My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 445: Chu Family's Danger

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Qianlong Mountain Villa, the clouds are floating, very quiet.

Master Ruying was downcast, like a stray wild dog. At this time, he and several of his students knelt in front of the gate, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

If Chu Yan didn't let them get up, they wouldn't dare to move at all. That's the first person in the world. They can take away their lives with just a wave of their hand.

Moreover, Master Ruying also understands that he has offended the majesty of Chu Yan, and if he is replaced by himself, I am afraid that he will kill the enemy on the spot.

Under Meishan, those who came to inquire about the news were also a little anxious.

"How can there be no movement, it is impossible, this Qianlong Villa has become the site of Master Ruying?"

"It should be. It was shaking the mountain just now. It was a fight from above. I don't know who won in the end."

"Absolutely Master Ruying... I really want to check it out."

But they dare not, because the guru is too strong, and these people have not been approached, they have been discovered.

"Wait, see who will come down. If Master Ruying wins, then we don't have to stay here all the time."

The strength of Master Ruying is one of the top people in the country, and there are backers above it. Therefore, there are not many people who dare to provoke him throughout China.

"Maybe the Qianlong Villa is all dead on it..."

As the following people meditated, Hou Jue was explaining to Chu Yi what happened recently.

"Half teeth have been evacuated here?" Chu Yi asked.

He was calm and always had a smile on his face, but Hou absolutely could feel the horror feeling hidden under this calm appearance.

Such as magma surging.

Unconsciously, Hou Ju wiped a cold sweat.

"Actually, the fangs are okay. They evacuated here a month after you died, and most of them have been trained and need to perform some tasks."

"The mace is still taking care of us, and secretly released the news, otherwise, there may be more forces wanting to **** this Qianlong Mountain Villa."

Chu Yi finally smiled a little: "This young old man looks pretty good, and I understand that after all, I am no longer here. How many people are coveting my things? Even if he has more power, he will eventually have more power than him. People, being able to block a part, is already pretty good."

"It's just, after all, some people can't hold back anymore. We in Jiujiang City are fine. I'm in town. Those people follow Teacher Chu. You are too early. The interests are too entangled. You can't make trouble for a while, but..."

"But what?"

Hou Jue sighed helplessly: "Shen Hongru of the Qiaomu Islands, betrayed."

"Oh." Chu Yi was not surprised at all, Shen Hongru, that was Emperor Tiangao far away, and was in direct contact with the spirit mine. Naturally, he would have such thoughts.

"Now the control of the spirit mine is no longer in our hands."

"Shen Hongru united several overseas masters, and it is said that there was also the master of the North American Freedom League, which directly occupied the spiritual mine, drove our people, and even killed several."

Hou Ju said, looking at Chu Yi cautiously.


This time Chu Yi came back, although there was no change on the surface and before, but it seemed to be more coercive, and Hou absolutely was a little afraid.

He didn't understand that Chu Yi is now at the time when the true elements are about to condense. Once the true elements are formed, if they can't be suppressed, just a glance will make others feel emperor-like coercion.

"It's not too much of a problem there, it's good to get it back when the time comes."

Chu Yi said lightly.

"Oh, by the way, the Northwest Shi Family, the Tang Family in Beijing, the Leaving Home, and the Hermitage Family have all taken care of us, so our losses are not great. , And it hasn’t been affected much..."

Jiujiang, there is no problem because of the presence of Hou.

Qianlong Villa is no problem.

Although there are more troubles on Jinlin's side, they are all petty, and as long as they show up, everything will be overwhelmed.

In the spirit mine, Chu Yi didn't care too much. The big deal was to find the Free Alliance and get the interest back.

Now he is really worried about the Chu family.

"What about my house?" Chu Yi lowered his head and took a sip of tea, his eyelids slightly raised.


"Because your relationship with the Chu family is too big, and the rise of the Chu family is too fast, once you have an accident, the Chu family has been threatened by other Qinhua Li and Ouyang families, or even a resurgent Association of Heavenly Masters. Suppression...Although we want to shoot, there seems to be a backer there too, which is simply unscrupulous."

"Is it alright," Chu Yi asked.

Hou Ju laughed bitterly, he still dare not say that thing.

"Your mother, was recaptured by the Tang family. In the process, your father tried to block and was injured."

Chu Yi held the cup's right hand tightly.

"Your sister Chu Mu, three days ago, was also taken away by some residuals of the Jiang family. It seems that he will be forced to marry recently."

Chu Yi's eyes narrowed, but he was at least relieved that the life-saving jade he gave them had not been inspired, which meant that there was no danger to his life.

"The Jiang family still has Yu Dang?" Chu Yi seemed to smile.

Hou Jue nodded, he only felt that the air became more and more dignified.

"Budao family like the Jiang family, inherited for a long time, will place some of their descendants in other places according to customs. Although you killed the Jiang family on their side, there is another place. This time it is their hands. ."

Three rabbit caves.

Chu Yi also forgot such a thing, but he did not expect that there will be today.

"It seems that I haven't impressed them before. I have only been away for three months, and all these little grasshoppers have popped out."

Chu Yi frowned, because in the future, he would leave for a long, long time, maybe a few years later, even if something happened on the earth at that time, he could not rescue in time.

Although he used to be powerful and suppress the Quartet, he did not slay killings and made everyone stunned.

In three months, in this modern information society, there are enough things to happen, and even the black list has been changed several times.

"No wonder, even the old monsters who played together can't play the hearts of people."

Chu Yi smiled, his eyes deep.

Everything he does in China depends on his existence. After all, this plate is too big for Qin Huasheng and Hou Jue to deal with.

So his disappearance will cause such a big trouble.

Fortunately, everyone is fine, otherwise he will regret it.

"Nothing else?"

"Other things are trivial...Miss Qin was recently pursued by many other provinces' elder brothers. Miss Lu Jie seems to have been approached, but I have come forward and settled."

"It's just that President Guo has been in a bad state of mind after hearing your news..."

Hou Ju slowly said some trivial things to make Chu Yi know.

Chu Yi nodded, the situation was at least better than he thought.

"Teacher Chu, what are you going to do now?"

"You stay in Meishan, I'll go to Qinhua City first, but don't disclose my news. As for the guru outside, let him kneel all the time."

Before long, someone will know.

And this is just a means for Chu Yi to deter the enemy.


Qinhua City, Chu Family Mansion.

A figure came down from the taxi.

"Boy, did you come to collect money from the Chu's family? No, it usually comes in a private car." The taxi driver was puzzled.

"Debt collection?" Chu Yi asked. "What debt collection, as far as I know, the Chu family has no debt at all."

"I don't know very well, but in the past few days, the entire Qinhua city has spread throughout the country. The Chu family is going to close down and go bankrupt, so many big figures come to divide their last property."

"This kind of thing, you better not mix it up, you said that this Chu family is also quite miserable. It didn't take long to hear that I was in big trouble again."

The taxi driver murmured as he drove away.

But Chu Yi's face was more and more dignified.

He wore casual clothes and walked slowly towards the mansion.

Several black bodyguards in obvious other forces wanted to step forward and stop.

It was just that when they just wanted to make a sound, they suddenly found that their bodies could not move, and they had a pair of eyes, watching the young man walking past him in horror.

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