My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 462: Last lesson

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A young man appeared in front of everyone. He was dressed casually with a sincere smile on his face.

It is Chu Yi who is undoubtedly.

"Chu Chu Yan!" Sun Zhen shuddered, startled, and sat on the boat with a buttocks.

He has the most say in Chu Yi’s war in Europe.

The Wanjun was destroyed, and even the missile could not be killed by the king of Chu Yan. At this moment, Sun Zhen was cold all over.

According to the understanding just now, Sun Zhen also understands that this group of people is really a famous student with a fierce and evil spirit. With such a teacher, Sun Zhen feels sad for these people.

"Yo, **** man." Chu Yi greeted Sun Zhen with a smile.

The gap between the two parties was too great, and Chu Yi was simply too lazy to shoot Sun Zhen.

"What a man who eats shit? Is there any allusion here..."

A group of students surrounded Chu Yi and quarreled.

"Master Chu, for the first time, Fu Wenbo, the despised person." Fu Wenbo saw Chu Yi talking almost, and then said calmly, but deep inside, there was still the color of shock.

After all, the battle with Zeus, the king of the gods, was too amazing, beyond everyone's expectations.

"Fu Wenbo..." Chu Yi narrowed his eyes with a scrutiny.

"No!" Soon, he found something wrong.

This person's cultivation behavior was not at all improved by himself, but within a certain period of time, he was used to a certain method and was quickly promoted. This was the strength of the two-step guru.

Who has such a means?

In Immortal Realm, it is not difficult for a congenital person to forcibly promote a general to the guru, but few people do this, because it is almost the same as the "Aoki Ju" that Chu Yi once put out. Innate path.

But on the earth, even entering the guru is extremely difficult. If you want to elevate people to the guru, whether it is the vision, the means, or the understanding of the state of the guru, you must reach a very terrifying point.

It can be said that in the eyes of Chu Yi, the state of Guru is completely transparent, and there are no secrets.

"Generally innate, it is not easy to do this..."

He was very skeptical because he once encountered the "Tai Xuan Law of Fortune" on the earth, and there were even people who could cut the line of cause and effect.

All means represent the existence of people beyond his imagination on earth.

"Before, I also suspected that it was a congenital strongman, but now, it is very likely that this person has inherited a lot of fairyland inheritance, or that it is simply a person of fairyland, and his status is not low, only this means!"


"This Fu Wenbo, isn't Wang Ying's person?"

Because Wang Ying suddenly emerged as the richest man, Chu Yi also investigated him.

"It only took a year to reach this level, and ordinary people simply can't imagine it."

"Fu Wenbo is already a two-step master, and he would rather stay beside Wang Ying..."

Lines of clues are connected in series, and Fu Wenbo doesn't know. Just when he and Chu Yi met each other, the other party guessed a lot of things.

"I'm afraid that this Wang Ying has received a lot of orthodox inheritance from the fairy world, otherwise it just won't make sense."

"Then, the one who cuts off cause and effect is him."

"The person who took advantage of Tai Xuan's method of luck is him."

"Even the mysterious man who has been staying in the second place on the black list, I am afraid he is also.

Otherwise, Chu Yi couldn't figure it out.

"Last life, no such thing happened at all. I'm afraid I really came back and caused the butterfly effect."

"Master Fu..." Chu Yi smiled at Fu Wenbo, and then said quietly, "Say hello to your President Wang for me."

After that, he turned around and chatted with his students again.

Fu Wenbo, after hearing this sentence, his whole body was struck by thunder.

The slightly droopy eyelids lifted up sharply, and a pair of eyes looked at King Chu with a frightened emotion.

"What does he mean..."

Fu Wenbo understands that even if Wang Ying has become the richest man in China, Chu Yi, who is the first person on the black list, can not even care about the Tang family, let alone the richest man in China.

Moreover, no one knows at all, and no one knows that Wang Ying is a martial artist except himself.

Even when it was the Liberty League, and even when he conquered Ikeda No.2, Wang Ying didn't show his true face, and even came out wearing a mask.

