My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 601: who are you

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Chu Yi walked away with blood, and it didn't take long for the banquet to go away.

Everyone is very worried.

Throughout the Golden Luang Hall, the air of dragon and phoenix rushed down from the golden pillar, engulfing the flesh and blood on the ground.

At the moment, Emperor Qin also shone with strange light.

At the scene, only he, the State Teacher and the old **** were three.

"It is useless to devour the flesh and blood by using the spirit of ghost fire, the resistance in the body is getting greater and greater, and God will not spare me."

Emperor Qin looked at the sky, the lunar star is still bright and bright, it illuminates innate billions of years, and I don't know when it will be dim.

"Yuanyang Grass!"

Emperor Qin clenched his fists, and what happened today was like someone hitting his forehead with fists, making him caught off guard.

He was originally a proud person, but today Chu Yi was holding his nose and there was no reason to kill that person.

The throne behind him cracked inch by inch, and a long wind rolled, seeming to overturn the Golden Luang Temple.

"This is a shame!"

"The emperor's shame!"

He forgot, however, that in order to seek medicine, he kneeled Nanyang away from the sect, and it was only a few months before he finally changed the medicine.

"Your Majesty, let the old slave go to the benevolent academy and beheaded." The old **** nodded, with a flattering smile on his mouth.

"Even if you don't, the Qiren Academy has two realms of Taoism, and there are many formations, unless it is the national master's own hands."

Emperor Qin waved his hand, a little tired.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to be so angry."

"Oh? Is there any way for the National Teacher?"

"Simple." The national teacher made a hoarse voice. "We have no reason to kill the surname Chu. After all, he just presented such important treasures to His Majesty."

"Killing the teacher without a name and killing him will cause the suspicion of the people below."

"However, we don't have to kill him by ourselves. We just have to ask Qiuren Academy to kill him."

The National Teacher was hidden in the dark mist and smiled: "In Qiren College, it can be confirmed that there are disciples of Lizong Nanyang, and your majesty only needs the next will."

"That is to say, Qiuren College has the wrongdoing, and the army will go through it and investigate all the suspicious people, or kill them on the spot."

"During this process, the people of the second prince's veins may also help."

"I believe that the two old foxes of Qiuren College should also understand what your majesty meant."

"Or, if you kill the surname Chu, your majesty will retreat."

"If you don't kill, you will be detained directly on Qiuren College on the charge of a chaotic party and then eradicated. In this way, the disciples of Nanyang Lizong will inevitably appear."

"And as soon as he appears, we can get other core inheritances of Nanyang Lizong, even the exercises and mentality passed down by that person."

"In any case, this is the best of both worlds."

"it is good!"

The young Qin Emperor's eyes lit up, "This is a good way!" Then pass on like this, those two old foxes, dare not fight this Emperor."

Emperor Qin looked at Yuanyang Grass in his hand, and a grin appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Do you give Ben Emperor an extra year? It seems that it was God's will to prevent Emperor Emperor from dying."

"The realm of Taoism!"


A few days later, Chu Yi was still practicing, but was directly disturbed by Yue Chan.

"There was an accident. Emperor Qin sent someone to say that he wanted to investigate the remnants of the Nanyang Lizong in the college. Now the whole college is flying."

Yue Chan sweated on his forehead. Obviously things happened so suddenly that no one expected that Emperor Qin would directly attack Qiuren College.

Chu Yi opened his eyes, his eyes gleaming, and a flash of murderous intention flashed.

In this way, Emperor Qin's heart has been completely enchanted, even if he becomes a strong man, he is just a strong man who does not blink in the end.

"He just wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone."

"The dean should let you call me over."

Yue Chan was stunned.

"Let's go... It's almost time."

Chu Yi escaped directly from the window.

In the college, there are soldiers of the Empire stationed everywhere. On the ground, there are a few more bodies, which are the bodies of the rebels.

Many students looked at all this with fear and fear.

