Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"I thought Qiuren College must have a hole card, but I didn't expect it to be so terrifying."

The great prince stood above the imperial city, looking far away.

"That array of methods is still within the normal range, but shadow manipulation is indeed somewhat outrageous."

The second prince Qin Feng smiled: "Or, this is not artificial at all, but the formation they buried, and maybe even the reels they bought, torn and displayed directly."

"Otherwise, why haven't you seen the Lord?"

"The father emperor wanted to force out the disciple of Nanyang Lizong. If the shadow manipulation is really performed by that person, it doesn't matter."

"Today, this benevolence college will be destroyed!" Qin Zhen showed a greasy smile. He liked the smell, and the blood in the air made him full of excitement.

"how is it?"

In the Imperial City and the Qin Emperor's Study Room, he did not go to watch it, but was studying some practice experience, especially to break through the realm of Taoism.

The **** respectfully said: "Forbidden army, more than half of deaths and injuries..."

His forehead was covered with sweat, and when Emperor Qin was a little impatient, he quickly said, "However, the forbidden army led by the National Division has already approached Qiuren College."

"More than half of the loss..." Emperor Qin's eyelids finally lifted. "It seems that these forces have their own cards. The emperor thought that these hundreds of forbidden troops, plus the national division, would be unharmed and destroyed. Qiuren College still seems to have losses."

"If nothing happens next, don't report it."

"Unless, the disciple of Nanyang Lizong appears, the Emperor will lead all the troops and directly capture them."


The **** retreated, and he looked up and looked at the direction of Qiuren College, always feeling uneasy.

"The forbidden army of the Qin Ling Empire is well-deserved, but it seems that this time it was too much damage." Within the imperial capital, the figure shook, and I didn't know how many people's eyes were paying attention to it.

"Shadow manipulation, this seems to be in our Tianchen Continent, not many people will know it, at least it is difficult to learn even the strongest in the realm of Dao."

"Could it be the disciple of Nanyang Lizong?"

"Wait first, at least until they lose both sides, and then we shoot."

In the alley, several figures swayed, and then gradually disappeared.


Several heavenly beasts have approached the door of Qin Ling College. They panted, and it seems that as soon as they step on one foot, the gate will fall.

Thunder cloud flashed, the forbidden army was mighty, and above the pavilion, the national division still showed no real body.

"Useless, Qiuren Academy is the Qiuren Academy of the Empire. Everything is under the control of His Majesty. No one can make an exception."

"Now, it's just Your Majesty, to take back Qiuren College."

The voice of the National Teacher slowly came out.

He was too mysterious and majestic to be seen through, and even his strength was unpredictable.

A heavenly beast stepped into the sky above Qiuren College.

Suddenly, the figure flashed, Xu Changfeng shot, and he pushed away with a palm. The huge beast was a stagger, and the four long horns above his head almost broke.

"Guo Shi, this is too much to put my benevolence students in my eyes."

"Please go back."

The national teacher said lightly: "How can the sword come out of the sheath without staining blood, so go back, I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

Xu Changfeng's eyes were complicated, so he looked at the National Teacher and sighed.

He now knows that the state teacher is a traitor, and he is also a disciple of the inner door, so he absolutely knows this person.

Because of this, he was sad.

He would like to ask why he betrayed Zongmen. If it were not for this person to cooperate with others, Nanyang Lizong will not be captured. At least those elders and lords will not die.

Xu Changfeng was grieved and indignant. He came out with one palm, covering the sky and the sun, and the stripe road shone with golden light.

"Negative stubborn resistance."

"Old dean, if you are old, let's feel at ease and care for the elderly. Maybe your majesty is happy and will make you reopen Qiuren College."

The national teacher is still calm.

There was a dark haze on his face, and his voice was hoarse.

But, when his words just fell, the forbidden troops all shot together.


Just like the God of War, the sword is vertical and horizontal, stacked one upon another, like a tide, flowing backwards, directly crushing Xu Changfeng's attack.

