My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 492: Trouble is coming

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

At this moment, the entire Iida family was also confused by the sudden news.

Their Iida family, although there were incidents of kidnapping, it was a long time ago, and since Ida II was on the black list, no one dared to fight their ideas.

Not to mention now.

"Who is it, hijacking my daughter? I don't believe that the declining Songdao family will have this guts."

On a small island in Repulse Bay, this is the private land of the Ida family, and the surrounding scenery is beautiful.

But at this time, everyone was trembling, because the current owner of the Ida family and the current chairman of the Ida Group were angry, not to mention the juniors, even a few elders, dare not show up.

Just because Ida Higashino is the only son of Ida Kamikochi.

Under the leadership of the former, the entire group is getting bigger and bigger and going international.

On the contrary, in the past two or two years, Ikeda has retired and concentrated on cultivation, rarely asking about the company.

"Homeowner, I see this matter, maybe it's that simple." A young man said, "Songdao's family is going to go bankrupt. This time, it's nothing but a broken net. This is also the past."

"The Songdo family, after all, was once a big company, and now it is so lonely that we are constantly putting pressure on them in the near future, and it is not surprising that there will be a rebound."

The young man talked openly.

"I think this matter is easy to handle. As long as we don't take action against the Songdao family, this person will naturally come back."

Ida Higashino's complexion eased slightly.

"When the people come back, we will quickly impose sanctions on the other party at the speed of thunder. I believe they can't resist anyway."

"I don't think this is a good way." A middle-aged man stood up. "According to the information I have, the Songdao family can't do such a move, unless someone behind is supporting it. People, probably related to the Chinese people who appeared last night."

"Hua Xia?"

"what's the situation?"

The middle-aged man said in detail, and finally came to the conclusion: "I suspect that the Songdo and Sato families have colluded with the Huaxia people, otherwise they will not be so bold."

"But what is their purpose? Is it just to give the Songdo family a breath?"

But at this moment, new news kept coming.

"Master Lord, there is new news."

"There is a picture on the Internet where the young lady is naked and is in the room with a man."

"There seems to be a video sent by the young lady herself, saying that she was not kidnapped, just being a guest at Songdo."

Things became more and more chaotic. They noticed that someone was deliberately instigating the flames, and because of the special identity of Ikeda Chika, these news will undoubtedly be amplified.

There are many opinions on the Internet.

"No, I can't go on like this anymore, this thing has happened to call me in person to ask."

"But in fact, Ms. Iida was definitely controlled by one person. There are records showing that she went out with three and a half masters last night. I am afraid that the other party is a master of martial arts."

"Is that Chinese?"

Ida Hirano was furious, and his fist hit the table heavily, making a thud.

"Eight or nine will not leave ten, absolutely because of the arrival of the Chinese people, such a thing will happen."

"A martial arts master?"

"Humph!" An old lady with white hair snorted coldly, "A Chinese martial arts master in every district dared to come to our site to make waves, even Chen Zhantian didn't have the courage, did he want to rely on one person? Will it subvert my entire island nation?"

Everyone laughed out loud, and every year there are these overwhelming Chinese people who lurk to the island country to do things, but the results are often tragic.

"In that case, let him see our strength. This incident will continue to have a great impact on our group's reputation." Ida Higashino said here, paused, "I will directly invite my father , Resolve this matter quickly."

"The Second Master on the Ida?"

"This... don't be so exaggerated, his old man..."

People are terrified. Although they are all relatives, the other party is the first in the black list.

"No, I have decided this matter."

"One thing is to put this thing to rest quickly, and the other thing is to let the outside world know the means of our Ida family to avoid such things happening again."

"That one, are you really going out of the mountain?" Everyone looked at the back of Ida Higashino's departure, and his heart was both excited and frightened.


"Little girl, you lie to me!" Ijigami Iji, who came out of the National Library, was furious.

He looked through a lot of information, and the result was only one. Those historical records are the supreme power given to the devout believers by the gods.

There is no mention of resurrection or even coming.

"Why are you so stupid?" Luo Luo looked like a child who could not be taught, and sighed, "Look, those strong men in history have all disappeared, but the **** is still there, can't explain the problem? "

"This history is written by the winners. The ancient books you looked at are passive."

Ikeda really wants to strangle this beautiful little girl, but think about it and gave up.

After a night of calmness, he has now decided to contribute the other party to the Baqi Idol as soon as possible, and then obtain a lot of cold energy to break through to the innate state in one fell swoop.


Ikeda catches Luo Luo in one hand, but for a moment, she takes her to the Yachi Shrine.

Today, the shrine is closed and there are no tourists. The entire lobby is dim and dark.

The air is a bit cold.

In the center, a statue like a snake of gods and demons, with eight heads protruding from the ceiling, is chilling.

It's just that there are rumors in the island state that the Baqi Serpent is used to scare away monsters, so it requires an unprecedented appearance.

"Dear God of Eight Qi, I brought you a tribute today."

He placed Luoluo directly under the statue of Baqi Serpent.

Immediately, scattered objects, or copper bowls, or spirit stones were placed.

"Little girl, you should be honored to be able to become the food of Lord Baqi. It will strip away your fortune first, then eat your whole person, and finally swallow your fortune."

A few tricks were given to Ida on the field, and in an instant, the temperature here dropped a bit.

The image of the Baqi Great Snake God appeared, and the air seemed to be distorted. The other party was alive, and the eyes on the eight heads began to circulate.

They opened their mouths, the snake letter swallowed, and a trace of chill landed on Luo Luo's body.

Luo Luo clearly felt that, under the surging of cold, there seemed to be something that was stripping his body bit by bit.

She frowned slightly, but she was not afraid.

"Yeah?" Suddenly, Ida on the field gave a soft whisper, even though the voice was low and angry.

"A Chinese who dare to kidnap my granddaughter, Ikeda, and even the Matsushima and Sato families participated in it?"

"What a courage!"

"Dare to come to my island country for chaos!"

There are three grandsons in the second field, but one granddaughter. Although he is majestic, he still loves his granddaughter quite a bit.

But now someone has kidnapped Ikeda Chika.

"Really think that a martial arts master can come to my place and do whatever he wants?"

He looked back and glanced at the situation here.

It will take at least half a day to peel off the luck, so if he leaves and resolves quickly, he will still be able to come back this afternoon.

Unexpectedly, Luo Luo smiled at him sweetly: "Uncle, I think I've been hit. Anyone who wants to kidnap me basically has no good ending. This time, even your granddaughter was kidnapped. ."

Jingtian Shangji snorted angrily, and these days he also saw the little girl's sharp teeth.

"Huh, wait for me to kill the martial arts master who came from Huaxia directly, and hold the head to meet you, can you still laugh?"

After finishing his speech, Jinji Ikeda played a number of defensive formations next to prevent ordinary people from coming in, and then assuredly left.

The entire lobby was empty, except for the statues of Luo Luo and Baqi Serpent, who looked at each other.

Luo Luo sat on the ground, but it was a beautiful smile.

"I knew you would come." Her eyes flickered, not caring about the situation at all, but looking through the window to the sky.

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