My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 441: See you again

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Many people were worried at the beginning that King Chu Yan was still alive. After all, this person created too many myths that were unimaginable.

But over time, one day, ten days, half a month, two months...

Until the autumn day, there has been no movement for the past three months.

In the end, after being investigated by the search team, Shu Senzhi dug the place where Chu Yi finally stood to tens of meters below the ground, and there was no trace.

Even the pool of water evaporates completely under the terrible missile and no longer exists.

People in the EU have given up, people in China have also given up, and no one can survive the explosion.

"Unfortunately, King Chu Yan is so young that he has reached the three-step guru. If he is given more time, he may really enter the legendary innate realm."

In the underground world, everyone sighed, but it only lasted for a while. This era has developed too fast, but within a few months, other powerful people have risen to replace his seat.

I have only heard the newcomers laugh, not the old ones cry.

Soon, no one would mention King Chu Yan, even if occasionally thinking, it was just a pity.

As for Chu Yi’s Qiu Family, they all celebrated with banquets. Once they lost the deterrent of Chu Yan, they returned in the past.

Ouyang Secretary even made a bold statement: "Within a year, the Chu family will definitely decline."


It's almost winter, and the temperature in Northern Europe has also dropped a lot. You can often see the snow drifting.

Just ten kilometers away from the explosion valley, the thin ice layer was covered, but suddenly, there was a crack in the ice layer.

Snow flew upside down and broken ice soared across the valley. When the man appeared, it seemed that time had stopped.

The aura screamed like a big river, and where the aura passed, the snow and ice did not melt, but the withered plants began to grow out of season.

In an instant, this winter valley is full of vitality and blossoming.

His whole body was bathed in soft light, his skin was crystal clear and full of tenacity, and a pair of black pupils reflected this world.

He carried his hands on his back, like a deity overlooking this ordinary vast world, with a strong breath, awesome.

His eyes were terribly cold.


Suddenly, a pig's trotter was on his head, and Chu Yi grinned: "Stupid pig, you pulled my hair."

His handsome look!


Pig Bajie smiled disdainfully, looking at this world, he was also quite happy.

However, when recalling the scene of that day, Chu Yi still had a lingering fear.

A bomb of that level is not something he can resist, unless he enters a congenital realm.

Fortunately, Chu Yi did not panic. The existence of the Heavenly Demon Divine Pool made them escape the crisis.

This kind of pool is formed by the tremendous creation of the earth, even in the fairy world, it is extremely precious, and generally only the big planets in the fairy world can be fortunate to conceive.

Tianmo Shentan has a self-protection function. Once it feels that it is under a strong threat, it will quickly escape in extreme time.

Chu Yi and Zhu Bajie jumped directly into the Heavenly Demon Divine Lake and followed it away from the explosion site, which allowed them to escape.

Then, in three months, Chu Yi spent two months waiting for the Tianmo Shentan to return to its original state, and then spent another month to fully absorb the pool water.


His thoughts moved, a stream of light, floating gently in front of his eyes.

This is the sword embryo of a sword, which has not been completely formed, but has the shape of a shuttle.

The sword embryo was light and very light, surrounded by water and fire. Although it seemed inconspicuous, the inadvertent sharp edge made Chu Yi narrow his eyes.

Chu Yi nodded with satisfaction. At that time, the Devil Sword had absorbed qi, but most of the sword arrays formed in that way were relatively tricky, so people often misunderstood his character.

But now with this new sword embryo, the methods of using the sword array in the future will become more diverse.

"Who can think of this kind of sword species and the Demon God Pool on earth."

Chu Yi smiled brilliantly. He was only half a step away from his inborn, and he was likely to step in at any time.

He can feel that the spiritual energy in his body begins to boil, just like boiling water. The entire spiritual cyclone also rotates at a high speed. To a certain extent, it will naturally condense the true element.

It's just that, for ordinary people, it's a terrible innate innate, but in Chu Yi's eyes, it's just a starting point.

So he didn't care.

"When I condense the true yuan, I don't have to fear the previous missiles, and once innate, it is difficult for even nuclear weapons to deal with me."

Congenital realm, perceiving the horror, as long as you feel dangerous, you can escape early. Although the explosion range of nuclear weapons is huge, the most central one is only a few kilometers, and the subsequent nuclear radiation does not pose any threat to the innate strong. .

"Now unless nuclear weapons are used, all other weapons will be blown with one punch."


Pig Bajie waved his trotters with an angry look.

"Go revenge!"

Its cell phone has long run out of electricity and can only engrave a few crooked words on the ground.

"It is estimated that this time, the old man of Locke is leading."

Chu Yi sneered.

What happens if you kill the president of a country? He didn't know the consequences, but he knew that when he didn't die, he was already doomed to some people.

"Return to my country first, things in Europe are handled slowly, and I really want to see how they look when they know I am alive."

He is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, now it is his enemies who are in a hurry.


Nordic, Dimei Group.

As a large-scale enterprise, although it had caused some influences because of its contact with Chu Yi, in the end, this influence was gradually subsided with the efforts of everyone.

Today's Dimei Group has once again resumed its previous development.

Inside Chen Qiushui's office.

"Brother, it's not good. Grandpa has passed away!" Chen Qiuhong broke in, his eyes red.

"Grandpa died?"

"Impossible, how could it be so sudden! Grandpa's body has been very healthy since he was cured by Master Chu, even the doctor said that there is no problem at all, how could he die suddenly?"

He was stunned, very surprised and sad in his heart.

It was so sudden that he caught off guard.

"My dear little nephew, it seems that you also know the news of grandpa's death." Suddenly, an annoying voice came.

Chen Shaocong rubbed a voluptuous foreign woman and came in very coquettishly, beside him, he followed a group of people.

Ever knowing that a warrior can be so powerful, Chen Shaocong will now carry hired warriors around wherever he goes now.

"It's you, it's you who killed the grandfather!" Chen Qiushui couldn't see where else, he grinned, but he didn't expect that the other party was so sad.

Chen Shaicong laughed.

"It's useless, second uncle, you will die, even if grandpa died, according to the will, I will inherit his equity in the company."

Chen Qiushui clenched his fists, saying one word at a time.

"Will?" Chen Shaocong pretended to be suddenly enlightened, and slapped his head and smiled, "You don't say I have forgotten, just yesterday, Grandpa made a new will and transferred all his shares to my name. Next, and went to the notary office for notarization."

"Now, I am the largest shareholder of this company."

"Impossible!" Chen Qiushui froze, his heart half cold.

"Nothing is impossible, my dear nephew." Chen Shaocong sneered, he stayed so long, and finally got to today.

It's just that the will naturally used the ability of the warrior to let the old man make it.

The middle-aged man beside him is a warrior who can make people fall into illusion.

Only at this point, Chen Shaocong did not pick out Chen Qiushui.

Chen Qiushui sat desperately on the chair: "Chen Shaocong, if you do this, you will not be afraid of thunder and thunder, will you be retaliated against?"


Chen Shaocong chuckled, "Now, who can cause me to be retaliated against, the boy with the surname Chu?"

"Dear nephew, don't be delusional. You have no backer now. The surnamed Chu has offended the Twelve Temples. It has long been dead and the bodies have been blown to pieces."

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