Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Through the distance of a square, Chu Yi naturally also saw Locke. The purpose of his coming this time is very certain, that is, killing Locke.

This is already very kind. If it is in Immortal Realm, these dozens of people will pursue him in partnership. I'm afraid that Chu Yi will turn around and directly destroy everyone.

But he also knows that here is the earth after all, the whole environment is different, and he cannot do too much.

Sharp eyes pierced the air, and Lock on the stage felt extremely panicked in an instant.

"He wants to kill me?"

Locke felt this moment when he touched Chu Yi's eyes.

But, he laughed inwardly.

"He wanted to kill me, but he couldn't do it. Let's not talk about the police force here. The consequences of killing me alone are definitely not something he can easily bear."

Thinking of this, Locke was relieved a little bit again, and whispered his throat, and began his grand speech.

"Really calm."

Chu Yi chuckled and was about to take action, but was interrupted by a group of people.

A group of Yan Fuqiang came over aggressively. Because he went back to treat the wound, he was late for a while and had to go directly to watch the ceremony. Unexpectedly, he encountered Chu Yi and his party here.

"No, it's Yan Fuqiang..." Cheng Yuanchao whispered instinctively, but after seeing Chu Yi, his face became very strange.

Yan Fuqiang's backstage is King Chu Yan, but King Chu is standing here.

This scene has to be said to be too dramatic.

Yan Fuqiang saw Chu Yi in a daze, and his heart was filled with anger. This was the first time someone dared to teach himself this way.

"The surnamed Chu, you are really brave enough to dare to appear in front of me after hurting me."

"And Cheng Yuanchao, I originally thought you were a man with eyesight. I didn't expect to be with this kid. Are you going to die?"

Yan Fuqiang said angrily, this time he had confidence, because when he just went back, there was a strong general at the military commander level from China, and he was also in the team at this time. He visited the ceremony with him. It was Chu Yi.

That's why he couldn't wait to ask the teacher for sin.

"Yan Fuqiang, the two of us have done some business before, anyway, don't blame me for not reminding you, some people are not for you to offend." Cheng Yuanchao said surreptitiously, but the emotion of watching the drama is getting stronger and stronger.

He was scared to death by Chu Yi's identity before, so now if he sees Yan Fuqiang's expression, it must be quite wonderful.

Yan Fuqiang snorted: "Cheng Yuanchao, when did you even dare to talk to me with such an attitude?"

"Get off!" But seeing Chen Si even yelled directly.

Yan Fuqiang narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Yi, who had been indifferent, and the anger in his heart immediately jumped up.

What is his identity?

This group of people had only promised to themselves before, but now they are high above them, scolding their brother at will.

"Okay, it seems that you are toasting and don't have to eat fine wine."

"Senior Lin, I have to trouble you again this time."

He said respectfully.

I saw behind the crowd, slowly walked out of a man in his thirties, with a strong breath and empty eyes.

It is a general.

"Jiang Shao, you can rest assured that this matter, I will definitely help you deal with it, but I hope that when the time comes, I can give me some good words in front of Master Chu."

He nodded, then looked at Chu Yi, and said with a loud voice: "Young man, I advise you not to be too arrogant. It is not easy for you to cultivate yourself. You still have to practice in a low-key manner. So, today you just apologize, I will Let Qiangshao let you go."

After Senior Lin finished his speech, he looked at Chu Yi with high eyes, but he couldn't help but be furious when he saw that the other party didn't pay attention to what he said.

"It seems that some people can only eat a bit of bitterness before they know the pain..."

"Are you ready to apologize?"

Suddenly, Chu Yi spoke. Senior Lin was about to get angry and apologize. Do they have to apologize?

But the next second, he paused.

Because Chu Yi uttered in the direction of the Peace Square, the sound was like thunder, falling suddenly, the whole square was slightly shaken, and some ordinary people with poor strength had tinnitus.

Senior Lin stepped back three times in a row.

Where is this, and how could he not know that the troops arranged around him are enough to easily kill a guru, but this man is in trouble here.

"Surname Chu?"

Senior Lin opened his mouth in an instant, and the whole person stayed like a wooden chicken.

"Are you ready to apologize?"

Locke was still speaking on the podium, and when it was time for passion, he suddenly interrupted him with a loud drink.

"It's him!"

The leaders of the European Union all stood up and looked around, and saw a young man in a white t-shirt standing on the edge of the square and facing them far away.

"Did he dare to make trouble at this time?"

"Don't care about him, we are heavily guarded here, and he may not even come in."

At the scene, countless people were horrified. The ordinary people didn't know what happened, but some of the high society people and warriors in the infield looked horrified.

"It's Chu Yan!"

"He actually came..."

"I feel like the EU is going to be out of luck... It's just that for the first time I saw King Chu Yan, I have long heard that he is very young, but I didn't expect to be in his twenties.

"What is he going to do, come to Xingshi and ask for guilt?"

"Wouldn't it be to kill the president." Someone laughed.

This is naturally impossible. They estimate that a master like Chu Yan, who is chased and killed, always has to vent, but the European Union has been slow to apologize, which makes Chu Yan very faceless.

"It is estimated that it is here to stir up the scene."


"He is the King of Chu Yan?" Yan Fuqiang stunned for a moment, didn't come up in a breath, and almost passed out on the spot.

It's just that Chu Yi didn't pay attention to these people's reactions. His eyes, like a sword, looked directly at Locke.

"It seems that you are not going to apologize." Chu Yi shook his head helplessly.

Locke took the microphone and sternly said: "Friends of the East, we respect you as a strong man, so please also be able to respect our European Union. This is not an occasion where you can come in chaos. I hope you can understand this."

"What matters, we resolve in private, I believe that we will reach a friendly consensus."

At this time, countless guns around him were all aimed at Chu Yi, and Sen Senhan's muzzle made Cheng Yuanchao and others shudder.

If one is not careful, they will die here.

"You hunted me down, almost killed me, and now I only apologize for you, it seems not excessive."

Let the EU apologize?

In fact, this is probably worse than killing them.

"It is estimated that we will continue to be so deadlocked today."

"Yeah, after all, neither side can kill anyone."

"Chu Yan, please leave now, otherwise I will deal with this matter at the national level..."

Locke was only halfway through, but saw a stream of light across the sky.

It was too abrupt and silent, even the sniper didn't find it.

It was only when people saw Locke’s head and rolled off his neck that they realized that the other party was dead.

At the scene, there was no sound, no one recovered, because everything happened too quickly.

The head of the rolling head was terrified, and I couldn't think of it. The other party dared to really do this.

Chu Yi was indifferent. For this kind of person, when he was able to do it, he must not be blind, so when everyone thought it was impossible, he directly used the sword embryo.

Thousands of miles away, murder is invisible, even a guru can only drink hatred.

"Get it done, close the job."

He clapped his hands and chuckled, then turned to look at Senior Lin.

"By the way, what did you find me just now? It seems to make me apologize."


The general was going crazy, and his face was horrified, because the pumping was too heavy, and his entire cheek was sunken.

What the **** are you doing just now?

Let King Chu apologize, let a demon who killed the president of a country apologize?

"No, no, Master Chu, I brought Yan Fuqiang to apologize to you."

"Yan Fuqiang, don't quickly apologize to Master Chu."

But seeing Yan Fuqiang flipping his eyes directly, the whole person was paralyzed to the ground and fainted to death.

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