Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Above the roof, the wind and clouds were dense.

This is not that Chu Yi was so cheap that he was struck by thunder, but his skill automatically introduced Tianlei.

Of course, this is not Thunder Tribulation, otherwise Chu Yi’s current cultivation practice has long been smashed into smashes. This is just the kind of ordinary lightning thunder, and its kind is not powerful.

He stood above the roof, his body floating and floating, and there was thunder and lightning lingering across the edge of the skin.

"Who said that the master cannot resist missiles, it is because they do not have suitable exercises to forge the body."

Chu Yi conceited that the decline of the warriors on earth is in large part due to the fact that it has been thousands of years since the last Xianmen opened.

Most of the inheritance, orthodoxy, is submerged in the sand of history and can no longer be found.

The millennium, for the monks of the fairy world, is just a transient time, but for humans on the earth, before the millennium, it was almost the time in mythology.

In China, thousands of years ago, it was the era of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Even the things of the Northern Song Dynasty were not completely preserved, not to mention the illusory Xianmen Taoism.

But once the immortal gates of various Taoisms are opened this time, the strength of the warriors on earth will inevitably explode.

Not even congenital.


Before Chu Yi thought, a small thunder above his head had fallen to his body. Chu Yi was numb all over, and accompanied by a tingling pain, but fortunately this pain was within his tolerance range.

His skin began to ulcerate, and his epidermis, like the old bark of the scales, began to fall off.

However, it is not flesh and blood, but more crystal clear skin.


Chu Yi's gesture changed, the mantra changed again, and Tianlei changed again.

"Dali Yin Yang Quan", in Taiji Sect, is also a good practice, at least it can support the entire congenital realm.

When Chu Yi first entered the Tai Chi Sect in the last life, he did not dare to take risks and did not practice this practice. When he later had the courage to practice, he found that it was no longer necessary, so it was also quite regrettable.

Chu Yi was bathed in thunder, his body was constantly scorched black, and his skin was constantly shed, as if he was undergoing a new transformation.

Everyone was stunned, even Gao Wenxian was a little stunned at this time. He had seen Chu Yi practicing, but he did not expect that there was such a big noise this time.

"Let me go, Teacher Chu is really struck by thunder."


"And it was cut more than once."

"I think he was too damaged usually, this was born to be struck by lightning."

The students gritted their teeth, and although they knew that Chu Yi was fine, they were happy to see it succeeded. Obviously, they were abused enough to choke.

"What kind of exercises is this? It's so powerful. I quote Tianlei Forging." After making jokes, Sun Shang was deeply shaken by the scene here.

Is there a mace headquarters?

Is there a country?

Obviously, at least within the scope of their contact, there is no such terrible practice.

They can also see that one is careless and is likely to crush the bones.

"Hey, the achievements are so advanced that I may not be able to reach this level in my whole life." Hou Ju's eyes were bleak, staying with Chu Yi and being hit all the time, it was the other party's progress too fast.

He had just entered the two-step guru, and Chu Yi immediately entered the two-step guru.

Although he also got an end-to-end formula, it was obviously incomparable with Chu Yi's.

It was not that Chu Yi did not give him better exercises, but with the existing conditions, Hou absolutely could only practice this level, otherwise he would explode and die.

"Thousands of Thunder, come into me!"

Chu Yi's breath is like Ran Ran, like a **** of war, covered in thunder armor.

He is completing the final transformation.

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult. Fortunately, my heart was firm and I couldn't be moved."

Thunder has righteousness, specializes in cracking the evil way of the crooked door, Chu Yi's heart is strong, and the cultivation is the noble righteousness "Tai Chi Heart Method", but it does not matter.

Swish swish!

In the final stage, those thunders turned into strange lines, as if they had spirituality, surrounded by Chu Yi, and then submerged in his skin.

At this moment, he stood like a Thor.

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes and smiled triumphantly: "This time, I can always shock you."

He looked down and saw that many people had covered their faces.

"I said, you don't need to worship me like that, but I am kind and accept your worship." Chu Yi said loudly.

Tang Feiyan looked embarrassed.

Several female students stumbled and could not keep stomping their feet.

Sun Shang even covered his face with black lines: "Teacher Chu, that, you put on your clothes before you talk."

Chu Yi took a quick look, only to find that his clothes had been burned to death in a thunder fire, and he was now standing naked in the air.


The next second, he disappeared, leaving the student who laughed all the time.


It was already May, and the days of the capital were gray and dust storms struck, as if to swallow the city.

Chen Jingjing sat in the company he drove, looking at the environment outside with all kinds of boredom.

At this moment her hard work is as dull as the weather outside.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen Jingjing can be described as a full-blown Bai Fumei, a standard goddess level.

She is the only daughter of the chairman of Beiqiong Group, and graduated from a world-renowned university. She recently returned from studying abroad and continues to run the company she founded after the college entrance examination.

In just a few years, the scale of that company has reached more than a billion, which is entirely based on her personal ability, without using the power of Beiqiong Group.

She is quite famous in the capital, chasing her brother-in-law and can go from the first ring to the third ring.

But recently, she was quite upset because his father, Chen Shao, arranged a marriage for her, and now she didn’t even see the South, and was about to get married.

"Shire, did you know that my dad arranged a marriage for me, the other party is a Tang family child, it seems that Tang Wanru and other men were born outside the son."

"I'm not worried about marrying. Why did my dad marry me out like this, and don't ask my opinion, how could it be like this."

Chen Jingjing sat in the office and said, while patting the desk with documents, making a thud.

Her appearance is exquisite, similar to that of Yang Ling, except that she has more temperament than Yang Ling as a business woman and less of a woman's pretentiousness.

With light makeup on, the lazy color between eyebrows slowly unfolded, like a water lily on a summer pond.

On the appearance, Chen Jingjing is undoubtedly extremely beautiful.

Liang Shier's voice came from the phone: "You should know that your Beiqiong Group has risen too fast. In this way, you will be jealous and have no heritage, so your father wants to be with the Tang family. Such superpowers are connected."

"However, Uncle is very kind to you. Instead of letting you marry, you hire a son-in-law who will not be wronged."

Liang Shier was sitting in his library with a cup of tea and a book in his hand.

She and Chen Jingjing didn't know each other very well, but not long ago, they only knew each other after reading books in the Beijing Library.

It didn't take long for Chen Jingjing to return from abroad, and she didn't have many female friends in China, so she chatted with Liang Shier.

Now, when I encounter some things, I come to Liang Shier.

"Tang family? Tang Wanru's son?" Liang Shier frowned.

Because Chen Jingjing was about to get married, the Tang family did not conceal what happened.

Liang Shier also heard a little.

"But I already have someone I like." Chen Jingjing said helplessly, his mouth full of bitterness.

"Li Linhao, the son of the Dean of Beijing First Hospital," Liang Shier smiled gently. "He is excellent, and it can be said that it is very good. Many people in Beijing owe his father's affection."

"It can even be said that he has a higher status than most of the Tang family's children, and higher than your fiancé."

"But, after all, he is not the Tang family after all."

"Your father does not want this person, but the forces behind it."

Chen Jingjing sighed for a long time. How could she not understand this truth?

"I really envy you, being able to freely marry and not be bound at all."

Liang Shier is not slow, turning the page: "We Wantian Group, although not comparable to your Beiqiong Group, but after all, it started from my grandfather's generation, and my grandfather's special status, this is equivalent to a Guarantee, we do not need to rely on marriage to stabilize the development of our group."

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