Chu Yi's words were too sudden.

"He asked me to say hello to President Wang..." Fu Wenbo, who had been steady, shuddered at the moment.

This only shows that the other party put Wang Ying in an equal position, otherwise why suddenly mentioned this sentence.

Fu Wenbo seems to be calm, but in fact all behind is soaked.

"Where is the problem?" Fu Wenbo did not think that King Chu Yan would be Wang's opponent, but at this time, he was a little shaken.

This man is too scary!


"Huh!" At this moment, Sun Zhen reluctantly got up and said respectfully to Chu Yi, "Master Chu, the last time I was wrong, I was offended."

Chu Yi waved his hand, too lazy to ignore it.

"Master Chu, General Chen has arrived. I am looking forward to your battle." Sun Zhen looked at Chu Yi with a smile, touched his nose, and continued.

"Oh." Chu Yi responded casually, then smiled, "Come and come, fight the landlord, I will also participate."

"But teacher, you still have a duel." Wang Ling rolled her eyes.

"Isn't it time yet, wait until twelve, who let him come so early." Chu Yi pouted.


Sun Zhen was almost crazy.

That was General Chen, the contemporary **** of war, who invited people to fight, and King Chu Yan was still fighting for the landlord here.

For a moment, he suspected that King Chu Yan was blown up by a bomb.

With the passage of time, the sun is getting higher and higher, and the entire Yanhu Lake is shining with golden light.

"Almost." Chu Yi stretched a lazy waist.

Everyone looked excited.

Hu Lai shouted at Sun Zhen: "The boat in front of you, quickly let go, Teacher Chu is going to pretend to be forced!"

Sun Zhen, with a black line on his face, wanted to get angry, but when he saw Chu Yi, he dared not speak out.

Fu Wenbo was awe-inspiring, looking at Chu Yi.

"It's such a powerful state of mind that I'm not afraid of danger. This kind of person is always in the best fighting state at any time."

Fu Wenbo's boat slowly moved away.

Chu Yi stood on the bow of the boat, he turned around and looked at his students.

"I haven't taught you for a long time, and different teachers will appear in your future life."

"You guys are graduating soon."

He chuckled, "Today, let me give you the last lesson and let you look at the other side of the world."

The words fell, and Chu Yi stepped into Yanhu.

Hu Lai, Ma Xin, Qian Xiaoshuai, Luo Luo, Lin Xiaomei, Ma Luming, Wang Ling, Guo Feifei, Liang Shier, Chen Zhuyang and others all felt sour.

They knew that Chu Yi would be the most special teacher in their life.


"Come!" Master Lei sat directly cross-legged above the water, his eyes shining brightly.

Looking at the figure of Chu Yi, he was a little sighed. When he first met, the other party used the strength of the great martial arts master to kill the two-step master.

He knew that this person would rise soon, but he didn't expect it to be so fast and became the first person in the world.

"Is that the King of Chu Yan!" There are some generals who saw Chu Yi for the first time.

"It's too young, how could it be so terrifying, I heard that the missile can't kill him."

With the emergence of Chu Yi, for a time, the entire Yanhu boiled.

At this time, Chen Zhantian, who had been standing straight in the middle of Yanhu Lake, finally raised his eyelids, and his voice was like a bell, extremely loud.

"Young talent, the luck of China!"

"I started preparing for this battle three days ago, and you are still fighting the landlord just now." When talking about this, Chen Zhantian laughed himself.

"On the nature of mind, I am not as good as you."

Chu Yi also smiled and took it very seriously.

At present, it is a respectable opponent. Without Chen Zhantian, I am afraid that China will not have the development today.

"Your breath is awe-inspiring, and with the smell of flame, you should start to ascend at noon."

"I'm waiting for you till now, I hope not to let me down!" Chu Yi said seriously.

Chen Zhantian's eyes flicked, and the water on his feet spread.

He looked at Chu Yi for a long time, and finally screamed: "The next generation is awesome!"

In an instant, the water wave exploded!

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