Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In ancient times, there were five chaos in China, and today Chu Yi has painted a mess of Beijing.

With Chu Yi's attainments on Xiu Wei and the painting path, even if this painting is placed in the fairy world, it will also allow many small schools to break their heads.

Although it is a painting, in fact, it is a sword array. Once it is introduced into the capital and other places, it may cause chaos.

A few of Lin Yefei were ordinary people, and they couldn't see it at all, while the upper class of Sunfang Langfang members was too low. If Chu Yi hadn't urged the painting, they wouldn't see it.

Only at this moment, the members of the wolf tooth had a chilling feeling, as if the mountains had all turned into sword swords, and they had to pierce through the sky for nine days.

This picture can only be seen through the generals and above, and everyone can understand.

However, it will be affected by Chu Yi’s “Tao” in the future, which will hinder his own development and is difficult to break through. Of course, that is also a matter of entering the congenital.

This was deliberately done by Chu Yi.

Therefore, he will not let Hou Jue to enlighten.

Just because Hou Jue's talent is really good, if he polishes himself carefully, and then uses some external force, his achievement is at least above innate.

Chu Yi has found four talented people on the earth so far.

His sister Chu Mu, two apprentice heroes, and Hou Jue.

The talents of these people will have innate achievements in the future.

As for President Guo, he was a little helpless. I am afraid that at most he would be a martial artist.

At this moment, several people in Sun's eyes widened, and Tang Feiyan was breathless.

As warriors, they naturally understand the significance of this painting.

"Congenital realm?"

"Teacher Chu, you won't be serious."

If it is true, then this picture is more than 10 billion. Those strong in the guru will be mad like robbing, and even fight, and blood flows into the river.

They didn't understand how such a precious painting would be auctioned.

"Hundreds of billions are at least..." The mace was blindfolded.

This king of Chu Yan, in the end what card, even this kind of thing can be shot casually.

"You don't understand anyway." Chu Yi put the painting on the dining table at random, causing a few people on Sun to jump into their eyes.

I'm afraid the painting is tarnished.

"So, I let you go directly to the biggest auction house and start the auction directly at tens of billions. Naturally, someone will be able to see his value. If the money is not enough, then exchange it for something equivalent."

When Chu Yi patted the table, the painting flew up and fell into Lin Yefei's hands.

Lin Yefei was stunned, his hands were shaking, and he quickly caught it, only feeling heavy.

Not to mention whether this picture has anything to do with innate, but with the vision just now, this picture is at least related to martial arts.

When he thought that he would take 10 billions on the road at random, he was dry.


Europe, close to the Mediterranean, in an ancient European palace.

The defense is strong here, surrounded by rolling hills, and armored vehicles and patrol vehicles are in and out.

Occasionally someone passed by far, but also glanced in awe and hurried by.

This is a forbidden place for everyone.

It is also one of the twelve main gods in Europe, where the sun **** Apollo lives.

At this time, a man with blond hair, wearing armor and a large sword around his waist, was quickly walking towards the main hall.

Behind him, he followed several guards.

"His Highness Alan, are you saying that the old man Gail was killed in China?"

"Gail is also a military commander anyway. Although he is a weak military commander, it will not be so silent. And his trip is still arranged by me. There is not even a big military division in that place."

"Nothing is impossible, Huaxia, mysterious and difficult to invade. This is internationally recognized. Galen's idiot made him a little more careful, and the result was still dead, which really caused me a headache."

The Galen missionary is his general.

He has reached the rank of general and is his right-hand man. The Sun Temple has also invested a lot of resources in order to nurture him. In this way of death, although there is not much impact, it is also a waste of effort.

"Don't talk, come with me." Allen stepped into the main hall and performed a knight salute to a figure above the throne.

"His Majesty the Sun God."

Kaka Kaka!

Above, the heavy armor shone with golden light, and the figure turned, making a sound of metal collision.

The sound is creepy, very sharp but mechanical, and with this sound alone, the armor is at least a few hundred pounds.

A long golden hair draped, the sun **** Apollo was extremely handsome, a strong nose bridge, a pair of green eyes, but the edge of the pupil was glowing with golden light.

It is rumored that the twelve main gods are all above the two-step guru, but how powerful they are is only known to them.

Apollo looked very young, fair-skinned, at most in his early thirties, with a large sword slanting next to the throne, full of metallic luster.

The whole person, like the same big day, slowly rose from the bottom of people's hearts, filled with endless coercion.

Below, a group of knights bowed their heads to show surrender.

"Allen, what's the matter, it's not until the reporting day today."

Apollo looked faint, like a god, overlooking the world.

Indeed, he stands at the pinnacle of the entire human world, throughout Europe, and many countries, and only the twelve main gods dominate. One can imagine how much power that is.

"His Majesty the Sun God, I am here this time about Galen."

"A few days ago, he went to China to find treasure. The treasure should be buried in a small place, but as a result, he has not been contacted so far, I am afraid he has died."

"Galen is dead?" Apollo still had some impressions about the general.

"Hua Xia, unfathomable..." He said lightly, "Twenty years ago, I had not entered the guru. Under the guidance of the previous generation of Sun God, I entered the Hua Xia War. As a result, Chen Zhantian was injured and I can only regret leaving. go with."

"Twenty years, I have never entered China again."

Below, the knights listened carefully.

Today's Sun God has never been defeated since he was a child. The only time he lost was in the hands of the Chinese man Chen Zhantian.

This is also his heart disease.

"Hua Xia is very mysterious and contains immortality, and their country's management is too strict to allow us to penetrate into it."

"The remaining eleven main gods, as well as the North American Freedom League, are all staring at China and are ready to shoot."

"According to the records of our ancestors, it is the most popular place in Xianmen. There are countless ancestors, countless inheritances of mental and physical exercises, and treasures left behind, buried underground, waiting for us to mine."

"Unfortunately, as a result, China has become more mysterious and powerful."

Allen listened quietly, but some disapproval in his heart.

When he was 20 years old, he used to go to China as an international student, but he traveled all over the Song and Shanghai markets, and he didn't see a few powerful warriors, not even the shadow of his master.

"China, although the economy is developed, but it has forgotten the development of the warriors, especially the national policy, obviously it is not good for the warriors, how many strong ones can be produced?"

"For decades, it was just Chen Zhantian." Allen thought to himself, but did not say it. He thought the sun **** was too cautious.

Apollo was silent for a moment, and he was scrupulous about the forbidden land, otherwise he would have gone to himself in person.

"Your Majesty the Sun God, I beg you to let me pass, first test the intelligence of Huaxia, and detect the treasure by the way." Galen said.

He is a half-step guru, and he must be able to become a guru in the future.

He thumped his chest in one hand, making a thumping noise, his eyes fixed.

"You?" Apollo frowned, but he nodded. "It used to be. Galen was too weak after all, and he didn't act rigorously."

"You go to the place where the treasure is hidden, and then go to several major cities such as Songhu, Qinhua, and Beijing to explore what kind of situation is China's underground world today."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Galen retreated respectfully, his eyes flashing, full of confidence.

"Instructed to continue, select a few people, and join me immediately into China, to have strength at every level."

"Yes, Your Highness." The guards respectfully.

"Different China, it is not a glorious moment in the past. As long as you don't meet the master of this level of Chen Zhantian, who can help me in the entire China."

As a half-step guru, he was quite conceited and was able to escape from the guru.

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