My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 478: I got angry and even scolded myself

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Cheng Yuanchao and others all stood up with a swipe, and they looked at the other table.

I saw there were ten people at a table, all the clothes were bright and bright, and they were not very old. They were all young people in their twenties.

The one who just threw the cup, wearing a floral shirt, with an open neckline, showing strong chest muscles, was throwing another water cup in his hand, and it seemed to be coming again at any time.

"Several, I'm the boss here. I don't know what your opinions are." This is Chen Si's site. He naturally has to run over first.

"You are the boss here? It turned out to be a stinky kid." The young man in Hua shirt laughed, "I don't care if you are the boss here, but you have affected the normal meal of me and friends. Now, let the gang immediately People get out of here."

Chen Si gave a slight pause, and there was also a little anger in his heart. He could see that the other person's table had a background in the house, and the accent seemed like someone from Songhu.

"Sorry, they are my friends, and this is my site, it should be rolled, it should not be us." Chen Si Shen said.

"Oh? Interesting." A graceful woman chuckled lightly. "Brother Qiang, this is the first time I have seen someone give you a face."

The strong brother smiled and turned his head and said, "Look at you too, it's a bit heavy, please report your name."

He was like a big guy, looking at a group of stinky children, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

Cheng Yuanchao frowned slightly, but he walked up and said, "Brother Qiang, my name is Cheng Yuanchao. It is from Northwestern Kaihua Petroleum. Qiang Brother should have heard it there."

"My dad is Cheng Qihang. Everyone is from China. In this foreign country, looking at my dad's face, everyone should be friends."

"It turned out to be Cheng Qihang's son." Qiang Brother said coldly, but immediately, he was disdainful, "Cheng Qihang is a fart, not to mention Kaihua Petroleum, that is to give shoes to the grandfather, your dad has face, really joke."

Cheng Yuanchao's complexion changed suddenly, as if he remembered someone, and he asked a little, "Qiang, are you?"

"No need to ask, I'm Yan Fuqiang. Do you dare to let me get out of here, don't you want to die?" Yan Fuqiang sneered.

Although the name is a bit weird for a young man in his twenties, everyone dares not laugh.

Because of this name, it represents a huge force.

"Big Brother?" Suddenly, everyone felt panic and dry mouth.

Chen Si roared inwardly, and a cold rushed directly from the soles of his feet to the heavenly cover.

"Is it Yan Fuqiang in the Songhu market, strong brother related to President Yan Bangyan?" Xu Jing couldn't help but whispered.

Cheng Yuanchao's background is very large. It can be said to be a first-class company in the northwest. Compared with some top groups in the Songhu market, it is also comparable. What's more, they are covered by people in their homes, and they are supported by the Northwest Shijia.

It stands to reason that Cheng Yuanchao does not need to be afraid of Yan Fuqiang at all.

But there was an accident.

"I heard that Mr. Yan's Kaiyang Trading Company is related to that one, and now it has been squeezed into the top three companies in the Songhu market." Someone whispered, his eyes were very cautious.

that one……

Here, everyone showed an expression of fear.

The Kaiyang trade was not as strong as before, but with that one sitting, it was almost invincible.

"Chu Yan Wang..." Xu Jing said with some difficulty. Although she didn't know much about this circle, she had more contact with Cheng Yuanchao, and she gradually realized that a major event happened in the world recently, and a strong man was born. .

Even General Chen is not his opponent.

This is King Chu Yan!


"In Kaiyang Trade, there is King Chu Yan standing behind, and it is said that the two sons of President Yan Bangyan are also apprentices of King Chu Yan. As a result, the relationship between King Chu Yan and Kaiyang Trade is closer, especially President Yan. The two sons heard that they lacked intelligence, so Yan Fuqiang, the nephew of President Yan, is very likely to inherit the entire Kaiyang trading group."

What they feared was not the Kaiyang trade, but the horrible character behind this enterprise.

It is said that even the missile can't kill the man. It can be called the most powerful man on earth, invincible.

