My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 440: Chu Family's Dilemma

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"He's dead, is it true?" The Tang family did not believe this time, because Chu Yi had brought them too many accidents.

However, with the passage of time, one day, two days, and three days passed, and there was no more movement there.

"Dad, it seems to be true." Tang Qifeng's smile reappeared on his face. How many people were waiting for Chu Yan's death.

The Tang Family in Fengshan is a rosy scene.

"According to intelligence, the EU has sent a large number of investigators to search there, but there are no signs of life. Even Huaxia sent people to pass..."

"I'm afraid he has been smashed to pieces now."

"Good, great!"

All senior members of the Tang family, all with smiles on their faces, were waiting for this day for too long.

"Hahaha, die well, die well!"

"He died, and our Tang family will have a chance to rise up again. Such a person is so terrifying that he can resist the fighting power of tens of thousands of troops." Tang Zhentian's eyes flashed with deep fear.

Immediately, he also regretted it.

If he is kind to Tang Wanru from the beginning, he may be able to leave the super strong in the Tang family. In this way, the Tang family is the real super family.

"Huh, I said, that the humble seed is simply a thunderbolt, and even its own loved ones are ignored, and now even the gods can't stand it anymore."

The old lady Wang Lan said fiercely, "The Chu family has been expanding too fast this time, and we can just suppress it."

"There is also Tang Wanru, who openly violated our Tang family rules and directly captured him."

Wang Lan was very angry recently. In Beijing, no matter where she went, she would be pointed out, thinking that she was incompetent and abused Tang Wanru, which would make Chu Yi ignore the Tang family.

"Mom, there is no need to worry about things in the Chu family. Naturally, someone will deal with them. We have to maintain the demeanor of the big family and watch the changes. I believe there will be many people who secretly invite us to do things for us." Tang Zhentian was fully satisfied.

They never thought that the Tang family would be overwhelmed by a young man.

But now, this person is dead, Tang family, still Tang family.

"Master, the owner, there are many corporate executives outside, want to meet us and discuss the future cooperation." A housekeeper respectfully said.

Wen Yan, all the senior officials of the Tang family, smiled at each other.


Tang Zhentian snorted coldly, "These guys really meet the wind and rudder. When my Tang family is in trouble, one runs faster than the other, and the excuses are quite outrageous, and we don't take our Tang family's eyes at all."

"Now, King Chu Yan has fallen and they ran again all night, really embarrassing them."

"Just say I have something to go out, let them wait."

"My Tang family, isn't it so fooling."

"Yes, my Tang family, is not a place to come and go as long as I want." The senior of the Tang family breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Wei said in a timely manner: "However, Zhen Tian, ​​we still need to be a little more careful. We will wait a long time before we say, in case the situation is reversed, it will be troublesome."

"Dad, I have a point."


Qinhua City, Jiangnan.

A junior of the Chu family would have been married in the past, but because of the existence of Chu Yi, even if it was just an ordinary junior's wedding, the guests were all in an endless stream, and all were big men with heads and faces.

These people all want to frustrate the Chu family, or Chu Yi behind the Chu family.

Chu Huaige, Chu Shanhe, and Chu Yi's uncle and others were all at the scene.

Everyone in the Chu family looked proud, looking at this unprecedented flourishing age.

Chu Shanhe is very proud of this, these are brought by his son.

"Drink less and see what you like." Tang Wanru said with a smile, but this time, it was also the happiest day in her life.

Don't worry, don't worry, don't miss.

The only thing that gave her a headache was that her son hadn't returned home yet.

Mr. Li brought a glass of wine and smiled, "Old Man Chu, you are really blessed. You can have such a grandson. Those unscrupulous grandchildren in my family, if you have one-tenth of your grandson's ability, I will be able to go at ease. Now."

The Li family is one of the three major families in Qinhua City, but now, in front of the Chu family in the sky, they can only bow their heads obediently.

And with the words of Grandpa Li, all of a sudden everyone came up.

"Yeah, I heard that Master Chu has recently made a splash in Europe and is already the first person in the world today."

"Good news!"


"Oh, easy to say, easy to say."

In the hearts of these people, they were all shocked. They naturally knew the Twelve European Temples, but unexpectedly, Chu Yi was so powerful.

A month ago, people just called Chu Yi the second person of Huaxia, but in a blink of an eye, he had already surpassed Chen Zhantian and became the world's first person.

They knew that as long as Chu Yi was in one day, the entire China, and even the whole world, would not dare to shoot the Chu family.

That's the first person in the world, how terrifying it is.

"Old man Ouyang, what are you thinking, why not come to toast."

Father Li looked in the direction of Ouyang's family.

So many people came around, but only Ouyang's grandfather narrowed his eyes.

"Toast?" Mr. Ouyang snorted coldly, his lips seemingly smiling.

"What's so great about his Chu family, not just relying on Chu Yi alone to support it."

"Old man Ouyang, what are you talking about, don't make yin and yang strange." Mr. Li made his eyes wink. He didn't know what crazy this old guy is going to do today.

"Huh, since you don't like our Chu family, what are you doing here today?" Chu Huaige also said hardly.

"The Chu family? Haha, just a joke."

Suddenly Ouyang laughed suddenly, "The old man just got the news, then the world's first person, your grandson Chu Yi, was joined by the Twelve Temples in Europe, using troops and missiles, and was alive and dead."


"Ouyang old thief, you tell me clearly, my grandson is dead?!"

In the hall, the needles can be heard.

"Yes, dead, haha, old man Chu, if you don't believe it, you should know the news later."

Sure enough, but after a few minutes, more and more people received the news.

"King Chu Yan killed Europe."

"The message is correct!"

"The EU has issued an official announcement."

Everyone is changing color, this is about to happen.

"Father Chu, I still have something to do at home, so I will take a step first."

"Festivals are changing!"

"If Master Chu's funeral, please be sure to inform me."

Many people are thinking about it. They know that the impact of this matter is too great. Now they must not have too much trouble with the Chu family. They should leave first and think about countermeasures. This is the top priority.

Chu Huaige didn't even see the departure of the crowd. At this time, his brain was buzzing, and the whole person lost his soul and fell directly on the chair.

"Dad, are you okay." Several brothers of Chu Shanhe hurried forward to support their father.

Chu Shanhe, the whole body trembled.

He did not believe his son would die.

But after asking the wolf teeth, the whole person staggered twice, and his lips were very pale.

"Xiao Yi..."

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Chu Mu exclaimed. Tang Wanru collapsed on the spot when he heard the news.

"No, brother won't die."

"He is the eldest brother."

"Xiaomu, let's help Auntie back to the room first." Chu Yunyun's teeth bit his lip and said with tears.

"You guys, the hospitality is not good today, and I would like to ask you to bear more." Chu Shanchuan gave away.

In my heart, it was desolate.

"It's okay, so to speak, Mr. Chu should do housework first."

"Let's go..."

"The Chu family, without Master Chu, I'm afraid it won't go far."

"Haha, it's really popular, I just look at the Chu family's dissatisfaction, so in this way, it just happened to fit my heart."

Some people lamented, some smirked.

"The Chu family, it's over!" Mr. Li thought about it, and left with his family members quietly, but his eyes flickered, apparently moved.

"Haha, Chu Huaige, I think how arrogant you will be in the future. Without Chu Yi's Chu family, you will no longer be the Chu family. Look, no one cares about you at all!" said Ouyang.

He walked away with sleeves.

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