My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 480: He really came!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Near the Mediterranean, crowds are surging, and the celebration of the establishment of the European Union has attracted many people in the world.

Chu Yi is walking on the street, there is still a distance from Heping Square, there are not many people, but if you want to take a taxi, it is simply impossible.

Chu Yi was still thinking about whether to fly directly over, but saw a Hummer stopped beside him.

"Master Chu!" From the fierce horse, Shi Chenglang panicked down and looked at Chu Yi with a terrified and respectful expression.

He just looked at it when he was bored, but did not expect to encounter Chu Yi.

For Chu Yi, he did not dare to have the slightest success. The other party's achievements have far surpassed the Northwest Shijia. In front of Chu Yi, he is basically the same as the ants.

Fortunately, because of Qing Changhong's relationship, the relationship between Chu Yan and Shi Family is not bad, especially the last thing, and now some forces under Shi Family and Chu Yan also have business cooperation.

"Oh, it turned out to be Xiao Lang." Chu Yi was quite surprised. It seems that he heard that Cheng Yuanchao was just going to see a young Master Shi, who didn't expect Shi Chenglang.

Xiao Lang...

This name, which is sometimes called by some elders in the family, but since it is Teacher Chu, he is not good to refute anything.

"Teacher Chu, are you going to Heping Square, just as we passed together."

"Also." Chu Yi nodded.

After the two got into the car, Chu Yi and Shi Chenglang sat in the back row. The latter clenched their fists, sweating in the palm of their hands, making it difficult to speak.

Although Chu Yi was very easygoing, Shi Chenglang was extremely nervous.

"Teacher Chu, did you come to Europe this time to travel?" Shi Chenglang said with a scalp to ease the awkward atmosphere.

I regret it only after asking this sentence.

Who doesn’t know the contradiction between Chu Yan and the EU, and Chu Yan is constantly posting to express his anger towards the EU.

This time, I'm afraid I want to take the opportunity to make trouble.

"Tourism? Isn't it? Let's kill someone by the way." Chu Yi said generously.


Shi Chenglang was silent and his body was cold and sweating, but he didn't want to go to the president. After all, it was too ridiculous.

Silent all the way.


Heping Square is crowded with people.

Cheng Yuanchao and his party arrived here quickly and did not enter. Instead, they chose a place and waited quietly for the arrival of the young Master Shi.

"Remember, when you come back, but Shi Chenglang, the most favored young master of the Shi family, Shi Chenglang, you are usually used to talking wildly, this time you have to be more careful." Cheng Yuanchao kept admonishing.

"Got it, Super Brother, why are you so nervous?" Chen Si smiled, his face still swollen.

"Nonsense, it is said that Shi Chenglang and King Wang Yan also know that the two of them have friendships, and as long as we make friends with them, why bother to control Yan Fuqiang?"

"Chu Yan..." Xu Jing sighed deeply, but his eyes were very longing, "What kind of character is this, which can make these big families bow their heads, I think they must be brave and invincible, I heard that they are still very young, if I How good it is to see the previous one."

See the previous side?

Wang Ling smiled and said nothing, sister, you have already pointed to your nose and scolded King Chu, what else do you want.

Xu Jing saw Wang Ling snickering aside, and snorted in his heart, but the surface was extremely enthusiastic: "Xiaoling, what you did just now is right. Then what teacher, just leave..."

"Sister Jing, I understand." Wang Ling interrupted the other party, and she now understood that Xu Jing was not a sister's affection to herself at all.

"Stop talking, it's Shi's car!"

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a handsome young man walked off the car. It was Shi Chenglang.

But just when Cheng Yuanchao and others wanted to say hello, they saw that the other party simply ignored the door and opened the door in person.

Everyone's heart jumped.

"Let Master Shi open the door in person?"

"Isn't it the Shi family head who is here too."

It was only the next second that the figure appeared inside, which surprised everyone's chin.

How could it be him? !

Chu Yi slowly walked out of the car.

