My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 290: Probably went on a fake Huaxia

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Jiujiang City, as always.

The snow disappeared, and the weather became colder, and people hurriedly walked and kept breathing.

The early shop on the street, the little boss who was screaming, the bustling traffic, a breath of life.

No one found that a group of foreigners did not know when they had appeared on the roof of the tallest building in Jiujiang City.

Allen overlooks the city. Although the city is not rich, it is not backward, and it is full of modernity.

"Hua Xia..." Allen didn't wear a knight costume, otherwise it was too conspicuous. He stood on the railing, as if he would be blown off by the wind at any time.

"The people here are not copper walls or iron walls. I really don't understand what the twelve main gods are worried about." He frowned.

"Your Highness, according to our information, this city of Jiujiang was originally a land of lack of warriors. Most of the warriors are first-tier cities."

"However, here is where the missionary is missing." Behind him, standing in twos and threes, each level has strength, in order to cope with different situations.

A young man continued to report.

"According to our investigation, the missionary and his apprentices seem to have conflicted with a teacher, and the things after that will not be known."

Alan sniffed his nose, and the air here was annoying. He was a noble and sensitive person. He used to be a high-end place when he was in Europe, but now he sees a lot of destination stalls. This made him quite uncomfortable.

"A barren land."

He is personable and does not want to be contaminated with a trace of smoke from China, wrapping himself with aura.

"Then start with the teacher."

"We have checked. The teacher taught in Jiujiang No. 3 Middle School, a high school, but today there is no class. As for the specific residence, it is still difficult to find it." The guard explained that after all, it is Huaxia, and they have almost no contact. .

"Then start with his students, we don't have much time to waste here, tie his students directly, and he will appear immediately." Alan was quite impatient. There weren't even warriors in this city, stay in What does it mean here.

He just wanted to detect if there was any treasure, and then immediately went to the Songhu market to fight the masters there.

"Ebble, you just go, it's enough to catch a student, we quickly resolve the situation, and then leave." Allen commanded.

"Yes!" said a very young boy who looked only 18 or 9 years old, respectfully.

He has just entered the warrior, but he is also a lot more powerful than ordinary people. It is also very easy to catch a student.

When Able left, someone slowly began to play with various devices. It was a computer that could see Able's situation at any time, allowing them to respond to unexpected things in a timely manner.

The door of Jiujiang Third Middle School quickly appeared in the display screen.


This class is Lu Jie's English class.

Although she looks cold and looks extremely unapproachable, the students in Class 18 understand that the more cold Lu is, the more shy she is.

"Teacher, I have a question to ask you. I don't know if you have time." Qian Xiaoshuai ran away after class.

Lu Jie looked at the noisy classroom and nodded: "Come with me, let's find a quiet place."

The two came to the corner of the corridor together, and few people came over here.

"Teacher, this grammar..." Qian Xiaoshuai asked seriously. Recently, he had planned to let him go abroad. Qian Xiaoshuai had no choice but to study English.

Lu Jie is also teaching patiently.

"Found..." Able hid in the dark, like a viper, with a sharp dagger in his sleeve and almost no breathing.

The whole person was lurking in the shadow.

There is no movement, but as long as you move, the dagger will quickly wipe the neck of the female teacher, and then you will take the students away.

The plan is perfect.

At his professional level, the entire process takes less than three seconds.

When others find out, they have already fled.

"It's now!"


Able moved, leaving a residual image in the air. The killers of the Sun Temple were all strictly trained and more terrifying than international professional killers.


The distance between the two sides is only five meters. This is the best attack distance for a killer. Even if you close your eyes, you can kill the other party.

Allen and others on the rooftop of the building have the same idea.

But the next second, to everyone's surprise, the beautiful female teacher moved.

Almost at the moment when Able attacked, she picked up the English book in her hand and slammed it into the other person's head at a faster speed.

Able hadn't reacted yet, and his body slammed heavily on the ground.

"Who!" Lu Jie frowned, and the alarm bell rang loudly in his heart. Someone wanted to kill himself in the school. Was it the former Qiu family.

Able's muscles were tight all over. He knew that he had met his opponent. The opponent was at least the pinnacle of the warrior. He didn't hesitate immediately and quickly retreated.

"Teacher, what happened?" Qian Xiaoshuai was stunned.

"It's okay, let's continue." Lu Jie left a little thought.

On the rooftop of the building, Able stood in front of Alan in despair.

"His Royal Highness, that female teacher is a pinnacle martial artist, and I am really not his opponent."

Everyone frowned.

Because no one thought that an ordinary teacher would be the pinnacle martial artist.

"It may be an accident, there are often warriors who want to experience life."

Allen said: "Yaheng, you go, this time it's extremely arresting."


Yaheng is a martial artist.

Soon, Yaheng's vision appeared again on the screen.

Using a warrior to deal with the warriors is already 100% sure.

At this time, on the road, Ma Xin smiled with a hero, and was planning to go to a ktv.

The hero heroes and Chu Yi's group of students got along well, often sneaking into the city.

This time, Ma Xin was occasionally encountered.

"Ktv? I haven't been there yet, is it delicious?" Yan Haojie asked stupidly.

"There are many delicious and fun things inside." Ma Xin tempted.

Both slobbered.

"Two fools, one rich second generation." Yaheng concealed himself in the alley.


When the opponent approached, he shot suddenly without any hesitation.

"What the hell."

However, what frightened him was that the two idiots flew a foot away ten meters away, slammed twice, and kicked him in the chest.

Yaheng only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then plunged into the trash can.

Allen: "..."

"Isn't it said there are no warriors here?" Allen looked at the intelligence officer.

"A female teacher is a martial artist and two fools are martial artists. Don’t tell me, it’s all coincidence?"

The intelligence officer was cold and sweating: "Your Highness, it should be just a coincidence, we will try again."

"Let the generals go directly." Allen had lost his patience, and he let his generals go.

In the afternoon, physical education class.

Nine Daoists stood in front of the students in a robe, and they looked very different.

He glanced at it and found that Ma Xin was skipping class again, but he didn't take it seriously.

He came here just to experience being a teacher, and skipping classes is normal for students.

Now that he has decided to become a teacher, he will naturally encounter the situation of students skipping classes.

"Tai Chi is not a show. Real Tai Chi can also fight."

"I will show you now."


Jiu Dao moved around like a dragon, and since he became a teacher, he has calmed down a lot, and the bottleneck shows signs of loosening.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, his palms separated from each other, and he struck somewhere.

Hearing a bang and a shadow, he was flung away and fell outside the campus wall.

"There are people who dare to watch me in class, it's really not self-control."

After a thought, the nine Dao people continued to attend the class without even thinking about it.

But everyone on the rooftop of the building was stupid.


Everyone was sweating again and again.

Alan even couldn't help but growl: "This is called no warrior? This is called no strong man. Any sports teacher is a half-step master!!"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

They may have come to a fake China.

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