My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 463: The closest battle to God

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"It's too arrogant, he even talked to General Chen in such a tone." On a small ship, there was a year-old little Loli, waving her fist at Chu Yi.

It's pretty cute to look blank.

"Yeah, in any case, General Chen is a contemporary myth. Now that he is out of customs, it is even stronger than the original **** King Zeus. When General Chen saved China, he was just born.

A nearby warrior said angrily, but when he looked at the adult behind Little Loli, a little respect appeared in his eyes.

Beside Xiaolioli, there was an easy and graceful young woman. The young woman calmly glanced at Xiaolioli and touched her head.

"Qingfeng, what do you think?" Master Lei was also nearby. The conversation of several people seemed to be normal volume, but it was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

The graceful young woman was Master Qingfeng, but after Chen Zhantian and before Chu Yi, she was hailed as the successor of Chen Zhantian in the future.

However, in his forties, he almost stepped into the three-step guru, and the practice of "The Breeze" was even more unpredictable.

Master Qingfeng laughed with a chuckle: "Why are you angry, this sentence, only King Chu Yan is qualified to speak."

"King Chu Yan, as far as I know, he has never lost since his debut!"

"But General Chen is different."

"He was not strong at the beginning. When he was young, he was defeated several times by his fellow warriors. He lost all the way and fought."

"Even, three years ago, when General Chen closed his doors, he once told me that he was not as good as God Zeus."

One is the undefeated king.

One is the contemporary military god.

Everyone was silent, so thought, although the two were born in different times, they have already dominated.

Now in the first battle, the winner will be decided.

"Does Master Qingfeng think that General Chen will lose to King Chu Yan this time." Someone asked in fear.

"It was three years ago." Master Qingfeng smiled slightly, his face was quiet, and his figure was abundant. "After three years, he is different, and he has experienced too many failures. For this, he is better than Chu Yan's. With more experience, they can withstand more hardships."


Everyone's eyes returned to the center of the lake.

However, no one knew that Chu Yi was born again. In his last life, would he suffer less?

Just above the earth, you have tasted the bitterness of the world.


"Grandpa, invincible!" Chen Kaiqiang clenched his fists.

Chen Guoliang was solely responsible for the security work here. At this time, he was finally free and looked at the central lake.

"Warrior, undefeated."

Everyone knows that Chen Zhantian, after becoming a **** of war, has never failed. He alone suppressed the invasion of the Twelve Temples.

"It's about to start!"

Tang Qifeng bit his lip, his arms were still plastered, and his eyes were vicious.

If you lose, you are done!



In Chen Zhantian's body, the water burst.

His momentum is awe-inspiring, like the rising tide, which is rising every second.

The horrible ripples go out in a circle. Yanhu Lake is very large. Even if it is a boat, it can't go from one side to the other without hours.

But at this moment, under the momentum of Chen Zhantian, the entire Yanhu Lake seemed to be thrown into a deep-water bomb, the waves were rough, and various cruise ships were swaying.

In the face of such terrible momentum, Chu Yi remained motionless.

"People like Chen Zhantian didn't go to the fairyland in their last life?"

Chu Yi was puzzled.

In his eyes, Chen Zhantian's talent is much higher than that of the last **** Zeus.

Because of the inheritance of the Eastern Xuzong, Chen Zhantian's mentality is obviously just the general acquired mentality.

"If he goes to the fairy world, he will have the opportunity to enter the realm of Yuanying in the future."

Chu Yi stood above the lake. The surrounding lake was already choppy, but on the three-inch ground where he stood, there was no ups and downs.

It's just that as he started, the lake around the soles of the feet, and the water waves moved, turned into a pattern of Yin and Yang Tai Chi.


A palm pushed out, and in a flash, following the direction of Chu Yi's gesture, a huge white practice turned into a long dragon, ruining the sky, and dashing into the distance.

He just hit a hand, but caused a huge movement, almost nearly half of the lake violently exploded.


There was a loud noise.

Chen Zhantian flew up and stepped on the long dragon turned into a lake. As if driving by fog, Chu Yi's attack became his help.

"Master Chu, it really opened my eyes. It seems that I was right to find you this time!"

"It's just that your strength is too weak in my eyes."

Chen Zhantian laughed, even the people nearby felt the eardrum vibrate.

"Let me go!"

Hu Lai gasped, he suddenly looked at Ma Xin and others, shocked, "Is this Mr. Chu we know? This is this..."

"And General Chen, are they still humans?"

Guo Feifei shook his head: "Although I know that the warriors are very powerful, I have also seen some warriors, but this... no wonder my grandpa wants to worship Teacher Chu as an apprentice."

"I think we saw a fake teacher Chu."

"No, I must admit mistakes to Mr. Chu later. Mrs. Chu is really kind. I didn't pinch my neck when I tricked."

While they were talking, Chen Zhantian stepped on the water and deceived him. The terrifying fist, even an armored vehicle on the shore, was about to be taken off.

"True Yuan?" Chu Yi smiled. "He really condensed the true Yuan, and he is more powerful than the **** King Zeus."

God Zeus, only condensed the true element, but obviously, Chen Zhantian already had a certain understanding of the true element.

This is a kind of energy that is more advanced than the energy developed by Reiki.

True Yuan can completely crush strength.

That's why, innately, for all babies, for ants!

"Understanding the true meaning of true yuan, powerful, really terrifying characters."

Thousands of worlds, one planet, it is not easy to have a genius.

But on the earth, there are geniuses. Once these people are stepped into the fairy world, I am afraid that all of them will be amazing.


Chu Yi cited with one hand, and a big tree by the lake was pulled up from the ground, roared past, and collided with Chen Zhantian.


Countless sawdust flew over, the whole tree was bombarded in half from beginning to end, and then fell into the lake.

In a flash, a small vortex formed above Yan Lake.

It was just that Chen Zhantian's offensive was also blocked. He threw his sleeves away, closed his fists, and his breath was stable, as if nothing had happened just now.

The huge Yan Lake is calm, except for the large and small wood chips floating on the lake.

When everyone held their breath, a sudden dissonant voice came: "Teacher, you can't destroy the environment."

Chu Yi stumbled and almost fell into the lake, glaring at Qian Xiaoshuai fiercely.

"Is this the top contest, the two closest to God in this world." Qing Changhong and Mo Hei and General Zhao Peng stood together.

Between hands and feet, you can seduce the Great Lakes and the giant trees.

So easy!

Even if it is a guru, it takes some effort.

"Well, you are stronger than God Zeus, and have lived up to me waiting for you for a few days." Chu Yi smiled, although the other party condensed the true element, but this would make him excited.

After all, no one can beat him in the same rank, for the entire life.

His opponent is always stronger than himself.

"Take me a punch!"

Chu Yi stepped forward, with a fistful wind and a thunder, with the thunder, the entire lake surface, directly sunk into a deep gully, almost to the bottom.


Wherever the wind and thunder passed, the water was gleaming.

Chen Zhantian stood on the spot, he waved again and again, and a transparent wall of water appeared in front of him.

Chu Yi's punch, which was able to smash the steel bars, was blocked by nearly six floors of water walls. Before Chen Zhantian, there was only a slight breeze.

Chen Zhantian stroked with one hand, and even the last trace of power died out invisible.

"True Yuan's power is not what you can imagine."

He understood the true meaning of this power and knew how to suppress his strength.

"it is good!"

"General Chen suppressed the opponent's attack without any effort. It seems that this battle will soon be over." Tang Zhentian took the case and his eyes were full of excitement.

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