My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 479: King Chu Yan listened and wanted to beat people

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The lobby is quiet, because it is not a meal, and today is an EU celebration, so there are very few guests here.

In the restaurant at this time, there was only the hustle and bustle of pots and pans of the back kitchen. As for Cheng Yuanchao and Yan Fuqiang, several people had long been stunned and stared at Chu Yi motionlessly.


Cheng Yuanchao sighed coldly, but only felt that his internal organs were in pain for a while. He couldn't think of it. This Chu Yi would say such a big deal.

It used to be blowing cowhide before, but now, this is not blowing cowhide, but blowing the whole cow.

He knows deeply that now in the upper-class society of China, the mysterious King Chu is mentioned the most, and countless people are afraid of this name.

Even the Tang family in the capital can't take him, let alone these rich people?

But now, this poor and sour teacher openly insulted Chu Yan, which made him know that everyone here will be implicated.

"I'm going to your sister, you are going to die yourself, and don't drag us into the water." All cry here without tears, I wish to kill Chu Yi on the spot.


"Can Master Chu insult you? I don't think you want to live anymore. Even if I kill you now, no one will be in charge." Yan Fuqiang glared.

King Chu Yan, that’s his great backer. Although he hasn’t seen it before, he knows just by listening to many deeds that the other party is the most unprovokable person in the world, even his own uncle is respectful.

Yan Fuqiang is in awe, and regards King Yan as an idol.

But now, some people even insulted his idol in public.

"Master Chu is my idol, not something that you like ants can mention. It seems that if you don't see blood today, you won't regret it."

Chu Yi laughed and said: "Idol, I guess that Master Chu knows that you are a fan, you must wish to choke you."

"Fart, I'm a good fan of Master Chu. If Master Chu knows that I have a fan to protect his interests, I will be very moved." Yan Fuqiang said with pride.

His uncle is Yan Bang. Sooner or later, he will have a chance to see King Chu Yan.

Chu Yi was speechless.

Move your sister, I am here myself, and I still don't know my mood.

Chu Yi listened to want to beat people!

"Yang Bang, this company has done a good job, but this is really not good for educating the next generation." Chu Yi pouted.

"Ahao, take him down for me. I will use a knife to cut off his tongue." Yan Fuqiang said cruelly.

Everyone's face changed suddenly.

Chu Yi was indifferent: "You really want to get started, but you know, who am I?"

"Who? Isn't it just a poor teacher." Yan Fuqiang disdain.

What a cat and a dog dare to jump now.

But I saw Chu Yi smiled indifferently, the appearance of a mysterious master in a martial arts novel: "Who am I, you don't need to know, but I am an existence that you can't afford, even if it is King Chu Yan, I also say fight, fight, he still Dare not have a half complaint."

It really means hitting, hitting yourself after all.

It's just that these words, listening to everyone's ears, are extremely arrogant.

"I'm going, are you stupid?" Cheng Yuanchao was frightened, how could he bring such a stupid come.

This time, everyone was really scared.

How can the characters of Chu Yan Wang be insulted at will, especially this time, the other party also wanted to beat Chu Yan Wang, so that outsiders heard what to say.

Chen Si, Xu Jing and others on the side twitched their legs.

But they heard that when they existed, they waved thousands of people out.

At this time, Yan Fuqiang was even more present. In order to protect the authority of Chu Yan, he might have to drag them into the water.

Chen Simeng closed his eyes.

Xu Jing even waited fiercely for Chu Yi. Those eyes almost pierced the other side with hundreds of holes.

"Good!" Yan Fuqiang repeated three times, but the tone was extremely cold. "I want to see today. What background do you have? I can't afford it. After cutting your tongue, I will take it away." Your students...hehe..."

Several girls at the scene were scared of their flowers.

But at this time, the two men of Yan Fuqiang had strode forward.

They were originally martial artists, with strong builds and powerful Kong Wu, and their eyes were fixed on Chu Yi with cold light.

"Boy, if you offend Yan Dashao, there is still a chance to live, but you dare to insult Master Chu."

King Chu Yan, who is now the spiritual leader of the entire underground world, many warriors regard him as a faith.

"You have worked for the tiger, and you have said that it is really disgusting for Master Chu to walk the sky."

"Boy, look for death!"

A warrior was wearing a black vest, all covered with strong muscles, and a scar on his face. His momentum alone made his face pale.

He punched Chu Yi's lower abdomen with a fierce punch, and his fist screamed. If an ordinary person hit this punch, I'm afraid even his internal organs would be broken.

"This kid, blame himself, as long as he can let Qiang Brother vent his anger and die, he will die." Cheng Yuanchao sneered in the corner of his mouth.


A timid girl whispered and couldn't bear to see the scene where Chu Yi was beaten up.

However, the next second, Chu Yi saw one hand dragged the opponent's casserole-sized fist.

The warrior's face suddenly changed, his punch, even the ordinary warrior can't bear it, would be blocked by a young man who doesn't look very strong?

"So there are still a few hands. It seems that you are also a warrior. I used to worry about bullying ordinary people. Now it's good!"

He kicked it with a fierce kick, and his companion even lifted a chair and smashed it toward Chu Yi's head from the left.

"It's a vicious shot."

Chu Yi shook his head gently, as if catching a fly, casually patting.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, the two powerful warriors turned their feet more than one meter off the ground. The whole person smashed the glass of the restaurant and then flew out.

"what happened?"

Yan Fuqiang looked dignified, staring at Chu Yi: "It seems that you are also a warrior."

He turned his eyes gurglingly. He went out this time and didn't bring many powerful bodyguards. He just chose two warriors. Looking at each other, it should be in the warrior stage.

"Today I count the plants, the mountains don't turn around and the water turns around, let's wait and see, but rest assured, I will bring what you said to King Chu Yan."


Yan Fuqiang also has self-knowledge, knowing that staying is just asking for bitter taste, it is better to retreat first.

"So you want to go?" Chu Yi pulled a chair. "It's okay to go, but I can't stand and go out, otherwise I will lose face."

"What do you mean?" Yan Fuqiang hadn't responded yet, but saw a chair smashing hard at him.

He didn't have time to avoid it at all, and he could only turn around with a strong blow on the back, and then the whole person rolled out like a ball.

His companions dared not to speak out, and ran up quickly, helping Yan Fuqiang to leave.

In the restaurant, there was a mess, but everyone at the moment was stunned and looked at Chu Yi.

This guy is also too fierce, even if it is a martial artist, even Yan Fuqiang dares to beat?

Is this too long to live?

"Brother Chu is really brave, but offended Qiang Brother, I am afraid you will not have a good life in a few days." Cheng Yuanchao sneered, what if the other party is a warrior.

It can even be said that Chu Yi is a master.

You know, he just insulted King Chu Yan just now.

In their impressions, King Chu Yan was quite a gloomy existence, and it was always murder, so he was not connected with Chu Yi.

"Teacher Chu, I advise you to go back home as soon as possible, and the strong brother abroad can do it for you." Xu Jing is also interested in catching people.

"By the way, the EU celebration is about to begin. Let's go to Peace Square first." Chen Si wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Obviously, this group of people did not want to bring Chu Yi.

Wang Ling hesitated.

"Wang Ling, you go with them first, we will see you then."

Chu Yi laughed, and then strode away.

"At first glance it's a disappointed warrior, otherwise why go to be a high school teacher and dress so shabby." Cheng Yuanchao shook his head.

Although something awkward happened just now, it's not bad, at least the annoying guy is gone.

And as long as he dedicated this Wang Ling to Master Shi's family, then his relationship with Shi family will be stronger.

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