My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 602: Brothers recognize each other

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"who are you?"

Qingshan's voice was low, his expression dignified, and his eyes seemed to see through this person.

"You can guess." Chu Yiran, he took a calm sip of tea.

At the beginning, I was afraid that there was a traitor, and his true identity was found. His situation was very dangerous, but now, the traitor has been found out, so Chu Yi dared to expose his identity.

"Nanyang Lizong, there will be no more than five brothers who know this matter."

"But among the five people, except Brother Xu, all the others died in battle!"

Brother Xu is the old dean.

"I really can't think of who you are!" Qingshan said word by word.

The old dean's eyes were fixed. He had sealed off the surroundings. Once Chu Yi had any changes, he would win the first time.

"No, you call me Hill!"

There was a sudden meal in Qingshan, and the whole person's scalp was numb.

His whole body began to tremble, and the old dean beside him seemed to realize something.

"Brothers and sisters, never call me that, the only one who calls me this is only two people."

"One, Lord Sect Master, but Lord Sect Master, died in front of us, even Yuan Ying was defeated."


He said here, did not continue, just a pair of turbid old eyes, looked at Chu Yi with hope.

He dared not say the name of the man, nor could he say it.

Everyone said that the man was dead, but after all, they, the disciples, did not see it.

Chu Yi sighed softly and said: "The old strange guy, although he is a bit drunk, often does confusing things, but he still has a good view of people. His disciples are loyal and honest."

Chu Yi's thoughts moved, his face gradually changed shape, and a moment later, a face that was so handsome that even women were jealous appeared in front of them.

This is also the appearance of Chu Yi's previous life.

Castle Peak paused.

The old dean also froze in place.

As a disciple of Nanyang Lizong, even the outermost disciple, they often saw Chu Yi appearing in Nanyang for a period of time.

What's more, Nanyang Lizong has many portraits and even statues of Chu Yi in many places.

"Disciple, Qingshan, see Elder Chu."

"Disciple, Xu Changfeng, meet Elder Chu."

Both of them knelt down on the ground, tears in their eyes, touching.

"Get up, you are all good children." Chu Yi smiled.

This sentence sounds extremely weird, but the two old men nodded suddenly, feeling very excited.

Completely speaking, they are indeed younger than Chu Yi.

Aoyama stood respectfully, and Xu Changfeng beside him was also in awe.

Chu Yi often appeared in Liyang in Nanyang during his infancy, and he didn't come back very much after he became a psychic and immortal.

Therefore, in the eyes of the two, the person in front of him is a strong person at the level of the Immortal Venerable, so terrifying.

"Elder Chu came back, my Nanyang Lizong, I was saved!"

Qingshan Lao tears, tears of joy.

Faced with the Qinling Empire, they still have the ability to subvert, but can they face Dongxu Sect?

A few people have no way.

"The disciples are dull. In the past thousands of years, their strength has grown too slowly to be able to avenge Zongmen. It is really ashamed of the tens of thousands of compatriots of Zongmen."

"Elder Chu, you just come back...just come back, the master of the lord, who knows under the fountain, will be very happy." Qingshan also murmured, repeating constantly.

"I haven't recovered my strength now, I need to do it step by step, but first introduce you to an old friend."

Chu Yi smiled, and in the shocked eyes of the two, a black shadow spread from the door crack.

"People in the dark world!"

"This?" The old dean was wary.

"Not in a hurry." Chu Yi smiled, and gradually, the shadow turned into a little old man.

Qingshan and Xu Changfeng were dumbfounded. If they didn't admit it wrong, wouldn't this person be the little old man who sweeps the floor in front of their college?

Is this the strong man in the dark world?

People who can make Qin Emperor afraid of three points!

They are sweeping the college for them.

Li Qiu smiled respectfully at the two of them: "Two brothers, I'm so sorry to have kept you for so long."

"Wait, brother?" The old dean remarked, and immediately responded.

