My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 456: Blood-stained Maple Hill

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Ah? Hand?" Li Guanjia shuddered all over the body, but he obediently extended his hand.

In his view, it is good to save one's life by sacrificing one hand.

"Yes, it looks quite obedient." Chu Yi said with a smile, but his eyes were getting colder and colder.

"Since my right hand hurt my father, let's stay with this hand..."

His voice had just dropped, and with a cry, Li Guanjia screamed like a pig. The right hand broke, and blood burst from his wrist.

"Master Chu is still very kind. If it is me, I am afraid that it is not only so simple." Someone said in secret.


At this moment, the screams of Li Guan's house came to an abrupt end, and then everyone was horrified to find that Li Guan's entire body, the whole body's skin burst, just like a balloon, the whole person kept inflating, applauding, and exploding.

The flesh and blood spattered and the bones ruptured. There, there was a pile of sludge. A pool of fresh blood dipped into the red carpet. The thick **** smell came out.

In the audience, the raven was silent, only the blood was kept.

"I'm still very kind." Chu Yi's face remained unchanged, even with a smile on his face. "Look, if you keep one hand, you keep one hand. This hand, even my father dare to fight, then It’s really a guts."

Listening to Chu Yi's words, everyone only felt that their bodies had fallen into the ice cellar.

Is this kindness?

It is simply the cruelest way.

And, who knows what you mean?

Just now a young man secretly said that Chu Yi was kind, and at this time he was so scared that he couldn't stand it anymore, a cold air was rushing through his back, and he wished he could flee here on the spot.

"This..." Jiang Yanlang was already scared to pee. At this moment, when he saw the blood on the floor, his head was crooked and he passed out.

After all, is he the orthodox successor of the Jiang family? He has not experienced strong winds and waves, where can he afford such a scene.

Tang Qifeng was horrified, and he stepped back several steps.

In the audience, only Zhang Tianxin was still calm.

Offending the existence of the No. 1 Black List, it is not surprising that such a thing will happen.


Outside, I don't know when, there was lightning and thunder, and there was a violent wind. It was clearly sunny just now, and it was already pouring down.

The whole piece of red maple swayed in the heavy rain, making a rustling noise.

"People, already killed, this matter, just passed by. Since then, my Tang family will not find your trouble, and please, not my Tang family." Tang Zhentian almost spoke with his teeth.

He never thought that the same shame, he, the Tang family, had to bear the second time, which made him wish to kill Chu Yi with his eyes.

Originally today was the day when the Tang family regained its glory. Who would have thought that this Sha Xing had been killed again.

"Master Tang, I tied your son, then forced him to marry, and imprisoned your mother for another life, is it okay?"

"If I can, this matter, I can't do it." Chu Yi asked.

"You!" Tang Zhentian was speechless.

"Mr. Chu Yan, you don't toast or eat fine wine." Suddenly, there was a scolding voice. The current Jiang family owner, who had been watching with cold eyes, stood up and scolded loudly.

"Although you are powerful, don't forget, this is China, not Europe."

"Moreover, you killed me dozens of people in the Jiang family, which has long caused dissatisfaction with the hidden world martial arts family. Today, if you want to act too much, I am afraid that in the future, we will unite together. Even if you are powerful, But it’s just a person."

"You never know, the horror of the martial arts family."

This vein has been hiding from the world for too long, and it almost lives in the deep mountains of the Southwest, so it is not very clear to what extent Chu Yi is strong.

"Master Tang, why do you fear him, the martial arts family is in the same vein, once they join forces, even the twelve temples, you have to be extremely afraid."

"Twelve Temples, Family of Martial Arts?" Chu Yi sneered. The Twelve Temples bowed their heads in front of themselves, and there are two people in the World of Martial Arts, their own friends, what can this Jiang family use to fight against themselves.

Chu Yi stepped forward, with a bang, all the martial arts around took a step back.

This situation is quite scary.

When Chu Yi moved forward, everyone retreated. At the end, only Jiang Xian stood before Chu Yi.

"In the beginning, it was my care. I thought that as long as the seniors of the Jiang family were killed, the rest would not make waves, and I didn't expect that there would be another pulse."

"You said, what should I do now?"

Relatives are Chu Yi's final bottom line, and he will definitely desperately want to move his parents and sister.

Jiang Xian still wanted to refute, but when he met Chu Yi's cold eyes, the whole person became chilly.

"Since the Jiang family wants to frame my sister twice, then let's go out of doors today."

His words fell, and in an instant, the tea in the nearby teacup was transformed into a crystal clear thread, and the written thread was like a sharp sword, which cut the throat of the Jiang family present.

The moment they fell, their faces were full of panic.

They are obviously going to rise, how could they die like this?

The tea became blood, which fell on the ground and was extremely dazzling.

The scene was quiet and terrible, and many people began to tremble.

Jiang family today, but there are more than a dozen people present, but in a blink of an eye, all died, this result has already made all the big brothers panic.


Finally someone could not bear the pressure and knelt down on the ground.

"Master Chu, Rao Ming, today we were forced to come to the Tang family. We are not voluntary."

"Me too, as long as Master Chu said, I would rather die than step into the Tang family."

More and more big brothers, regardless of their faces, knelt down on the ground to beg for mercy, and they could not care so much in front of life and death.

"Great majesty!"

Tang Wei shouted angrily, "Now, if you kill everyone, what else? Do you want to destroy my Tang family?"

Chu Yi touched his nose and smiled: “Don’t say that, the Tang family has something to do with my mother anyway. As long as the Tang family evacuates Fengshan from now on, it will disappear from the world and retreat from the forest. You are on your way."

Chu Yi does not mind killing the Tang family, but he also knows that his mother, even if he hates this family anymore, is also thinking about it. Once he has destroyed the Tang family, his mother will not say anything, but he will not Comfortable.

"You asked my Tang family to evacuate Fengshan?" Tang Zhentian raised his voice directly, as if he was humiliated, "I tell you, this is impossible!"

Fengshan, for their Tang family, that is the faith, the ancestral land of their Tang family, no one can let them leave Fengshan.

If they die, they will all die here.

The atmosphere became extremely embarrassing and dignified for a while.

At this moment, a discordant light laughter sounded.

"This friend is such a great prestige that he can force the Tang family to such a level in Beijing."

"It's over."

However, Chen Kaiqiang stood up lightly. Although he was not very young, he had his own momentum, and because of his martial arts, he was promoted and his style was faintly popular.

"It's Chen Kaiqiang!"

"We have forgotten this guy, even if he is there, even Chu Yan can't help it."

Only because Chen Kaiqiang represents General Chen Zhantian Chen!

"Chen Xian's nephew, you're in trouble." Tang Zhentian nodded, a little tired, and a Tang family would be crushed by one person and could not be turned anyway.

Chen Kaiqiang looked at Chu Yi, and he was also extremely shocked. He was not in Huaxia last time, so he didn't see Chu Yi's battle, but this person was too young to believe.

But Chen Kaiqiang believes that once his grandfather goes out of the customs, he can overwhelm the entire underground world and become the first in the black list.

"Master Chu, I am a descendant of General Chen. The Tang family is kind to my grandfather, and my grandfather is about to go out. Looking at his face, I don’t know if I can ask Master Chu to open the net. After all, some People can’t afford it."

Chen Kaiqiang moved out of Chen Zhantian without turning around.

This makes everyone's heartstrings tight again.

One is the veteran powerhouse, the other is the new star, and both of them have the strength of the first black list.

King Chu Yan, will it give way?

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