Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Beijing, Tang family.

"Nonsense, did he really dare to say this?" Tang Zhentian was angry, his face unchanged, but more serious.

Aside, Tang Wei also put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Yes, that's what I said." Zheng Cheng was completely out of the arrogance of his previous arrogance. At this time, he was like a dog servant and almost fell to his knees.

He originally thought it was just a simple thing, he only had to intimidate him a little bit, and the kind of poor and sour boy would come along.

But where did he know that the other party even flattened him.

Up to now, his arm is still broken and he has no time to go to the hospital. He rushed back to Tang Jiayu to report the situation as soon as possible.

"The owner, the Chu family's attitude towards our Tang family is also very bad, and it has always been out of resistance."

"And Chu Yi, even relying on herself as a warrior, even directly violated your order... and said..."

"What else to say?" Tang Zhentian was expressionless, but sitting there, it made people tremble, even if some generals met him, they would feel terrified.

"Also said that whenever he wants to come to Beijing, he will come whenever he wants. If the Tang family dares to move his mother's cold hair and let his mother be wronged, he will destroy our Tang family..."

At the end, Zheng Cheng's voice was getting smaller and smaller, because he had faintly realized that the atmosphere in this hall was also suddenly frozen.

Sitting next to Tang Wei, there was an old lady with silver hair, ruddy complexion, wearing gold and silver, and wearing a little conservatively.

Hearing the words, he slapped the table with his palm: "What is it like, can our Tang family speak it?"

"Is it really a person with a surname, is it a demonstration with our Tang family?"

The old lady's voice was sullen, and he was Chu Yi's grandmother, Wang Lan.

Wang Lan was born in the big family of the Republic of China, and continues to this day. Although he is not rich, the family's heritage is still there, and she attaches the most importance to family style.

Of course, the most important point is that Chu Yi’s mother, Tang Wanru, was not her own.

Tang Wei also married a second wife, but only died after giving birth to Tang Wanru.

Therefore, the relationship between them is more complicated.

"It's such a big tone to extinguish my Tang family, but I didn't expect that this kid has secretly become a warrior." said a man who had three points similar to Tang Zhentian's appearance.

He is Tang Zhentian's brother, Tang Zhenba.

"However, the martial arts are nothing. Our Tang family children have inherent talents for cultivation, and they can generally become martial arts and be healthy all their lives."

"He Chu family has nothing, can become a warrior, has not inherited the genes of my Tang family."

"But brother, this kid has never lived in our Tang family since childhood, and we have no sense of identity with our Tang family. We cultivate him like this, I am afraid that we will raise a white-eyed wolf by then."

In this lobby, Tang Wei is all in the same vein. Now in the Tang family, they are also the most powerful.

Tang Zhentian remained calm, his back straight: "It's okay, my father and I discussed this matter."

"Originally, I was still afraid of Beiqiong. I was not satisfied with the person we chose, not the surname Tang, but now, since Chu Yi is a warrior, and seeing his strength, at least he is also a martial artist. There is nothing more to say."

"Marry, I said over there, just in June of this year, if he doesn't come, he will just tie the person over. This matter needs no more discussion and nothing to discuss."

Tang Zhentian made the decision directly.

For their big family, Chu Yi's thing is just a small thing.

"There is no need to send someone to specifically notify the little girl. It would be a surprise to invite the Chushanhe family to come by then."

"That's fine." Tang Wei nodded. "You always have to remember that the interests of the family are greater than the interests of the individual. Without the family, you can't have the current living conditions."

"By the way, what's going on in the south of Jiangnan, how did I hear that there are more spirit stones in the underground world there?" Tang Wei, although not the owner of the house, has all the connections.

Tang Zhentian said: "We checked and found nothing, but it is inferred that some people have mastered a spirit mine, and at least there is a master behind him, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to sell like this."

"Spirit mine!"

"Last time, I remembered that there was a small war in a spiritual mine over North America. This time, it would appear in China. I don't know the scale of the spiritual mine."

"It should not be small. Through their sales, at least the output of the spirit mine will not be lower than that of North America, and the quality seems to be better than which spirit mine."

Tang Wei frowned: "The spirit mine is the best way to control the martial arts, and it is not only needed by the martial arts, but also by ordinary people, scientific researchers, the country, and the army."

"The reason why our Tang family can inherit to this day is because of the three small spirit mines left by our ancestors."

"Now that the three spirit mines are almost exhausted, it's time to find new ones."

"This is capital, and this is the lifeblood of the warrior, so it must be controlled by our Tang family."


Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, it entered the summer from early spring.

The weather became hotter and hotter, and the smoky green smoke came out.

However, above Meishan, it is extremely cool.

There were shouts of rumors from the practice site.


Sun Shang, struck away with a knife, and slashed into the sky. Suddenly, there was an invisible horse falling on the ground. At a distance of ten meters, a stone pile specially polished by Chu Yi was shocked and left behind. A trace of three points into the stone.

"Finally entered the Grand Martial Artist!"

Sun smiled with satisfaction.

"you are too slow."

"I have been in the Grand Martial Arts Division for half a month." Tang Feiyan chuckled, like a fairy on that day.

Since the practice of Aoki, the mace students only feel that they have unstoppable energy every day, and their cultivation practices are also thousands of miles a day.

It was only in May that most of the students had entered the martial arts stage, and people like Sun Shang and Tang Feiyan had entered the martial arts division.

Such terrible progress, even they feel incredible.

"Unfortunately, it is difficult for us to enter the innate."

"Innate, you pull it down, you can enter the half-step guru, even if I burn incense to worship Buddha."

"Without Teacher Chu, we can't even enter the generals."

"Don't be complacent, look at those two guys, we are going to be angry."

Everyone looked helplessly in the past.

I saw the other direction. Hero Yan was walking along the mountain road, carrying a series of gravity symbols, and kept jumping up and down.

"Brother of Heroes, is already the pinnacle warrior."

"And the other..."

Sun Shang couldn't help laughing.

I saw that Yan Haojie is more relaxed. His daily practice is to eat spirit stones.

At this time, he was lying on the Bitan water, his body floating, nibbling a spirit stone, beautiful and nourishing.

And this guy has reached the point of generals.

This talent is unheard of.


Suddenly, the circuit of Qianlong Mountain Villa made a strange sound, but everyone was used to it.

This means that Chu Yi is drawing electricity.

In the room, Chu Yi was sitting in front of the socket. His little mine body had already been cultivated, but now because of the progress of his cultivation practice, he also had to cultivate the mine body.

As he breathed, the electricity in the socket formed a fireworks, and continued to spray away, and finally fell into Chu Yi's nose.


At this moment, his body was extremely clean, wrapped with electric wires, glowed faintly, and crackled.

"The two-step master, today, in one breath, first stepped into the threshold of the mine mine body. Even if a missile comes down, I am confident that I can contend."

He was awe-inspiring, like a thunder, with a strange lightning pattern, jumping on his skin.

Chu Yi took a step, the door opened automatically, and he appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"Ms. Chu, what are you doing?"

The spiked student was startled. It was really that Chu Yi was too dazzling now, with a hint of electrical power all over his body.

"Give me back, I'm about to be struck by thunder."

His words had just fallen, and the original clear sky suddenly had dense black clouds, and a small spherical lightning fell from the sky and fell on Chu Yi.

Suddenly, the electric flowers splashed.

The mace members are stupid.

Tang Feiyan watched for a long time, and finally determined that such a character is definitely not a person of the Tang family.

"Someone was so cheap that he was struck by lightning!"

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