Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In the courtyard, the weather is fine. Chu Yi enjoys the scenery while drinking tea.

Chen Qiushui and Chen Qiuhong, brother and sister, stood on the side with a complex look.

Finally, Chen Qiushui couldn't help but speak.

"Master Chu, why are you still so calm? Now that you have become the No. 1 black list, everyone in the outside world is discussing you."

"Yeah, that's the No. 1 black list." Chen Qiuhong has a pair of beautiful eyes, shines continuously, and is amazing. She came over today and specially dressed up, full of women's charm, especially when she saw Chu Yi , Heartbeat can't help but speed up.

Black list first, killing Zeus, this is the peak of humanity. I did not expect that this young man who is about the same size as himself can do so easily.

At least she also checked, looking at the world, there is almost no one who can overcome Chu Yi on the bright side.

"so what?"

Chu Yi responded very compulsively, but for him, this sentence was really not very good.

In the last life in the fairy world, he also crushed all masters. His deeds were more horrified. Compared with his current identity, Chu Yi’s mood did not fluctuate.

Chen Qiushui smiled bitterly, and for the first time he saw such a calm person, he quickly said: "Mr. Chu, the problem is more troublesome now, almost all of you are welcome in Europe, especially the side of the Twelve Temples, I already know, They are vigorously investigating and want to block you in Europe, but I did not expect you to come back here."

Chen Qiushui was terrified.

He thought that Chu Yi would find a more secret place to heal, but he didn't expect it to appear in the Xiaoyang Tower. Once discovered by the temple people, he might be upset.

"It's okay, your old man's condition is almost the same. You tell me the direction of the pool of water. When I go there, I will naturally leave."


Chen Qiushui nodded, "I will send you a detailed information to Master Chu..."

"En?" When Chen Qiushui wanted to say something, Chu Yi interrupted him.

Chen Qiushui was slightly surprised, but after a few seconds, he was surprised to find that a slightly fat middle-aged man came in under the protection of many bodyguards, with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Chu, we met again."

"Your Excellency the President." Chu Yi did not get up, nodded in a chair, and the person who came was the President of the Swiss State, Locke.

"Why, Your Excellency, do you want to come over and catch someone?

Both Chen Qiushui's brothers and sisters were a little nervous. They looked around, and many bodyguards had surrounded the area.

As the President of Swiss State, Locke still has a lot of power. If he let the national army dispatch, it would be a big trouble for Chu Yi. After all, this is his territory.

"Mr. Chu, you are very powerful. We have to admit this." Locke saw a bit of dissatisfaction when Chu Yi was still sitting.

"But at the moment you are seriously injured and want to leave Europe alone, it is obviously impossible." His expression, with a trace of pride.

"So?" Chu Yi raised an eyebrow. He didn't like the tone of these politicians.

"So, we can cooperate." Locke laughed. "The Twelve Temples are also a huge cancer for our European countries. Moreover, now we have to kill you. They are our common enemy."

"I can shelter you until Mr. Chu's injury recovers, and Mr. Chu's time, as long as he helps us destroy all the Twelve Temples."

Chu Yi touched his chin and said, "It sounds like a good cooperation."

"Of course, because the risks during the period are too great, we still hope that Mr. Chu will give us a little protection in the future."

"For example, the nationality of joining the Swiss..."

There was a flash of coldness in Chu Yi's eyes, which was equivalent to letting Chu Yi do their thugs in Europe.

"I disagree?"

Locke smiled slightly: "Mr. Chu, you have no room for disagreement."

"You agreed, then you can survive, if you don't agree, it can only die in the pursuit of the Twelve Temples. This is an obvious choice."

He straightened his chest and seemed to want to make his speech more confident.

In fact, he despised the warriors very much, or disgusted them, especially those warriors who could not control it. This was a huge challenge to the existing world order.

The air in the courtyard suddenly froze.

Chen Qiushui and Chen Qiuhong both dare not breathe.

Do European countries have to intervene in this matter?

I promised that if I survived, I might become a humanoid weapon in various European countries.

Don't agree, die!

This is a very simple multiple choice question. Locke is confident and Chu Yi will know how to choose.

"Your Excellency President, do you know what animals in the world, do you like to say why?" Chu Yi said suddenly.

Locke frowned and looked away.

"The answer is pig."

"Why?" Locke said as soon as he spoke, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. "Mr. Chu, please ask you to respect others. This joke is not funny at all."


"I respect you, but your IQ really makes me feel a natural sense of superiority."

He raised his chin: "I thought you were talking about cooperation sincerely, but I didn't expect you just wanted to control me."

"Yes, it's too difficult to survive in a small country like yours, especially when you are a powerless president who is afraid of the warrior while trying to control the warrior."

"Do you believe it or not, if you say a few more words, today you can't get out of this courtyard."

Chu Yi narrowed his eyes, and the terrible killing intention made everyone cold.

Brush brush!

Many bodyguards took out their guns, all facing Chu Yi.

Sword crossbow!

Locke shook his back.

"Mr. Chu, I admit that you are strong, but... in what era you should also understand that you can leave huge battle marks in the Alps, but I can flatten all the ground within a few kilometers with a single order. ."

"The warrior, after all, is only a small means."

"If the bullet can't pierce you, what about poison gas? What about biochemical attacks? What about intercontinental missiles?"

"Hope you can do it yourself."

After he finished speaking, he smiled arrogantly and left the place with many bodyguards and his hands on his back.

Watching Locke leave, Chen Qiushui's face sank instantly.

"The president of a small country is still so arrogant. Whatever it is, Master Chu is the first person on the black list. Even if he is the president of a superpower, he must be terrified by three points when he sees you."

Both the Chen brothers and sisters were very dissatisfied.

In Chu Yi's current identity, it is not an exaggeration to say that he, a Swiss president, is not yet qualified to speak to Chu Yi in this way.

"But Master Chu, you should leave now. You can't stay here for a long time now. European things have swept all the European countries in."

He considered Chu Yi's injury.

"It's okay, I come at my own pace." Chu Yi smiled, really thought he was injured, so easy to bully?


Tianmo Shentan, according to Chen Qiushui, is located near the island of England.

Chu Yi set off on a train overnight, and when he got to the place, he and Zhu Bajie walked on foot to the suburbs and did not want to waste time in the city.

The long night is long and the stars are shining brightly. It is already 8 o'clock in the evening and there are few pedestrians.


Suddenly a horn sounded and I saw a bus that drove from behind Chu Yi and stopped beside him.

Immediately, a tall figure ran directly from the car.

"Teacher Chu, why are you here?"

Her eyes were full of surprises. When she saw Chu Yi, she was very happy and a little strange.

In a foreign country, Chu Yi was also surprised when he encountered it. This is fate.

It seems that his fate with her is still very deep.

"I came to travel, how, depending on how you look, it seems that you are here to work." Chu Yi smiled and Zhu Bajie shrank in his arms, acting as an ignorant pet pig.

"Teacher Chu, I'm here for a concert, a global tour, and I originally wanted to call you a guest. After all, you and I participated in the performance of "Tai Chi", but I couldn't find you."

In short, her personality is a bit cold, but when she looks at Chu Yi, she seems to have something to say.

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