My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 491: I will also kidnap

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Ikeda Shangji is very powerful, but among everyone's impressions, King Chu Yan gave them a deeper impression.

If it wasn't for the period when Chu Yi disappeared, this first black list would never let go.

Therefore, in the subconscious, everyone still regards King Chu Yan as the first in the black list, especially the battle with Chen Zhantian, which almost subverted people's imagination. I am afraid that with the use of several armies, it is impossible to kill the strong men of this level.

So that when Yuko Matsushima and others heard this name, they could not believe it subconsciously.

What kind of characters are they really so close to, and I haven’t heard that Chu Yan’s appearance is so general, it won’t be so beautiful.

Now Chu Yi appeared with this face in his face, and it was difficult to keep a low profile.

"Are you King Chu Yan?"

"I know this surname, but Huaxia also has many surnames. Do you have any evidence?"

Sato Ryui said seriously, because this matter is too important.

Sato Ryui knew that the Yachi Shrine almost killed his daughter, and the hidden secrets in it, once the terror broke out, would cause great social fear.

He is doing this now, it is tantamount to challenging authority, they simply can't afford to gamble.

And now in the whole world, there are absolutely no fewer than five people who can handle these things in secret, and King Chu Yan is the most suitable manpower.

However, he would not believe Chu Yi alone.

"What evidence do you have?"


Chu Yi smiled, he looked up at the bright moon in the sky, "Since you want evidence, then I will give you, the little thieves hiding outside, it is time to come in and see people."

Sato Ryui and others were confused at first, but suddenly, when Chu Yi said this, there was a commotion outside, as if some people were running at speed in the darkness.

They only saw three black shadows, and traveled far away in mid-air.

Matsushima Yuko could not help but whispered, and then quickly covered her mouth.

You know, here is the twelfth floor, there are people watching, and the other party can fly in the sky, at least the level of a general.

The thought of waiting for someone to be stared at by such a strong person made her hair straight.

"Did you want to walk?" Chu Yi stood down, waiting for the other party to escape to a place hundreds of meters away, when he could not see the figure, he slowly reached out.

At this moment, the three shadows are very frightened. As warriors, they sometimes need to go to many other countries for their missions, so they know many languages.

Today, I also accepted Ikeda’s instructions to steal things, but I didn’t expect to hear a terrifying secret.

"Fortunately, in time for our evacuation, this is all a kilometer away."

Three figures fell on a rooftop, and here, Chida Ida is waiting.

"How did you succeed?" Ikeda Chika looked forward. She was wearing a noble and elegant long dress today, as if she was welcoming some major figures.

In fact, how precious the concentrated spirit essence in Chu Yi's hands is. If it is really taken out for auction, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Want to refine this kind of thing, but there are special techniques, such technology has never existed on earth.

People like Jingtian Shangji and others can now increase his chance of breaking through to the innate with only one gram of spirit stone essence.


The three figures fell, they were terrified in their eyes, and they just felt that their hairs were standing upside down.

"Miss Ida, it's not good, King Chu Yan has come to the island country."

"The so-called Mr. Chu was pretended by King Chu Yan, and we heard the news that he seemed to attack the shrine."

"What, Chu Yan!?" Ikeda Chika reacted immediately. She was too familiar with the name because her grandfather was comparing with Chu Yan every day.

Many people also compare the two of them.

One is the number one that used to be, the other is the number one now, who is stronger or weaker.

"No wonder he can come up with that kind of thing, it turns out to be King Chu Yan!"

"No, I want to notify my grandpa immediately..."

It was only half of this sentence that Chia Ida's extremely beautiful eyes instantly became terrified.

She was shocked to see a huge palm, which appeared pale blue under the moonlight and fell from the sky.

The three-and-a-half-step masters had no room for resistance. They couldn't even scream and were shot directly to death.

Chia Ida felt like she was caught.


In the hotel, Sato hesitated for a second, like a figure, whistling and rolling in from the window.

The figure was embarrassed and made a cry. The elegant and expensive long skirt turned directly over his head, revealing the infinite spring below.


When the skirt was pulled down, all the talents found out that this turned out to be Chita Ida.

"It's you!"

"It turns out that you are watching us."

Matsushima’s face changed suddenly, and if today’s events are revealed, God knows what will happen.

Chia Ida's face changed drastically. She looked at Chu Yi in horror: "Chu Yan, I didn't expect you to come to China!"

Is this King Chu Yan!

But she knew that she was clearly beyond a kilometer, and that the darkness was dark, this man actually found herself accurately.

so horrible.

"What are you doing, I can warn you, my grandfather is No. 1 Ieda." No. 2 Ida has some stubbornness.

While looking at each other, Chu Yi's face slowly changed, and not long after, he had returned to his previous appearance.

Sato's face changed slightly, but he is sure now that he has seen the photos of King Chu Yan, which is right.

"Miss Ida, don't question me, don't you want to steal my things?"

"You are setting up!" Chida Ida immediately reacted, she looked around and stared at Sato and Matsushima.

"You have to think clearly, he is a Chinese, and you are an islander, do you really want to help the Chinese?"

Facing the other party's question, Sato Ryujing shook his head: "We are not dealing with our country, we are dealing with it, just the three major shrines, I don't believe Miss Inoue didn't even notice it, especially if your grandfather took over three. After the Great Shrine, there seem to be more and more people suffering from certain diseases."

"Shrine, almost killed my daughter, we just want to eradicate the shrine."

Matsushima Yuko also nodded, with a gleam of firmness in his eyes: "Sorry, Qianxia, ​​your Ikeda family doesn't want us to live, we can only take risks."

"Mr. Chu, what to do next, we all listen to your command."

"You! You!" Chiada's face flushed with rage, and finally, her eyes stared hard at Chu Yi.

She believes that this man still estimates her grandfather, dare not treat her really.

Chu Yi touched his chin and said, "I don't know where Ikeda is, so I can only grieve you for staying with us for a while. If your grandfather comes over in person, everything will be easy."


Sato Ryui is guilty, this is to kidnap the granddaughter of the island's first consortium and the first black list.

"Miss Matsushima, you are the masters of this good show this time. You have to inform your parents and announce to the outside world tomorrow that Miss Ida and you are in love and will stay here for a while."

"I understand."

"Mr. Sato, please help me collect some information about the shrine, and try my best to get the hands on the army, and make this incident a big one, letting the Ida Group lose face, in short, they must make them feel that if they don’t please leave the field, Second, we are very likely to tear the ticket, and will do things that damage the reputation of the Ida Group."

"Yes!" Sato Ryui also made a decisive decision, and he believed in Chu Yi, because this person was only the other party's Iida Group and the three major shrines, otherwise he would not agree.

That night, the news was released.

First, Ikeda Chihatsu stayed overnight at the hotel...

Immediately afterwards, the news became bigger and bigger, and like snowballing, it became a well-known thing in the whole island country.

In the end, someone posted.


"For the sake of self-protection, the Matsushima family actually started Chida Ida."

"Now, Chiada is under house arrest at Songdo's house. The situation is unknown."


The whole island country is boiling. It can be said that the current status of Ikeda Chika is too special. Coupled with the beautiful appearance, everyone is concerned about this matter.

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