My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 446: Persecute together

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Before the Chu family mansion, Chu family's half-step master Jiu Dao was in a mixed mood at this time.

With a wine gourd in his hand and a beard Zara, his eyes were cloudy but full of luster.

He just broke through to the master yesterday. It stands to reason that this was the opportunity and guidance given by Chu Yi. But now, King Yan of Chu died, and the Chu family made a big move, almost going bankrupt.

He came here today and resigned.

"What a pity, the first person in the underground world, if alive..."

No one can imagine that the Chu family will become China's first family as long as they have ambitions.

While the nine Daoist people were hesitating, they suddenly realized that something was not right behind him. As soon as he turned his head, the expression on his face froze.

I saw a young man who came slowly, without a breath, but even with a smile on his eyes.

But the nine Daoists who were masters still couldn't help shaking.

"Chu...Chu Chu..."

His voice couldn't help shaking.

Chu Yi, isn't he dead?

How can it appear in front of yourself?

"Nine Daoren, long time no see." Chu Yi greeted with a smile.

Nine Tao people seemed to see ghosts, even when he entered the guru, he was not so excited.

There was a turbulent wave in his heart.

This is the first place in the black list!

He apologized in awe, without any hesitation in his heart. Fortunately, he was just a step late, otherwise, once he left the Chu family, he would regret it.

"Teacher Chu, you are back." Nine Daoists became very cautious when facing Chu Yi. If he used to be a little afraid, once he became a master, he became awe.

Only because the record of King Chu Yan is too horrible, and can survive the missile, it is enough to prove his strength, to what extent.

"I'm back, and it seems that the Chu family's situation is not very good."

Chu Yi's words made Jiu Dao's heart tremble again.

Jiu Dao can only lament for those people, they are too anxious, and Chu Yi lost the news for three months, and some people could not help but shoot.

"Teacher Chu, now Ouyang Family, Li Family, Tianshi Association, and some other powerful people are all in the Chu Family Mansion, asking for debts... I heard that someone was doing things for the Chu Family and let the Chu Family be in The securities and financial markets have directly lost tens of billions..."

"Of course, now that you are back, the clowns who jumped on the beams are probably coming to an end."


"Second brother, want me to say that now our Chu family has fallen into such a situation, we must blame the big brother and his family.

A young child from the Chu family complained, "It was okay when he was alive. Our Chu family has grown and developed, and I admit that there are many benefits."

"But now, look at what our Chu family's embarrassment looks like. Tens of billions of dollars can directly make my Chu family bankrupt. Instead of this, he didn't help us at all. We can still be safe. Steady development."

"There is also the elder brother's mother, who has a relationship with the Tang family. Now we are also so stiff with the Tang family. The other party simply does not give us a chance and directly presses us to fight."

The children of the Chu family said more and more excited, "I used to go out, and some people called Chu Shao. Now, nobody cares about me at all."

"Chu Zhongchen, don't talk nonsense, brother he is also good for our family." Chu Zhongfei scolded, but his face was also frowning.

"I know... hey..." Chu Zhongchen sighed. "I just feel wronged. My mother walked on the road yesterday and was pointed by several aunts."

"Now, our Chu family is going bankrupt again..."

"Don't let your head down, this matter has not yet been finalized. Grandpa and Uncle are still negotiating with them." Chu Yunyun comforted.

The Chu family is now on the verge of collapse. These young generations have no way at all.

Even the older generation is helpless. Only one person can clean up this mess.

"No, the Chu family can't go bankrupt like this, and there is my dowry in it. I have to go back first." A middle-aged woman shouted.

"Six aunts, how can you say that, over the years, your family has benefited a lot from the Chu family." Chu Yunyun said angrily.

"But the Chu family is bankrupt now!" the middle-aged woman said dissatisfiedly.

"Shut up, what are you arguing about!" Wu Zhenshu shot up and angered.

"Now, sit quietly one by one, waiting for the result of the negotiation."

The woman was so screamed that she suddenly became quiet.

At this time, the Chu family had only some core children in the lobby. As for many side families, the relationship with the Chu family was long cleared.


Chu Yunyun sighed deeply, and now Chu family's heart has begun to shake.


Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Chu Yunyun's heart is numb, and now the Chu family can find the door, and they are all creditors.

She shook her head and went to open the door.

"Please go upstairs." Chu Yunyun said without looking at it, but after a moment, she realized that the other party did not move at all.

She was a little impatient and looked up at the coming person, but suddenly, her eyes stopped.

The whole body shivered uncontrollably, and two lines of tears shed.

"Yunyun, what's wrong, someone bullied you?" Feng Yuhang strode over with great strides.

But when he saw the man at the door, he also froze.

Chu Yi, with a sincere smile, said: "Sister, you must know my brother."

"Brother Feng, long time no see."

Chu Yi gently embraced Chu Yunyun's shoulder, Chu Yunyun covered his mouth and looked straight at Chu Yi.

For many days, she has been patient, even if the enemy hit the door and splashed paint on the Chu's house, she didn't have any fear, but now, when she saw Chu Yi, she couldn't help crying.


Chu Zhongfei screamed, and then there was no more sound.

Everyone's eyes were over, and the whole hall was quiet.

"Everyone, I'm back." Chu Yi smiled.

"Just come back, just come back..." Chu Yi's grandmother came quickly, holding Chu Yi's hands tightly.

"Grandma, you can rest assured that if I am here, they can't toss about anything. Let me go up and see first. Grandpa, they are in the conference room on the third floor."

"Yes, you look up!"

Looking at Chu Yi's back, the people of the Chu family relaxed completely.

"Haha, our Chu family, hold it up!" Chu Zhonggu laughed.

Those complaints, all complaints, all because of Chu Yi's return, all disappeared.

No matter how big the thing is, after Chu Yi returns, it is no longer a matter.


Conference room on the third floor.

Chu Huaige, Chu Shanhe, Chu Shanliu and Chu Shanchuan were all present.

Naturally, there were several people from the Ouyang family, the old Li family, and Li Feihong, who was taught by Chu Yi.

However, the atmosphere on both sides is too obvious.

The people of the Chu family were all frustrated and angry.

On the other side, sneer one by one, holding his arms.

"Old man Ouyang, don't go too far, you want to push my Chu family to death!" Chu Huaige said coldly.

Old Master Ouyang said with a smile: "Why is this a way of dying to death? I'm not happy if you say that. We are friends for many years anyway."

"Now, it is your Chu family who owes money, and we are your creditors. You owe money to repay the debt. Development."

What he said was the land of Anjiang District.

"That's not our Chu family, but Chu Yi's private property, not to mention, it is still linked to Jiujiang and Jinlin."

"Then we won't be able to do it." Grandpa Lee is present, and his face is full of greed.

"We are already very benevolent, and we have been leniency for half a month. If your Chu family does not repay the debt, we will have to go through legal procedures, which will make everyone very ugly."

"These two old foxes, and a bunch of vampires. When our Chu family was prosperous, we came to kneel and lick one by one every day. Now we have joined hands to pit us." Chu Shanchuan was indignant.

When did they Chu family be bullied so much!

"That's it, let's go through the legal process, bankruptcy and liquidation..." Mr. Ouyang knocked on the table, and Ouyang's family also sneered.

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