My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 287: We have to sit

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!


An Yi froze, her beautiful eyes, and her nose wrinkled. This sentence hasn't been heard in years.

After she was twenty-two, her teacher had nothing to teach herself.

That year, she became an idiot and entered the pinnacle of this field.

She faintly felt that her goal was no longer the mortal beings, but the so-called heaven and earth.

But it is not easy to hear the rhythm of heaven and earth.

Lin Yefei frowned, then shook his head.

"I'm so ignorant. I dare to say that I'm crazy. Such a person, placed in the capital, will definitely not survive the next day."

He doubted whether this man's mind was amused, or that he was stupid in reading.

Even the rich sons like them have to please the music fool, can this person really not see?

"It's a pity, obviously the Guzheng plays well, and it's necessary to get rid of it." Yu Qing opened her lips lightly, shaking her head helplessly.

This time they met An Yi, which was considered a great luck. After returning to Beijing, they could brag with their peers for a while.

In high society, An Yi's reputation is much stronger than those of the big names in the entertainment industry.

"I thought it was a shrewd person, but I didn't expect to be a fool." Zou Ke tapped his fingers on the desktop, waiting to watch a good show.

They all know that An Yi is not so easy to bully.

"Yes, I would like to see how you are pointing me." To reach this point, An Yi is absolutely arrogant and arrogant. She just thought that Chu Yi's temperament is different from the general master, but she doesn't think His attainments on Guzheng surpassed himself.

Chu Yi laughed lightly: "I am not as good as you at Guzheng's attainments, but I am stronger than you in theoretical knowledge and realm."

Ye Yanyu likes arranging flowers and musical instruments. Chu Yi stayed beside her and was naturally infected.

"You know wheat."

An Yi was unclear, but nodded.

"Wheat, before the agricultural era, was just a kind of wild grass, but after the agricultural era, people tamed wheat, planted a lot of wheat, and the population size gradually expanded."

Everyone frowned, not sure what Chu Yi was going to say.

"But is this really the case?" Chu Yi asked back, "Is it true that humans have tamed wheat?"

"Wheat grows in a harsh environment. It needs a lot of sunlight, water, and space, so humans burn down the forest for it."

"It needs careful care, so humans start pulling grass, irrigating, fertilizing early in the morning..."

"So, the area of ​​wheat is getting bigger and bigger, and humans are also taking care of wheat every day."

"In terms of DNA, the more DNA copies a species has, the more successful this species is."

"You see, wheat has been completely expanded, let human beings serve it, and spread itself all over the world."

"Humans thought they tamed wheat, but they didn't know that it was wheat that tamed them."

Chu Yi's words made An Yi deep in thought.

"I know that with your talent, I have already noticed it."

"Although I don't understand musical instruments, I also know that many masters will treat their musical instruments carefully, even the temperature and humidity of the storage must be studied."

"Is this whether humans are playing musical instruments, or whether musical instruments pass through humans, better surviving."

He looked at An Yi and said, "So, don't let the musical instrument capture you."

An Yi, stunned in place, was struck by thunder.

Her brim was so low that she could not see her expression clearly, but for a while, there was no movement.

A moment later, An Yi suddenly took off her big hat, black hair, and a beautiful forehead, smooth and smooth.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu, your advice is very useful to me. I also realized my problem before, but I don't know where the problem is."

An Yi smiled, very beautiful and bright, like a star.

The first time she met such a person, she said the truth, which made her suddenly bright, and originally thought that the road to the end, after the water was dark, another one appeared.

Although the three of Lin Yefei were unknown, they were shocked.

"Sister Ann, you must not be fooled by him." Yu Qing was anxious.

An Yi shook his head: "He does understand music better than I do."

Chu Yi said: "I don't understand music better than you, I understand this world better than you."

"Heaven and earth..." An Yisi thought, and finally said, "My former teacher once said that, the sound of the world, the rhythm of heaven and earth, if you want to reach the peak, you must understand the rhythm of heaven and earth."

An Yi was lost in thought.

Lin Yefei and others looked at each other, and they did not expect that this person could really make An Yi understand.

"Teacher Chu, I had a concert in Beijing in May. This is an invitation letter. If you have time, please come and listen."

An Yi said with a smile, she did not expect that she would meet an expert in this small city. With this remark, she went back and pondered her life, perhaps her music realm might be taken to a higher level.

Lin Yefei several people stunned, envious.

This kind of ticket is so rare that even the elder brothers like them bought it from the outside, and the one by Chu Yi is definitely a VIP seat.

"Thank you." Chu Yi accepted the invitation letter, which was entwined with gold wire, noble and elegant.

But immediately, he turned his eyes and looked at Lin Yefei and smiled: "Are you really not going to leave?"

Lin Yefei sighed and said, "This world is so big that there is no place where we can't sit."

"Teacher Chu, I know that you have a great record in Chinese classical music, but you also have to believe that this world is still a family of rich people. I am sitting here, and those of you trainees dare not drive me away."


Chu Yi smirked, "Then sit down."

Although Chu Yi surprised them, Lin Yefei and several others were equally uncomfortable. He sat down safely and even ordered a table.

Chu Yi glanced outside and had already seen the silhouette of his gang of students.

"Teacher Chu, we are hungry. You should ask the senior manager to raise some food, or we can go and invite some Michelin chefs."

A big-hearted guy appeared first.

Lin Fei calmly.

Zou Ke frowned, but he thought how could this person be so familiar.

Although the headquarters of the mace are in Beijing, they rarely appear, and are generally in training.

It only happens occasionally, so it’s not surprising that a few people didn’t know.

"Teacher Chu..."

Several female students held their arms and walked in with a smile on them, looking like ordinary girls.

"Two tables, you sit casually." Chu Yi smiled.

"Well? Why are there people on the table in this chapter."

"Teacher Chu's friend?"

Lin Yefei said indifferently, "We are from Beijing, and I am the big Shaolin Lin Fei of the Shuangmu Group."

He wanted to see the other party's shocked look. The Shuangmu Group was so famous that no one wouldn't know it.


But the group of people just nodded lightly.

"I said, Young Master Lin, don't introduce yourself first. We are all starved to death. Can we eat this dish?"

Having said that, this group of men, women and women started directly without regard to the feelings of Lin Yefei and others.

Lin Yefei was speechless and froze in place.

Zou Ke and his girlfriend are also stupid.

Could it be that Shuangmu Group is already lonely?

"How did you start eating, don't wait for this young master." As soon as Sun entered the door, he was hungry and hungry, and he couldn't care about the face of his young master.

It is because Gao Wenxian's craftsmanship is too bad.

"Sun! Come on!"

Lin Yefei was shocked, and he stood up from the seat with a swipe.

On the side, Zou Ke and Yu Qing were trembling when they saw Sun.

Sun Shang, that's the boss of the big business and big family, which has more terrible details than the Qin Hua family.

How can such a person appear here?

Could it be said that it was Sun who brought a bunch of sons and brothers, and the young lady came here for a holiday?

"Teacher Chu, I'm late. I just saw the other side selling small jewelry, so I took a look."

When they were shocked, a beautiful woman with long legs came in.

"Tang...Tang..." Lin Yefei's eyes almost fell out. As a person in the upper class of the capital, how could he not know the famous Tang Feiyan.

How did Sun Shang and Tang Feiyan appear together?

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