My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 433: Strongest versus strongest

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

This is a multinational coalition army. Europe has secretly trained for many years and is extremely powerful. They think they can compete with the US military.

The momentum gathered by nearly ten thousand people is magnificent, full of murderous intentions, and overwhelming.

Sun Zhen, Zhang Xiaoyu, Huang Ying and others have long been scared and paralyzed by this momentum. The tourists in this area are full of horror, and they dare not move at all.

Even Huakun Kun, at this moment, was also creepy, only to think that thousands of people from the other party shouted together, and he was going to fly away.

This is the most powerful combat power on earth now.

"Ah!" Sun Zhen barked wildly, holding his head in both hands, grinning his teeth, and his eyes were bursting with scarlet blood.

"It's none of our business, no matter our business!"

"This is his fault!"


He was so frightened that he squirted and rolled on the ground, but now, no one laughs at him, and everyone's condition is not very good.

In the face of such a huge army, all the muzzles are aimed at themselves. No one can maintain reason, even the ability to think is gone.

"The Twelve Temples, dare to dispatch such a force to deal with King Chu, this..."

Hua Kun is desperate and his face is extremely pale. Although he knows that the other party will not hurt the innocent, this is the rule of the underground world, but Chu Yi is mortal.

Everyone's eyes fell on Chu Yi. At this moment, he slowly moved forward.

As he progressed, the mighty force condensed by the army seemed to be pushed away.


At a certain moment, it collapsed.

"How could he not be injured?" As the commander of this coalition army, Aude originally promised, but when Chu Yi came to the army, his eyes were wrinkled.

"He alone, suppress the momentum of our entire army?!"

Imposing, invisible.

It means that one blow, then another, and then exhaustion, once all the momentum is exhausted, then the fighting power exerted by the army will be greatly weakened.

"General..." the lieutenant screamed in a low voice. He had fought many battles and had many martial arts masters killed. Even the powerful masters were just like ants in front of this army. Has lost the desire to fight.

No individual can resist this army, except for another army.

The picture was sent to the meeting room of the heads of state of Europe, and everyone was silent.

"The strength of King Chu Yan is beyond our imagination, and thousands of troops can't hold him back." Someone murmured.

"So, it is more necessary to kill." Locke said solemnly, "The current King of Chu Yan is the first person in the world of martial arts. Although the **** King Zeus is dead, after all, he was killed by King Chu, not much to the underground world. Shocked."

"But if we kill King Chu Yan this time and marry the Twelve Temples, and then we will destroy the Twelve Temples, then the entire underground world will fall apart, and this is what we want to see."

"The stronger he is, the better our arrangements are. This is not a world of personal heroism. People like him who can exceed legal sanctions cannot exist in this world."


"No phone signal!"

"All blocked..."

"Who can save us..."

People cried and shouted. After all, most of the people who came here were tourists from other countries. Faced with this army, they were naturally strange and afraid.

Chu Yi indifferently faced thousands of troops, smiled, and his voice spread like a wave: "European Allied Forces, you are really shameless, you have reached this point, and you pretend to be the Temple of the Twelve, really When am I an idiot?"

Chu Yi's words gave Aude a slight pause, but he still said toughly: "King Chu Yan, we were originally the people of the Twelve Temples. This time, we were ordered to arrest you."

"Aren't you strong?"

"But look at our army. The submachine guns in their hands are specifically designed to deal with the warriors. They can break through the defense of the warriors. The master will not feel good when he gets a shot."

"The missiles on our armed vehicles can easily smash a guru."

"Even if everything fails, we still have a terrible number of soldiers, who just use corpses to crush you."

"Even if you are a god, don't want to leave today!"

Aude's eyes lighted up and he was full of confidence: "Of course, you have another choice today, that is surrender."

Such a strong man, once he surrendered, would be a huge fighting force for the whole of Europe. Even scientists can study his body to develop newer drugs.

This is the strength of the army.

Wherever I went, even if there were a few more masters, they would be wiped out.

"It's really troublesome." Chu Yi rubbed his eyebrows. His fighting power was not restored. At most, it was half restored. Although he was protected by Zhu Bajie, he wanted to escape from the army of 10,000 people. Idiot said dreams.

The innate realm can do it, but the guru cannot.

"You can only take a hit, it depends on who has the heartache first."

Chu Yi's eyes were lingering, and his mighty thoughts swept down, clearly seeing the other party's equipment.

This is an extremely strong army, and everyone's face is very serious, full of military killings.

Chu Yi did not know the models of these fighters, armored vehicles, and submachine guns. After all, he was not a military enthusiast.

"I have to protect you!" Zhu Bajie was entering five words, which touched Chu Yi.

In the last life, Chu Yi was too alone, or his rise was so fast that no one could catch up with him.


Chu Yi stepped forward.

"Just let it be purgatory here."

Odd narrowed his eyes because he knew that the other party had already made a choice.

Chu Yi, stepped forward slowly.


Suddenly, a dozen dire fighters, one dive, shot Chu Yi at a very weird angle, and the overwhelming bullets instantly hit.

This army was originally prepared to deal with the twelve temples. Therefore, all weapons are different from the outside army, and they are specially developed to deal with the warriors.

In the whole world, the more modern technology develops, the greater the fear of martial artists.

Although all countries have no obvious opposition to martial arts, the underground world, which is called the underground world, is already a form of discrimination.

In secret, every country is definitely studying ways to deal with warriors.

After all, this is a small group of people with terrifying fighting power.

This Viper m214 cannon, covered with special metal materials, can easily break the defense of the warrior, even if it is covered with strength, it will be greatly weakened.


A bullet landed on the ground. After 0.1 seconds of silence, a violent explosion occurred. The metal fragments shot out, penetrated the surrounding trees, and then burned directly.

Everyone was taken aback.

There are dozens of people here, who hide in the restaurant in a daunting manner and dare not come out.

This level of war, if they are not careful, will affect them.

"Huh?" Chu Yi's eyes narrowed, these weapons were stronger than he thought.

He cast his mind and stepped into the sky step by step, approaching the fighter.

"If you want to leave safely, you must solve the fighter."

But the other party did not give him any chance at all.

Dense bullets struck like a storm, a violent explosion occurred around, and several neighboring houses were directly bombarded to pieces.

Whether it is rock, metal, trees, or land, everything that stands upright collapses and turns into powder.

This bullet is extremely penetrating, and it also has the subsequent effects of bursting and burning.

"it is good!"

"In this way, he was afraid, and he dared not use his body to block it, so he could avoid it."

"But as long as you avoid, there is always a time when he makes mistakes."

Victory is in sight in Aude's eyes, with a touch of joy on his face.

What is the strongest man on earth?

In his view, to deal with a master, there is no need to dispatch an army of this size.

But in the next second, Chu Yi's body suddenly burst into thunder, and the lightning appeared radial, radiating away towards the surroundings.

The terrifying thunder seems to kill all demons.

At this moment, he was like Thor, kicking his legs, and the whole person rose into the sky.

On one side is the strongest army, on the other is the strongest warrior on earth.

Everyone's mouths were opened, looking at this scene in shock.

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