"Do you really want to kill him?" Qingshan looked sad. He always thought that there are not many young people like Chu Yi now, and it will become a big deal in the future.

The old dean stood in front of the window and smiled bitterly: "You think I think, Emperor Qin is tyrannical, this is to force us to shoot, otherwise the entire Qioren College will be destroyed."

"With our current strength, we are not opponents of Emperor Qin. We can only wait for his moment of death to revenge, otherwise, there is no hope for revenge."

"Senior brother, both of us have very bad talents. At that time, we were only able to become a disciple of the inner door."

"Surely, only we survived. If it was their brothers and sisters, they would have already become the Taoist House and killed the Imperial City."

The old dean lowered his eyes, his eyelids drooped, and he had lived for thousands of years.

"We have witnessed the most glorious time, and also witnessed the most dismal time..." He sighed.

The disciples of Nanyang Lizong, especially the disciples of Neimen, are all close to their families. Seeing Emperor Qin blaze, there are countless relatives missing, and the old dean is very uncomfortable.

"However, this Chu Yi is also damn, we will wait until the Emperor Qin is the weakest, but he just took out Yuanyang Grass."

"For Zongmen's revenge, he had to die."

"Moreover, Emperor Qin is someone who wants to force out the mysterious shot that day. I think that there are our fellow students, watching everything in secret, and there is a lot of heritage left in his hand."

"This is the last chance for our Nanyang Lizong, and it must not be destroyed in our hands."

The tears flashed in the old dean's eyes, but soon, his expression moved, and all his emotions were converged, and his eyes became turbid again.

Not long after, Chu Yi came in.

Chu Yi looked at the two old men, one of whom he knew, was still in his baby's clothes, and the other one, he was not familiar.

"Teacher Chu, please come over this time. You should see the situation on your way. Emperor Qin is forcing us to make a decision. I think you are also a smart person..." The old dean sighed.

"Qin Emperor wants you, if we don't send you back to the Imperial City, I'm afraid tomorrow, the army of Qin Emperor will arrive."

Chu Yi was complacent, made a cup of tea for himself, and smiled: "Qin Emperor wanted me, but he was afraid that he wanted the disciple of Nanyang Lizong more."

"The two deans directly helped Emperor Qin to find the disciple of Nanyang Lizong. Wouldn't it be better to make a great contribution."

Chu Yi looked at the two with a smile.

"Or, the two, disciples of Nanyang Lizong, would be so nervous."

As soon as Chu Yi's words fell, the atmosphere in the office suddenly solidified.

The old dean's expression tightened, a terrifying breath brewed, and even the tea fragrance was fixed in the air.

"Now, everyone knows that there are disciples of Nanyang Lizong in this college, but the two who are the least nervous are the two."

"That's the core inheritance of a Wupinzong sect. Someone is not greedy? You said, is it strange?"

"Who the **** are you!" The old dean stood up. He looked old-fashioned, but he was very terrified, and compared with Emperor Qin, he had reached the seven realms of planting.

"Is it the eldest prince or the second prince?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter anymore."

"The important thing is that you can die!"

The old dean stretched out a finger, and in an instant, the surrounding air turned into a sharp sword, and flew towards Chu Yi.

His control is extremely delicate, and there is no trace of energy leakage.

Chu Yi said slowly to the nearby Qingshan: "Small hill, I remember when I took you back, it was in the snowy mountains. Your physique was cold in your early years. When you were young, you often suffered from knee pain. I don’t know. How much is recovered now."

The killing intentions also flashed in Qingshan's eyes. Even if he took the fancy to Chu Yi again, he would not hesitate to kill him once he threatened them with Nanyang Lizong.

However, when he heard Chu Yi's words, he felt a sudden thrill and his heart jumped.

"Brother, stop!"

He was like a thunder, instantly blocked in front of Chu Yi, those fire swords crackled down.

"Brother, what's wrong?" The old dean was confused.

However, Qingshan ignored, but turned around and looked at Chu Yi with an extremely solemn look.

"who are you!"

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