My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 291: I have the heart to want to die

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The sky was cold, everything was withered, and a group of masters sent by the Sun Temple were all stiff and weathered on the top of a building in Jiujiang City.

Ya Heng, the master of the military commander level, ran up in embarrassment, terrified in his eyes.

"Your Highness, that's a half-step master!"

His voice trembled, and he lurked in the past. He wanted to take a person quickly, but unexpectedly, an attack from the sky came violently, and he was blasted out before he responded.

That breath is definitely a half-step master.

An English teacher is a martial artist... Two fools are martial artists... A physical education teacher is a guru...

If they go on like this, will they meet the guru?

Everyone shivered.

is it possible?

Alan looked at the pedestrians in the street below. At this moment, there was a feeling that the soul was trembling. I was afraid that these people were all martial artists.

"When are the warriors of China, so popular?"

A group of people stunned.

Allen recalled his arrogant words and ambitions before, and had the heart to die.

"His Royal Highness, found the target." Suddenly, the intelligence officer received the news and said quickly that his hair was black, which looked very similar to Asians, and was also one of the few contacts of the Sun God in China.

"Where?" Allen was very happy. Since the goal appeared, just grab the goal.

"Just...not far from the downstairs of our building, we are now parking in the underground garage."

"Okay, let's go together this time." Allen regrouped.


Chu Yi was sitting on the co-pilot, narrowing his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The driver is a generation of masters.

The car is an ordinary domestic car. Chu Yi now often has to travel to and from the school and Qianlong Villa. It is more convenient to have a car.

"I remember that there is a good restaurant here. We improved the food. By the way, we invited a chef to go back. Gao Wenxian's craftsmanship is too bad. No wonder that the little cubs are more painful to eat every day than training."

Hou Jue nodded deeply.

He now finally understands what is really dark cooking.

Gao Wenxian has nothing to do with cooking.

"I received a few calls, it seems that the city is not very quiet here." Chu Yi suddenly smiled.

"It's not that it's not quiet, but it's too busy, like next to us."

Hou Ju raised his eyebrows, and as a guru, he had long noticed the attention of Alan and others.

"A middle-aged driver, the other is a Chinese teacher named Chu Yi, a language teacher, I heard that the reputation is quite big." The intelligence officer whispered.

Allen's eyes were stern: "There was no slight aura fluctuations between the two of them. This time it was absolutely correct. They were two ordinary people, but I personally took action to avoid any accidents."

Allen said firmly.

On the other side, Chu Yi and Hou absolutely walked off slowly.

"There are six people in total, one half-step master, one general, not a native."

Under the minds of the two, Allen and others had nothing to hide.

The half-step master is just a title determined by the peak military generals in order to show that they are different from general military generals.

In fact, they did not enter the guru stage at all, and even the aura did not sink into Dantian.

Not to mention many means, it is not an opponent of the guru at all.

Guru is a transitional stage between mortal and innate, naturally different.

"Does the foreign forces infiltrate? I'm afraid it's related to the previous missionary." Chu Yi came out in an instant, and it was already easy for him.

After all, this is not a fairyland, there are not too many shackles.

This is the third floor of the underground parking lot. It is quiet. The monitor is ringing. Obviously, it is affected by the strong person's gas field. In a short time, it cannot work normally.

Allen held his breath. Although he didn't need to be nervous about ordinary people, he learned from the past that he did his best at the moment he shot.

Body like ghost, silent, as if drifting past, but the speed is extremely fast.

He grabbed the past with one hand, his body flew past Hou Jue's side, and his goal was naturally that of Chu Yi.

He completed a series of movements, I'm afraid the driver only reacted.

But suddenly, he paused.

It was not that he wanted to pause, but that the driver had actually pulled his collar.

It's like a naughty child stopped by parents.

"How is it possible that my speed is so fast that no ordinary military master can see my figure."

Alan turned his head in shock, and saw Hou Jue looking at him with a smile on his face.

"This foreign friend, do you have anything, I can help you."

Alan's heart almost jumped out of his throat. He was already a half-step guru. If he could easily stop himself, then he might be the guru.

Sure enough, the idea was just rising, and a terrible coercion came like a tsunami.

Even with Alan, all members of the Sun Temple, at this moment, have a feeling of soul trembling, almost kneeling.

They cried!

Is it easy for them, just to catch an ordinary person? You said that you will recognize it when you encounter a half-step guru, and now you really meet a real guru.

And still a driver!

But it wasn't crying yet. Allen's body slipped sharply and his clothes were mostly torn in the moment when the other party hadn't attacked, but he also escaped from the other party's palm.

"Guru, it really is Guru!"

His eyes were dignified, but he did not panic. At this moment, his qualities as His Royal Highness showed up.

The Sun Temple can only be called His Royal Highness if it is strictly trained with a half-step master and has a lot of contributions.

Allen is one of them.

In his mind, he quickly made the most correct choice in the first time.

His body was short, and he jumped towards the first day like a cheetah.

Since this guru can drive this teacher, the identity of this teacher is probably not simple, not just the identity of a high school teacher.

Now, only by hijacking Chu Yi and using him can he escape, maybe even the place where the treasure is hidden is related to him.

"I'm scared stupid."

Looking at Chu Yi standing still without moving, Allen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Maybe this person is the breakthrough.

Hou Jue saw that the foreigner rushed in the direction of Chu Yi, but instead he didn't do it.

Chu Yi also looked at this foreigner with a strange look and rushed at himself fiercely.

"Look at this breath, there is strong vitality, and there is still a lot of burning inflammation. It should be the hands of the sun **** Apollo. Sure enough, it is still wrong here."

Chu Yi's eyes snapped.

Allen grabbed in the past, but when he was about to approach, suddenly, he seemed to hit an invisible wall, blocking his attack.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the Chinese person on the opposite side gently raise his hand, and Allen saw a large tsunami sweeping across in a trance, and Chu Yi gave a hand.


Alan faced down and was directly pressed to the ground.

Kaka Kaka!

A series of spider web-like cracks spread out.

At this moment, he was so terrified in his heart that he even forgot his resistance, and felt that his heart was as cold as water.


"Another guru!"

His eyes were horrified. He barely raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him. He couldn't believe it.

At this moment, he wanted to die.


Allen's subordinates have collectively circled.

They never imagined that they would meet two masters.

"This plot is wrong. It is impossible. The most powerful in Jiujiang City is only the Great Martial Artist, the legendary guru, and there is only a mysterious Chu Yan king, and the others are not at all."

He was messy all over.

The gang wanted to evacuate, but soon discovered that they had been locked by the driver guru, and if a little flick, they might be crushed.

"The Temple of the Sun?" Chu Yi asked with a smile.

Allen felt that his internal organs were twitching. He suspected that he had entered into the illusion of others. Otherwise, why would there be so many warriors in a small city of Jiujiang?

And are these warriors crazy?

Each one is either a teacher or a driver!

"Yes..." Allen sighed reluctantly and replied in sturdy Chinese.

"You are here to investigate the missionary's death, no need to investigate anymore. I killed the person, and you can go back."

Chu Yi stood up, very casual, and greeted Hou Jie to leave here.

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