My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 434: Positive shock

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Although "Dali Yin Yang Quan" is only a master-level forging body method, it is already a terrifying exercise in the master level.

Chu Yi was able to refine his talents, and his physical qualities have long been extremely powerful, far exceeding the masters on earth.

He jumped, thunder and light splashed and rose into the air, just a moment, his body had been pulled up dozens of meters.

And those bullets, after hitting him, were all blocked by thunder.

In a fighter plane closest to him, the driver could not help but scream.

"God! Is this still human?"

He has seen many masters, and he has killed some, but no master has ever rushed into the sky directly under the fighter jets.

And it still bears this special bullet, how much power it needs to be able to achieve.

Moreover, this is still nearly a hundred meters high.

Is this the first person in the world today? !

Chu Yi was in the air, and he and the driver were usually in apathy in the indifferent eyes.

Amidst the horrors and screams of countless people, Chu Yi held out his palm. Suddenly, a fierce thunder condensed on it, and turned into a ten-meter long sword, which fell directly from the fighter plane.


A trembling noise.

The fighter plane made of special alloys is like a beast of water and a monster of incomparable severity. At this moment, it was even directly cut, broken into two halves, and then exploded in high altitude.

Ling Xun's whistle sounded, and the fire broke through the sky. The special fighter plane that was able to withstand the full attack of the Grandmaster, even if it crashed, would not have any damage, but it was like a paper paste under Chu Yi's blow.

The fighter plane exploded, and a large amount of debris landed from the sky, with a terrible flame, like a rain of fire.

Very gorgeous!

But it was full of death.

"So powerful!"

On the ground, Zhang Xiaoyu had covered his mouth deadly, his eyes dim, and his eyes were full of tears.

She originally thought that Chu Yi would die directly, and even the strongest man on earth could not resist a whole army.

But how long it was, but in three minutes, a fighter jet had been lost across from it.

Countless people, deeply shocked, without seeing with their own eyes, simply can't feel the trembling from the soul.

People can be so powerful.

Watching Chu Yi take it lightly, sweeping down a fighter, like a man in legend and myth.

"Mr. Chu Yan, will be so powerful that a man will fight the army!"

Hua Kun dumbfounded. Some elderly bodies seemed unable to stand because of shock. They just sat on the ground.

"The master master I know can't compare with even one tenth of him. No wonder he can kill the **** king Zeus."


Odd and his lieutenant kept swallowing saliva, the smile on his face was still, but at this time it looked particularly strange.

"Dr. Carter, what is going on is different from the data provided by your research institute." Aude looked at a middle-aged man in a white running coat.

This man is a weapon specialized in studying and dealing with warriors.

Dr. Carter wore thick spectacles and was somewhat surprised: "General, the fighting power of King Chu Yan seems to be stronger than I thought."

"However, according to the statistics, his current strength has only recovered by half, and because the aura has been exhausted too much before, he cannot maintain a long-term vacant state."

"As long as we continue to attack and continue to exert pressure, within ten minutes, in his current state, we can't resist it at all."

"Finally, either die or surrender!"

Dr. Carter's words just fell, and the sky exploded again violently.

Chu Yi is brave and invincible, his hands move slowly, the whole movement is extremely round, but full of rigid strength.

People were horrified to find that the thunder that permeated him turned into a huge yin and yang pattern.

"Unfortunately, I didn't enter the congenital. This kind of power may seem powerful, but for a true monk, it is vulnerable."

Gorgeous does not mean the strongest. In the innate realm, it is the time when personal combat power bursts.

With a punch, the yin and yang thunder array directly crushed the past. A fighter had no time to avoid it. It was directly destroyed, turned into a fireball, and fell.

General Aude froze in place.

Although the weather was a bit cold, there was still a dense cold sweat on his forehead.

You must know how high the cost of manufacturing a fighter plane is. It takes a lot of energy and time to train a pilot.

At this time, in just three or four minutes, two have already been lost, making him extremely painful.

Are you a human?

This is God!

Although Carter was shocked, it was more ecstatic.

"General, this Chu Yan King's physical fitness is too strong. If it can be entrusted to me for research, it will definitely double the physical fitness of the earth."

"Dr. Carter, this is not the time to say this."

"General, you can rest assured that God is on our side. You see, he has run out of energy and has begun to land."

Chu Yi's cyclone did not fully recover, even if he absorbed the aura now, it was with a little tear-like pain.

But the amount of Aura stored in his body is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

He landed only to save aura and deal with the next attack.

"Roar!" Zhu Bajie jumped excitedly on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, you will be shot." Chu Yi smiled.

No one can see Zhu Bajie, this guy's shielding technique is much better than Chu Yi.

"He can't do it anymore, the thunder light on him is also weak, fire!"

Bombing wildly and striking again!

Chu Yi's face didn't change. He stretched out his left hand and thundered a bow. He stretched out his right hand and thundered an arrow.


One arrow burst out.

The fighter couldn't avoid it at all. Chu Yi's attack was too fast, comparable to the speed of sound. In a flash, he had hit a fighter.

"God!" The pilot gasped, and the Thunder Arrow had penetrated the fighter, even with it, and also penetrated his body.

Blazing fire!


Another arrow!


Another arrow!

Everyone was horrified.

In the sky, as if fireworks are blooming, fighter planes continue to explode.

As long as the lightning in Chu Yi's body remained, the fighter could not penetrate Chu Yi's body at all.

On the contrary, they became the targets of Chu Yi.

"No no no!"

"Quick withdrawal!"

"All pilots, quickly pull the height."

"Keep a distance of at least one kilometer!"

General Odd felt a pain in his heart. He seemed to see the army's funds burning at a rate of tens of millions per second.


At this time, the ground forces also launched a long-range attack.

Armored vehicles and tanks are even more brutal.

For the master, they can easily escape the bullet shells.

But if it is a large-scale attack, they cannot avoid it.

The rain of bullets directly covered hundreds of meters.

Even if Chu Yi's movement speed is fast, it is impossible to hide completely, and as long as rubbing a little, it will naturally hurt him.

The figure was no longer clear, the smoke was filled, and the light of the explosion was scattered.

The sky is roaring, the earth is shaking, everything around has long been razed to the ground, such a large area of ​​continuous blows has rarely appeared.

Dozens of people shivered. If Chu Yi moved the battlefield away, no one here would survive.

Anyway, the army was under the banner of the Twelve Temples, and these people died a hundred times.

Finally, after three minutes, the attack finally stopped.

"General Aude, how can you do this, aren't we okay, even if it's dead, there must be a complete corpse, which is all smashed, how can we study?" Dr. Carter was anxiously corrupted.

General Aude's face was already covered with sweat. I don't know why. When facing Chu Yi alone, he felt extremely heavy.

This battle was more horrifying than all the wars in his life combined.

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes widened and he looked at the smoke.

Everyone also keeps the same movement.

"King Chu Yan, are you dead?"

"If it doesn't die, he's really not human."

Just as Zhang Xiaoyu's eyelids fell, suddenly, there was a slight footstep.


Chu Yi walked away, with a milky white shield around his body.

Just now, Zhu Bajie blocked all attacks for Chu Yi.

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