overbearing. He was teased by him all the time, and he did not immediately turn his face.

The idea of ​​teasing started in his heart.

"I think it's your pleasure to sit with them."

Lin Yefei chuckled, in Jiujiang City, even if the leader came, he could not stand up.

Not to mention just some students.

"I'm sitting here, what can you do?" Zou Ke said strongly, and his girlfriend nodded.

Why is this man so annoying!

It's too arrogant, it's even more arrogant than their brothers.

In that look, several people could feel the disdain revealed.

Lin Yefei joked: "I heard that there is a Chu Yan King in Jiangnan. Now, only when the Chu Yan King arrives can I be treated with respect and respect, and the rest can be ignored."

At the mention of King Chu Yan, several people became interested.

But at this time, An Yi stood up, facing Chu Yi, very calmly said: "I still want to compare with you."

Chu Yi looked at this stunning girl with great interest: "You don't need to compare, I can give you some advice."


Lin Yefei hadn't gotten a sip of tea, and all squirted out.

He looked at Chu Yi in disbelief.

This person's heart is too big.

Yin Yi An Yi, even the people who are more skillful with her on the stage, not to mention pointing.

"If you approve of my advice, would you please invite my security friend for a meal." Chu Yi said strangely, because just now he discovered that this person had a lot of causal relationships with scars.

One is the security guard and the other is the high princess.

The world is really wonderful.

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