My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 424: Halfway intercept

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In short, when facing Chu Yi, there is a different taste in my heart.

Such a young man has helped himself too much, and many things have happened together.

In her eyes, Chu Yi is too mysterious and full of legends, especially such a person, even willing to be a teacher, which makes her even more puzzled.

This man, with layers of mysterious veil on his face, waited until she thought she had completely uncovered it, but found that it was just the tip of the iceberg.

"Teacher Chu, it's late at night, you didn't get in the car, or go with us, anyway, there are some staff in the car, and you have met before." Jane said with a smile.

She is tall and beautiful, like a pure white swan, especially, her eyes are very clear.

Chu Yi thought about it. It seemed that they would pass by when they went there, and the aura in his body had not recovered. He needed to find a quiet place to recuperate.

"In short, who is it?" Zhou Li, the agent in short, also came down and saw Chu Yi at a glance. She looked embarrassed because she knew that Chu Yi had an extraordinary status, but she offended him at first. .

"Get in the car first." In short, took Chu Yi on the bus.

In fact, they have several buses, and the following buses are followed by staff, and this one is all stars, a not-so-famous warm-up guest, and a popular little fresh meat, Jane Invited guests.

"Teacher Chu, this is He Yun. You should know that he is a first-rate actor. For the past two years, I have to see his program on TV every day." Jian said with a smile.

Chu Yi looked at the past, He Yun, very delicate, and his appearance is also in line with the aesthetics of the people of this era.

"Hello." Chu Yi reached out.

But the other party, holding his arms in both hands, did not mean to shake hands with Chu Yi, but nodded indifferently.

"it is good."

"I watched the footage from your participation in "Tai Chi". I happen to have a movie in preparation and need professionals in related fields. Mr. Chu. If you have the will, my agent will contact you later. a bit."

He Yun was a bit cold. In his eyes, Chu Yi was just a dragon actor. The reason why he proposed to let him participate in his own movies was to look at it in a nutshell.

But he didn't know that when he said this, he was simply stupid.

Teacher Chu, who is that, even the Northwest Shi family, can’t take Chu Yi to play a movie?

"I'm sorry, I didn't plan to enter the entertainment circle for the time being." Chu Yi couldn't understand how he saw each other. He rolled his eyes and found a seat by the window. He sat down directly and closed his eyes.

There are too many idiots in the world, and arguing with this kind of person will only lower his IQ and then be defeated by the other party with rich experience.

"Who is this, is it crazy? Who doesn't know my home, He Yun, is now a popular figure in the entertainment industry." He Yun's agent said in disgust, "This kind of person, there is no need to develop in the entertainment industry in the future, Do you really think that the people inside are so good at speaking in short?"

"Humph!" He Yun also sneered. As long as he ordered, no one would use Chu Yi in the entire entertainment circle.

The bus runs quietly.

In short, He Yun and a few small stars are discussing tomorrow's concert.

"Eh, have you heard that there seems to be a big thing happening over the Alps, and a friend of mine told me that now the police have completely blocked it." He Yun said suddenly.

"I seem to have heard it, but what is it?" asked in a simple words.

"I don't know, but my friend happened to be nearby. He seemed to see a violent explosion in the Alps and a fireball. In the end, there was a massive avalanche."

"Is it so magical? People are really scared, but fortunately they are not there." A petite and cute girl said timidly, her eyes looked vaguely at He Yun.

Li Shuer is also one of the warm-up guests at the opening, but since she got on the bus, she has been hooking up with He Yun all the time.

Of course, for this kind of thing, it is quite common in the entertainment circle, everyone is closing their eyes.

Obviously, He Yun also had some meaning to Li Shuer.

If nothing happens, the two will be in the hotel tonight.

"I heard that it was caused by manpower. There are two powerful men fighting in the world, and the landslides." He Yun said.

"Impossible, how could there be such a powerful person, wouldn't it be a fairy?" Li Shuer said with a little hypocrisy, his voice very pretentious.

Briefly frowned slightly, several of her companions were also helpless.

But no way, He Yun likes such a girl.


Suddenly, Zhu Bajie called twice, and it was woken up, very impatient.

"Ah!" Li Shuer screamed, "Cute pig, is this your pet?"

She hurried over and wanted to touch the pig bajie.

The latter grinned.

Is it uncle Pig Bajie who can touch this ordinary person?

"Sorry, it doesn't like being touched by strangers." Chu Yi said lightly.

The girl, full of rouge gouache, made him frown.

"But people like it..." Li Shuer squeezed Chu Yi's clothes corner with both hands.

She is indeed beautiful, with a purity and charm, I am afraid that now, a boy will be soft-hearted.

But Chu Yi's goose bumps shook off the ground, and Zhu Bajie was even more shocked.

Humans are really scary!

But at this time, He Yun sorted out his clothes, stood up calmly, and came to Chu Yi with his wallet.

"Mr. Chu, the little girl likes, you are a big man, not suitable for raising this kind of pet pig, let me say, how much money, I bought it directly." His voice was a little cold.

Chu Yi smiled: "You can't afford it, this is not a simple pig."

"Oh? Although I'm not a top-notch rich man, I also have a few dollars in my body." He Yun despised, thinking that Chu Yi wanted a lion to speak.

"Ten thousand for you, we bought this pig."

He directly took out 10,000 yuan and threw it in the seat next to Chu Yi.

"Not enough." Chu Yi shook his head.

"Then twenty thousand?"

"Mr. Chu, people can't be too greedy sometimes." He Yun sneered. He was one of the hottest stars in the entertainment industry. It was the first time he encountered this shabby dragon actor who didn't give himself a face.

Looking at this scene in a nutshell, he sat silently on the side without speaking.

Obviously, along the way, she was somewhat dissatisfied with He Yun.

"Billions, buy if you have money, don't buy if you don't have money, go away."

"Roar!" Pig Bajie nodded.

However, when I thought about it, I was only worth one billion, but I groaned at Chu Yi twice and expressed my dissatisfaction.

"You?" He Yun said angrily.

"It's okay, Brother Yun, this person is just deliberately playing us." Li Shuer smiled ambiguously, "You are noble, so you don't have to care about these people. People like him can only be one in a lifetime. Long set actors, eating a lunch box of ten dollars every day."

Li Shuer sneered sarcastically.

After hearing this, He Yun laughed loudly, and immediately did not say anything to Chu Yi and returned to his seat.

In his view, such a small person does not have to waste energy.

It didn't take long for the bus to stop suddenly.

"what happened?"

"A lot of people stopped us."

"It won't be a gangster!" Li Shuer was afraid, and took the opportunity to get into He Yun's arms.

"Do not talk nonsense."

At this time, Zhou Li's brows were tight and dignified. Through the car window, she saw the people outside, wearing a knight costume.

"How can I talk nonsense!" Li Shuer retorted with He Yun behind him.

Her family is very rich, and it's just fun to come to the entertainment world, so there is no fear.

"If I read correctly, they should be the people of the twelve European temples and the sea temple."

"What? Poseidon Temple!" Li Shuer threw his tongue out in shock.

The Twelve Temples are well-known throughout the world.

Their power is comparable to that of a small country. Such a person is simply not something that his gang of Chinese stars can provoke.

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