My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 455: The situation reversed

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The news that Chu Yan was still alive, in a flash, swept the entire China directly.

In Jiujiang City, Qin Huasheng and others were having a meeting, because the spirit mine was snatched, and the entire league fell apart, and these veteran figures were all frowning.

"It would be nice if Mr. Chu was there. Which one of these people didn't want to say something to us at first?"

"People's hearts have always been like this, not to mention that we now have the control of the Ling Mine in the urban area, they will naturally leave, and it will be considered as a matter of justice for us not to fall into the ground.

Chu Yi, who is that person, can press the entire Huaxia, so that all the opposing voices dare not speak.

But once such a person dies, the consequences are also disastrous.

Yan Bang is also here. At this time, he has a gloomy expression. Although his enterprise in Songhu Market has not been affected too much, after that, there will definitely be someone who will follow suit and give him a hard blow.


He glanced down at the phone, a message from his elder son.

The news is very simple, only one sentence, but Yan Bang whole person stood up suddenly.

"What's wrong, Lao Yan, things are not so serious as to be irreversible, we have to breathe."

"Yeah, here you have the most energy, you can't mess up." Fan Hong also advised.

Yan Bang's eyes turned, his fists clenched tightly, but his face showed a hint of madness.

"Why should we be afraid."

"Whoever dares to hit our attention, we just call back."

"Like the business of Dasheng Group, since they want the lion to speak, we simply don't want to."


"How can this be, this is a big business. Although we have some losses now, as long as we win, there is still room for profit in the future..." Qin Huasheng said.

"And once we give up, I'm afraid that in the west, all business will be given up."

Qin Ran also nodded: "Our current situation is already very passive. If we can't handle the relationship with some other large enterprises, we might be forced back to Jiujiang City."

Faced with the opposition of everyone, Yan Bang just said calmly: "He is back."


Everyone had a meal and hadn't responded yet.

But suddenly, Qin Ran covered his mouth and sat down without a word, with a little tear in his eyes.

Looking at Qin Ran's actions, Qin Huasheng, Fan Hong and others quickly responded.

"He, really came back?"

"My son is in Qianlong Villa, in fact, Teacher Chu came back yesterday, and I am afraid that he is already in the Tang family in Beijing."

In the conference room, there was no sound at all, and then Fan Hong stood up and smashed a cup on the ground.

"Fuck him, those cooperations will be broken, and I don't have to be angry anymore!"

"Today I had to fly to Qinhua City to discuss business. Now I don't want to go anymore. I don't think they can pass.

Brother Jiang Jian also smiled at each other.

Now that he is back, what else do they care about, care about him!

"Mr. Li, let me tell you that the cooperation we talked about your mother's, I don't like to talk about it!"

Everyone stared at Qin Huasheng, who had always been elegant and steady. After making a phone call, he began to curse people, only to feel strange to the extreme.

"Hahaha..." Everyone laughed.

When Chu Yi came back, it meant that all the pressure had disappeared.

"Just now President Li, I just scolded me and hung up my phone, but now I took the initiative to call, it is estimated that I got the news of Mr. Chu's return." Qin Huasheng couldn't help closing his mouth.

"You are back... just alive..." Qin Ran murmured in his heart, and he took a long sigh of relief, and quickly sent messages to Lu Jie, Feng Wangxue and others.


In the Qiaomu Islands, near the site of the spirit mine, many warriors guarded, but these warriors are all Westerners.

Among them, Shen Hongru wore a Chinese tunic, lying on a wicker chair with a cigar in his mouth, squinting to the person opposite.

"Mr. Jiang, I have said it many times. This teacher Chu is dead. With our own strength, we can’t keep this spirit mine at all. Rather than waiting to be fully recovered by the state, it is better to unite the Freedom League and let them come to guard. We It’s also possible to drink a little soup and water without any danger. Isn’t that good?”

Jiang Kun sullenly said: "Shen Hongru, you are too ungrateful, who gave you the place you are today, sitting in Ronghuan and riches, I didn’t expect Teacher Chu to betray us just a short time after you left, now, if you accept It’s still too late."

The loss of the spirit mine has had a great impact on their side. Many warriors immediately walked away when they heard that there was no spirit stone.

"Why bother."

"Your thoughts are too pedantic. A great force such as the Freedom League now has the opportunity to stand in front of you and let you cling to it, but you don't know how to cherish it, just a dead person."

"I Shen Hongru, never recognize people, only recognize money!"

When Jiang Kun was angry, news came from Jiujiang.

"Why, look at your shock, is there something wrong?" Shen Hongru said lazily, "I will tell you, don't get involved with the bunch of people, they will be destroyed sooner or later."

"Come over and cooperate with me. You have more experience in the management of this mine."

Jiang Kun heard the words, but sneered, saying: "Shen Hongru, I advise you to do it yourself, just got the news, Teacher Chu, he is back."

"What?" Shen Hongru jumped directly from the wicker chair, opened his mouth wide, and the cigar fell to the ground.

"Impossible, do you want to blow me up?"

Jiang Kun shook his head and said, "There is nothing impossible, you will get news soon."

"Don't you just recognize money and don't recognize people, I hope you stick to your own principles." Jiang Kun said that he was carrying his hands on his hands, and Youzai left.

Soon after Jiang Kun left, Shen Hongru finally received the news.

He shivered all over.

"He is still alive?"

"then what do I do?"

"No! No problem! Behind me is the Freedom League, even the King Chu Yan, dare not mess up."

It seems that in order to relieve the pressure in his heart, Shen Hongru picked up the cigar on the ground and sucked a few big mouths.


"Hahaha, I knew that this guy wouldn't die so easily."

From the Langya Base, Qing Changhong's hearty laughter came.

Zhao Peng also smiled and nodded: "As soon as Teacher Chu came back, it is said that Master Ruying kneeled at the door of Qianlong Mountain Villa, and he has not dared to get up so far."

"This guy really makes trouble, he left a lot of mess on his way, and now he comes back, I am afraid that many people will be restless."

"It's not just fidgeting, I'm afraid I have to apologize collectively."

After all, it is the first person in the black list!

This name is too loud.

"Where is Teacher Chu now?" Qing Changhong asked.

Zhao Peng sighed, somewhat helplessly said: "Beijing, Tang family..."

"His!" Mo Hei and Qing Changhong gasped. This time, I am afraid that something will be going wrong.

"Let's go to the Tang family quickly, I hope not to kill."


At this time, the Tang family had already fallen into chaos.

King Chu Yan returned, but they captured each other's mother and sister. How could such a great feud be solved.

Tang Zhentian's face is ever-changing and extremely exciting.

In the end, he sighed deeply: "Chu Yi, this matter, just forget it, our Tang family, after all, did not deal with your sister and your mother."

"Forget it?" Chu Yi sneered. "I remember, but my father was hurt?"

"You let me do that."

"So what do you want? Don't go too far, this is Tang Family after all! It's the capital!" Tang Wei shouted.

"What about the man who hurt my father?"

"Li steward, come out!" Tang Zhentian understands that this matter will not give Chu Yi a result, he will definitely not take care of it.

A young housekeeper wearing a Tang suit walked out tremblingly. Only two steps were taken, and he fell to his knees directly.

"Master Chu, forgive me, I am also careless." He cried, he could not think of it, Chu Yi was alive.

"It's okay, I am still a good speaker. How can you beat my father?" Chu Yi asked with a smile.

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