"I really want to see you, if you can get a chance to hook up with him, then I will definitely dump Cheng Yuanchao..." Xu Jingmei thought to herself.

"Are you talking about King Chu Yan?" Chu Yi probed his brain and listened.

Xu Jing saw him with a shabby look, and said contemptuously: "Go away, don't think of taking advantage of me. Today's things are all caused by you. If you have the ability, go up and solve it."

She was really disgusted with this person to the extreme, and she would only brag, and when she encountered something, she was standing behind the girl, with no money and no rights.

"I am King Chu Yan." Chu Yi whispered.

Xu Jing heard the words, and suddenly he was badly corrupted: "What time is it, you still have a bragging mood, I care whether you are King Chu Yan or King Li Yan, now you are staying honestly, don't trouble us any more."

On the other side, Yan Fuqiang left and right, leaning on the back of the chair and jokingly said: "What's wrong? Wasn't each one just arrogant?"


A young man went straight up and gave Chen Si a slap.

"Boy, aren't you the boss here, aren't you very bullish."

Chen Si took a slap in the face, but did not dare to refute, repeatedly begging for mercy: "Brother Qiang, misunderstanding, this is all misunderstanding."

Faced with these characters, even without King Chu Yan as the backstage, his identity can't afford to offend.

"Mistaken you paralyzed." The young man kicked heavily on Chen Si's stomach.

"Brother Qiang." Although Cheng Yuanchao was afraid, he couldn't help but take a step forward. "This time things are not with us. The real cause is this guy."

Cheng Yuanchao looked at Chu Yi.

"He disturbed your interest in dining, Qiang Brother."

Cheng Yuanchao looked at Chu Yi's discomfort earlier, at this time it was just pushing the boat along the water, which also gave Yan Fuqiang a step down.

When I thought of it, Yan Fuqiang just glanced at Chu Yi slightly, and his eyes stopped straight on Wang Ling's body.

"Huh? What a pure little sister." He laughed, "So, I'm not embarrassing you, as long as this little sister stays with me for one night, I will let you go."

Cheng Yuanchao was unlucky.

But Xu Jing on the side said quickly: "Brother Qiang, my little sister is a big star in the future. Having her with you will not disgrace your identity."

"Xiaoling, I'm not going to call Qiang Brother yet."

Xu Jing had long heard that Cheng Yuanchao was unscrupulous in doing things. If they stayed here again, I am afraid they would really take the next layer of skin. Instead of this, it would be better to sacrifice Wang Ling directly.

"Well, this beautiful lady is sensible." Yan Fu said powerfully.

Wang Ling's face changed slightly, but she wasn't the ignorant girl in the bar anymore, and she was still very calm.

"What are you thinking of?" Suddenly, Chu Yi said coldly. He was sullen in his heart, and some people even spoke badly about his students.

When Xu Jing heard this, he was stunned.

"The surname is Chu, what do you say, are you going to kill all of us, and don't quickly apologize to Qiang Brother."

Cheng Yuanchao was also shocked. This guy was amused.

"it is good!"

"This is the first time someone has spoken to me this way." Yan Fuqiang sneered, and the indoor temperature was overcast.

"Listen, my uncle is Yan Bang, and I will inherit Kaiyang Trade in the future."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes: "Don't eat the bully, return the bully to the bull earlier, just like you, and want to inherit the Kaiyang trade."

"Even Yanbang is respectful and respectful in front of me. Do you still have the guts to shout at me?"


A wine glass was knocked down to the ground, and everyone was startled.

I saw Yan Fuqiang standing up with his eyes narrowed, and his voice grew darker: "The first time I saw such an arrogant boy, you know, behind us, that is the king of Chu Yan, the world's first person, believe it or not, you again Just to say one more word, today I will have your tongue cut off."

He sneered.

"Chu Yan Wang is a fart, he is just a little more handsome and stronger, of course, it is not comparable to me."

Chu Yi raised his chest.

I got angry and even scolded myself, so I asked you if you were afraid!

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