His eyes widened, and he just couldn't believe it.

"Brother Xu, it’s no wonder you don’t remember me. I was the little doorman who was sweeping the floor at the entrance of Zongzong Zongzong in Nanyang. When Brother passed by, he saw me practicing the exercises and gave me some pointers. "" Li Qiu sighed.

"It's you!"

The old dean's face was strange, but he felt a little weird.

"I remember, you are Brother Li Qiu. You could see you when you came in and out. Unexpectedly, are you still alive or a person in the dark world?"


They were completely dumbfounded, so unexpected.

"In the beginning, the beast attacked the city, and it was you who shot it?"

"it's me."

"Two brothers, when the patriarch gave him something in my hand temporarily, so I can achieve this, but I am worried that there will be a traitor, so for so many years, it can only develop in secret, and dare not recognize the two brothers. "Li Qiu explained, but also a little excited.

Qingshan took a deep breath and then calmed down.

He looked at Chu Yi with a complex face: "It turned out that it seemed that Elder Chu had arranged everything long ago. Even the things in the imperial city were arranged by Elder Chu."

"I did it on purpose, and I have been able to make sure that the traitor is the national teacher."

Chu Yi nodded.

The two digested for a long time before they calmed down, but after a while, their mood was very excited.

"Please ask Elder Chu to avenge us."

The three siblings knelt in front of Chu Yi.

Chu Yi stood and looked out of the window: "This matter was originally due to me, and I will naturally resolve it."

"When I come back this time, I will definitely kill Emperor Qin, destroy the East Xu, and cut down the Immortal Venerable."

"No one will let go!"

The three looked at each other, only to feel very excited in their hearts. They witnessed the age of Chu Yi's rise. One person made the whole fairyland boiling.

In the heyday of Nanyang Lizong, even if it was a state of psychic communication, it did not dare to offend at will.

"However, we need to resolve the matter before us now."

Chu Yi was indifferent.

"Emperor Qin was just to force me out, or the disciple of Nanyang Lizong, then we can't just sit back and die."

"For Emperor Qin, there is nothing to worry about for me, but I need time to restore my strength, but it won't make him so arrogant."

"The best way is to have someone to deter Emperor Qin, so that he dare not take action on Qiuren College."

"Since this is the case, it is most appropriate to ask Brother Li to take action," Xu Changfeng said.

"No, Li Qiu shot, although it can make the other side afraid, but also makes Qin Emperor doubt, this is a suspicious person."

"And the dark world is not allowed to be involved in the struggle of the country, otherwise it will cause the other three empires to annihilate the dark world, and with our current strength, it is not worth the loss."

"So, we have to wait three or four years, wait for me to enter the realm of seed cultivation, and wait for your strength to improve before we can face other threats, especially Dongxuzong."

"Now, almost everyone on the mainland knows that most of the core inheritance of the Nanyang Lizong is in the Eastern Xuzong, and most of them are at Qiren College. If the Qinling Empire changes too fast, their invasion will be accelerated. ."

Qingshan frowned: "If that's the case, if Brother Li doesn't come forward, once tomorrow, the real army of Emperor Qin will come, then the traitor state division will also appear, and we can't resist it at that time."

National teacher, but the pinnacle of cultivation.

Only Li Qiu can resist.

Chu Yi smiled mysteriously: "Isn't there still an old king in the college."

Meal for a few people.

Qingshan immediately responded: "Elder Chu, do you mean, Senior Xuangui?"

"Yes, it is the eighth pharaoh who can't break through as long as he breaks through the Daofu."

Xu Changfeng smiled bitterly, it was estimated that only Chu Yi could dare to call a beast with the highest peak as Lao Ba.

"But Senior Xuangui, locked by many formations, we have no way at all."

"The formation of the Forging Tool Sect is just that, as long as the Pharaoh Baken is obedient, I can help him out."

He was the one who had read all the forging techniques of the Forge Sect.

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