"Mr. Chu, this is the Peace Square, and the celebration will be held in an hour."

"I have a few friends here. They are studying in Europe. They just took Mr. Chu with you around."

After talking, he shouted at Cheng Yuanchao and others, "Cheng Yuanchao, why are you still in a daze, didn't you see Teacher Chu?"

"Meet again." Chu Yi grinned, his bright teeth, as if mocking everyone's IQ.

Cheng Yuanchao shuddered, and Zhiwu Wuwu asked, "Mr. Chu... Shi Shao, which Mr. Chu."

Shi Chenglang glared at him and said, "Which other Chu teacher is of course the Master Chu you want to know, but we all call him Mr. Chu in private."


This is not the five thunders at all, but the nine hundred and eighty-one days of thunder bombs.

Cheng Yuanchao instantly sweated.

"Teacher Chu... Master Chu... King Chu Yan..." He finally figured it out.

No wonder, the other party can insult Chu Yan at will, because the person in front of him is Chu Yan.

"Church..." Cheng Yuanchao's teeth trembled, facing Chu Yi, he couldn't say anything.

"He is King Chu Yan?"

"How is it possible? I offended Chu Yan?" Chen Si's hands and feet were cold, almost unable to stand.

And Xu Jing even uttered, the whole person fainted.

Who would have thought that Chu Yan is still a high school teacher?

Not surprised, not surprised?

Everyone stayed in place like wood, and at this moment, they wished to applaud themselves.

When Shi Chenglang looked at it, he knew that these people had a holiday with Chu Yi, and he immediately became furious.

"Cheng Yuanchao, you guys, dare to offend Teacher Chu, do you want to live?"

"I just want to give this girl to you, Young Master Shi, where do you know that Teacher Chu is Master Chu, and Wang Ling is also his student."

Upon hearing this, Shi Chenglang burst into tears: "What gave me the girl, I have been reforming for a long time."

"Teacher Chu, you must not listen to him."

Chu Yi beckoned, Wang Ling carried her hands behind her, and came over with a jump.

He said coldly to Cheng Yuanchao several people: "The following is not an example."

This sentence, like the great shrine of the emperor, everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, the whole body was weak, and almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, Chu Yi seemed to sense something. He turned his head to look at the end of the Peace Square.

There were several figures there, which began to appear one after another.

The surrounding area is full of soldiers and guards are strict, but because it is an open square, it is also lively, but if you want to have a seat, you need to have a ticket.

"Teacher Chu, let's go in and see." Shi Chenglang said cautiously.

"No need, there is no celebration today." Chu Yi shook his head.

Everyone didn't know why, but Chu Yi didn't move, and they didn't dare to move.

Cheng Yuanchao was trembling, moving a stool from the trunk and asking Chu Yi to sit down.

"Chu Yan..." Xu Jingbei bit his lip tightly and stood staring at a distance, but he did not dare to be close to it, regretting it in his heart.

Time, one minute and one second passed, and the celebration was held as scheduled.

After a few minutes, the presidents of the European Union finally came to the stage with a loud noise.

Locke waved his hands, his face kind, but couldn't help searching the figure of Chu Yi in the crowd.

But there is nowhere to go, where he can find it.

"He should not come here to assassinate me, after all, it is such a long river of publicity, and he has already posted two posts. If he wants to act, he will act early."

"Your Excellency, it's your turn to speak." A person in charge whispered.

Locke took a steady pace and walked to the podium.

The cheers of the people are high, and it seems that it is useful to destroy the Twelve Temples.

Only suddenly, he felt a tingling all over his body, raised his head in amazement, and looked in a certain direction.

Although there was a distance of hundreds of meters, the figure of the man appeared strangely in front of his eyes, as if standing opposite him.

Familiar faces, familiar smiles.

He has read all the materials and photos of King Chu Yan, and he has seen them dozens of times.

"It's him!"

"he came!"

"What should I do?" Locke panicked for a moment, his hands holding the manuscript began to tremble violently, terrified.

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