The forbidden army is also famous in the four empires. It is invincible, and it will not be reluctant to retreat to the state of planting.

They have a unified battle front.

"You are not an opponent, but using you to force that person out is a great way."

"Before the fierce beast attacked the city, a strong dragon attacked Qiuren College. The man's shot showed that he had feelings for Qiuren College. This time, I don't think he can make it."

A beast, crushed again.

The artillery on the back fired towards the teaching building of Qiuren College.

With the power of a spirit cannon, a few large colleges can be transformed into flat ground.


A low roar sounded, and suddenly, in front of everyone's eyes, a loud voice suddenly appeared.

"Mysterious turtle?!"

The pupil of the national teacher shrank, and everyone knew that there was a black turtle in Qiuren College, and it was suppressed by the Forge Sect. No one could solve the array.

But he did not expect that now the black turtle came out.

The black turtle is huge and larger than the beast, the turtle shell is shiny, and all around are spikes.

It flew the cannon directly with a palm.

Mysterious turtle, when fighting, turned into a beast shape, although it was huge, but its action was extremely flexible.

But with a breath, he entered the forbidden army.

"There hasn't been a good meal for thousands of years!"

It bit the neck of a beast, and gave an amazing roar.

Behind it, the mysterious snake wandered, piercing the heads of a beast.

This is terrible!

The mysterious tortoise that resembles a peak is like a huge killing weapon.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

Xuan Gui had a pair of eyes and looked at the Guoshi.

The National Teacher was stunned for a moment, and there was some anger in his voice: "It turns out that it is no wonder that Qioren College is so strong. It turned out that it had an agreement with Xuangui and let it guard the college for you."

"Little guy, don't whisper, let's fight."

Xuan Gui faced the National Master, and a cold wave spewed out. In the sky, a horizontal glacial river appeared and spread towards the pavilion.


The national master shot, he turned his palm, and in an instant, the emperor's people felt that the whole sky was turned over and dizzy.

The glacial ice broke.

"Mysterious turtle is a fierce beast. A fierce beast of the same level is much more powerful than my human being."

He looked at his right hand, which was covered with layers of frost and flames filled with flames, which only melted it.

"As soon as the Xuan Gui came out, it was difficult to kill the non-Taoist realm, or all the troops of the imperial city were gathered.

The state teacher hesitated.

"I still have this hand, it seems that I can only wait for me or Emperor Qin to break through the realm of Taoism."

The National Division raised his hand and ordered: "Withdraw troops!"

Lei Yun left, retreating into the Imperial City, quietly, and even a large number of corpses on the ground were swept away by Lei Yun.

Everyone was silent.

Especially those spies, their eyes are fickle.

If it is said that Qiuren College has a mysterious turtle guardian at its peak, then no one can attack.

Emperor Qin couldn't help it, and even these outsiders could not help it.

"Mysterious turtle!"

"I didn't expect it to be such a hole card." The big prince looked solemn.

Qiuren College is really a hidden dragon and a tiger.

"As a result, the father and emperor estimated that in a short period of time, they would not be able to move to Qioren College."

The strongest in the realm of planting is already terrifying. If it is this rare beast, it will be even more headache.

Xuan Gui has extremely strong defensive power, and its attack power is not fleshy. On its recipe, there are dragons.

"Your Majesty, it's not good anymore. The national teacher returned home, Qiuren College, and released the black turtle." The old **** hurried in.

Emperor Qin was holding a brush and was writing. He didn't hear both ears, and his eyes were focused.

When the last stroke fell, he laughed away.

"Xuan Gui? Qiuren College?"

"I already know the way to Daofu, and within four years, I will enter Daofu."

"Who can help me!"

"Bendi, will unify the four empires!"

The old eunuch's heart shivered, he stretched his head and looked at Emperor Qin's words tremblingly.

The golden rice paper, full of dangdang, is all "kill"!

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